Super Finding App

Chapter 1024: haze

"Calm down, calm down, what's wrong with you? But you didn't find the oil field in seven days. You are so discouraged. Where is the point of exploring the club's second-level member? It really disappoints me!"

The door of the presidential suite was pushed open. A scent of incense struck, the figure was extremely beautiful, and the whole body exuded femininity. The charming and charming white manager slowly dressed in fashionable clothes, as if a beautiful landscape. Feng Jie, a man in a suit and leather shoes, swallowed a few mouthfuls of saliva. He felt that something in his lower body had hardened, and he held back the evil thoughts in his heart.

"Manager Bai, you ca n’t say that. This time we were able to receive the commission from CCID. We did our homework. It can be said that there are specialized oilfield and geological survey staff, but it can be easily seen throughout CCID. All the explored oil fields have been found. Even if there are some seemingly similar ones, they have been surveyed by the people of Seti and confirmed that there are no oil fields below. We have nothing to do now. It seems that the task this time is to really Failed ... "

"I know this very well. If the task of finding oil fields in the country of Saidi is really so easy, how can you find our explorer club? But you are the second level members of the explorer club and should not be discouraged anyway ... "

The dissatisfaction in Manager Bai's eyes flashed. Since the development of the Discovery Club has a large number of members, especially after the appearance of the Super Hidden App, the simple tasks of the Discovery Club have been gradually reduced. What is left is like finding an oil field. The class is a relatively large and difficult task, but again, the greater the difficulty, the more the reward.

The manager Bai originally thought that the seven second-level members of the Youlu club could be summoned to complete this task. Now it seems that it is useless. Not everyone in the oil field in the country of Saidi can find it. The task this time is basically It will end in failure.

"That is, Manager Bai, hey, I also prayed specifically for this mission. I had enough points of faith for more than a thousand points. I thought that it was enough to find an oil field, but I never thought it would be enough, and I With godly search for things, I have n’t collected the advent of the God of search, so I really ca n’t help it ... "

The young lad Zhou Hao said carefully to Manager Bai, every time when his eyes fell on the charming and feminine body of Manager Bai, he bowed his head shyly. For the young guy, Manager Bai ’s temptation is too great. He sometimes even doubts that if he really kisses Fangze with Manager Bai, I'm afraid that his stuff will go a long way as soon as he puts it in.

"The Super Hidden Object app is really amazing, but after all, it ’s just something outside of you. You ca n’t entrust reuse. After all, you still need to rely on yourself. Only by learning all kinds of knowledge to enrich yourself can you be able to turn decay into magic. , No disadvantage ... "

The charming and charming manager Bai looked at Zhou Hao thoughtfully and said that Zhou Hao was ashamed and lowered his head.

The Discovery Club's hierarchy is based on completing tasks and earning points. It is undeniable that the Super Hidden App can be completed as long as it has a belief point on a low-level task. Zhou Jie's points have quickly advanced to become a second-level member, but also It ’s true that success is also a super finder app, and failure is also a super finder app. Without faith, or if you ca n’t live with faith, you can only fail, and Zhou Hao can only return with disappointment.

"Mr. Bai, I ... I know. In the future, I will increase my learning, and strive to find treasures without relying on the super finder app, and become a qualified treasure hunter ..."

Obviously, the youngest Zhou Hao was helpless in the face of the charming and touching white manager, watching the other second-level members could not help but rolled his eyes.

Feng Jie in a suit and leather shoes took a deep breath and said that although Manager Bai Hao did rely on the Super Find App to become a second-level member, it is undeniable that this Super Find ABB is really amazing, but now even Super Find No app can find the oil field. I'm afraid we can only return with disappointment this time, but unfortunately, it may have an impact on the reputation of the Discovery Club ... "

"I see. This time, it is indeed too much for us to take for granted. As the most wealthy country known as Aqua Blue, the Sidi country is magnificent. What kind of detection personnel do you need to find? They have already discovered that it is difficult to find an oil field again.

"That being the case, I can only explain the reason to Mr. Grand Prince of Saidyland ..."

"This time, Sadie's mission to find oil fields, our exploration club failed ..."

Manager Bai sighed sighingly, charming and enchanting, even if she sighed, it was heartbreaking. This is a man's favor.

On the top floor of the Saidi Hotel, in the Presidential Suite, the King of the Kingdom of Sadie sat on the sofa and looked at the huge LCD screen. The hilarious program played on it, but the Prince of the Kingdom of Sadie did not have any smile at all. Carrying a goblet, which is filled with valuable wine, can be said to be worth thousands of yuan in one sip.

"Are you sure? My dear brother Wu really does these little moves behind the scenes. The people he looks for can really find the oil fields of CCID?"

As the eldest son of the country of Sadie, although he has an orderly age, he can surely inherit the throne of the Kingdom of Sadie and become the king of the Kingdom of Sai, but his king's father is fashionable and stays Almost twenty children were born, except for women, who have inheritance rights, and a dozen after him, and these ambitious younger brothers tried everything to kick the big prince down and become the heirs of the country. .

"Yes, His Royal Highness. According to the news from the people we placed next to the other princes, His Royal Highness The Five Princes have summoned several people from the Tang Dynasty in the East. It is said that they all have a super-hunting app. Now that the location of an oil field has been basically determined, but the exact location is strictly confidential. We cannot detect that His Royal Highness Prince is deliberately trying to compete with His Royal Highness. Does His Royal Highness Know His Royal Highness? You came to visit the Youyou Club, but one thing is certain, if they really determine the oil field, find the oil field, and there is still a huge oil field, the five princes must be able to leave a deep presence in the presence of His Majesty the King. I ’m afraid you are not good for His Royal Highness ... ”

"Her Royal Highness, you must take countermeasures ... The emperor's house outside you can be described as running on thin ice, and any mistake will make you utterly lost. The people that Seti is following as the richest country of Mercury Star are not good men and women!"

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