Super Finding App

Chapter 1072: Sinister (1)

This is an extremely simple case.

Hong Lin quickly returned to his office seat holding the claim case. He looked at it with a deep breath, knowing that this was his first independently completed claim case. He must do it beautifully. There is even more hope when I turn right.

It is clear on the file that there is a car owner who has insured 100,000 accident insurance for his car. This can be said to be an extremely high amount of accident insurance. Generally speaking, it belongs to insurance companies that rarely sign a contract. , But the owner still signed:

But what never happened was that the owner's car was stolen after a few weeks of signing the contract, and it has not been found so far. It can be said that this is a real case of stolen vehicles.

Although the police have been reported, the police have never found a clue, and now the owner has found a claims company according to the claim contract. After counting it, he will eventually have to compensate the owner for nearly 1 million yuan!


Hong Lin took a sip of air-conditioning. Although I worked at a claims company, I saw a lot of money every day. But when I think of the company's claim for compensation of 1 million, it is definitely a large amount. No wonder I can shock the business manager.

However, according to the above description in this case file, the vehicle was indeed stolen. According to the insurance terms of the claim, it must be paid 1 million. It can be said to be an extremely simple case. It only needs to be settled according to the normal process.

"This case is simple and clear. The next thing I have to do is to ask the owner to discuss it in detail, and then go to the Public Security Bureau to find evidence. If it can be determined that his vehicle has been stolen and has not been found, it seems that he can only rely on Accident insurance compensation, the owner ’s luck, I do n’t know if it ’s good or bad, a car that costs 100,000 yuan to earn 1 million at once is indeed a profit, but his car was also stolen. , Although people now say that insurance is a pit, but if you are really insured, it ’s still a good deal if you have insurance when you are in danger ... ”

Hong Lin sighed for a long time, and she still admired the owner of the car, after all, not everyone was willing to insure their car for 100,000 yuan accident insurance.

After all, insurance is as safe as its name suggests. Although insurance is a very good thing, it is undeniable that insurance is gradually being ruined in Tang Dynasty.

After all, there are various clauses on insurance, and for insurance professionals who specialize in this, there is no doubt what kind of insurance can refuse to pay as long as it does not meet the prescribed conditions. The reputation of long-term insurance is also stinky, but there is a point To be sure, insurance is a good thing.

But unfortunately, the good things are distorted by the people below.

Of course, all this is just Hong Lin's own thoughts. As the person in charge of claims, it is absolutely impossible for him to say that insurance is a bad thing. Wouldn't it be his own job?

It can only be said that the benevolent sees the benign and the wise.

"Xiao Lin is good. I just watched you go to the business manager's office. What can you do? Be careful. Our business manager He Tianming is a well-known gangster. At first it was just a small one, like you and me. It ’s just a staff member, but he was so mixed up that he crowded out the original manager, and he took the position of this business manager himself. You have to be careful. "

While Hong Lin was reading through the dossier to make a claim, the voice of comrade Zhao Gang came to his ear. Zhao Gang took a drink and drank a glass of sweat. His body was sweating, and it looked like he had just ran back from the outside.

"How is that? You do n’t talk about it, I think Manager He is still looking forward to me. You see that Manager He has given me an independent claims case before my internship period has ended. I just need to do the case according to the process. It ’s fine if it ’s beautiful. After the end, maybe I ’ll be right. ”

Hong Lin immediately shook his head and waved his dossier. Zhao Gang frowned as soon as he heard it.

"No, would that old fox be so kind? You are just a newcomer, how could you let you settle your claim independently? I'm not afraid that you will be pitted. Let me see what the case is, and let you this one. Interns who have just entered the company have independent claims. As an intern, they should follow the master ’s side to learn from experience. After all, there are many unexpected situations in the claims process. "

Between the words, Zhao Gang directly picked up the file and carefully read it. The more he looked at it, the more strange he felt, his eyebrows frowned.

"Weird, weird. This is really weird. Can you be sure? This is the claim case that He Tianming, the business manager, gave you. What are you going to do?"

"Of course, follow the normal process. This owner has accident insurance. Now that his car has been stolen and the police have not found it, it must be within the scope of claims. I will prepare to follow it. The car owner negotiated and then went to the police station to investigate and inquire. If it can be determined that the car was stolen, then it is natural to pay him 1 million according to the company's procedures. "


As soon as Zhao Gang heard it, he yelled at him.

"It's really naive, please, Kobayashi, look at this, but it's 1 million, not 10,000 yuan or 100,000 yuan. How much is your monthly salary, 1 million, and you suddenly lose 1 million from the company? This is definitely a huge amount. It's no wonder that the old fox will give you this case. He wants to throw a pan ... "

Zhao Gang shook his head and looked at Hong Lin with infinite compassion.

"Although we are an insurance claims company, but everything must be based on the company's interests. I suddenly paid 1 million even if it is in full compliance with the rules and regulations. But uploading it to the company is also a major expense. The list, who will be unlucky, and you still expect yourself to be straightened? You also don't want to see a new intern who suddenly paid the company 1 million, who will use you? "

Zhao Gang shook his head with a smile, his eyes flashed with doubt.

Although they are doing insurance claims, insurance claims belong to the company after all, and the company is not a charitable organization. The assessment of each employee depends on how many claims they have handled and how much they have paid. How to save the company's claims funds to the greatest extent.

Once you think of a newcomer claiming one million at once, don't say it's normalization. Even if you want to have great development after normalization, it will be more difficult.

"No, Brother Zhao, this is what the business manager gave me. He told me to settle all the claims in accordance with the normal process. It wo n’t be so serious. I just follow the rules. Does this business manager really Are you pitting me? "

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