Super Finding App

Chapter 1013: Scratch card (1)

Tan Xueqing thought out for a moment,

For ordinary people, money may be very important, but for the country, if money can be used to catch prisoners and even spies, this is simply a bargain that is too cheap to be cheaper, and Tan Xueqing also believes that there are so many Certainly someone will become a devout believer and get a lot of faith points, just find out these people.

"It's true. According to what you said, Tan Xueqing, I think there is a person who meets our requirements very well, maybe he has something to do with this super finder app ..."

Minister Shen Guoqiang squinted his eyes, raised his eyes and said to Tan Xueqing,

"Tan Xueqing, you now go to Jiangzhen City to find Cheng Yiping. He is the one we know so far with the strongest ability to find people and find things. It used to be very strange. Now it seems possible that he is also super looking for things. The user of the app already owned it even before the appearance of the Super Hidden App today, then he must know the secret of the Super Hidden App or become a devout believer in the God of Hidden Object, but no matter which one, this Cheng Yiping is very important. Now you go to find him and see if this Cheng Yiping knows the super finder app? "

"What kind of believer is he!"


Zhao Gao is a normal worker. He works 9 to 5 a day, and even has to work overtime day and night, which makes him exhausted. But he remembers the mortgage that he has to pay back every month, chai tea with oil and salt, and later The surviving wife had forced him to do nothing but stick to his teeth and persist, even if he had suffered a lot of anger in the unit and suffered a lot.

Zhao Gao has a hobby to buy lottery tickets. Of course, he doesn't buy many lottery tickets. Generally speaking, he buys ten yuan lottery tickets, which adds up to 300 yuan a month. Other provinces can save them. Whether Zhao Gao is true or not, at least he hasn't won at least so far, but looking at the high prize on the lottery can also be considered as a thought to himself, in case one day wins the first prize, His house is already there, and his wife is already there. If you buy it, there is a one in ten chance. If you do n’t buy it, there is no chance.

Zhao Gao thought so every time he bought a lottery ticket and comforted himself. At this moment, he was nervously standing at the entrance of the lottery shop. The sweat on his forehead was flowing, he raised his head and used his sleeves. Wiping the sweat on his forehead constantly, lowering his head and looking at the ordinary search page of the super search app on his mobile phone, took a deep breath.

"No problem, no problem, definitely no problem, the general object search of the Super Object Search app, I have chosen to use it many times, every time it is 100% correct, this time, it should be possible!"

As Zhao Gao said, he carefully said to the general search page of the Super Search App, "Please tell me this time, the first prize of the lottery ..."

[Please pay 1 million points of faith, insufficient points of faith, please, general object finding fails ...]

1 million points of faith, why don't you grab them.

Zhao Gao was stunned and looked at the super-spot-searching spp ordinary search on the mobile phone. The number of belief points revealed by ordinary object-searching was as high as 1 million points, which is too much than grabbing. Suddenly I thought, if I really have these 1 million points of faith, Point, if you buy the number of the first prize in the lottery, you will earn hundreds of millions. If you think about it, the millions of faith points are totally worth it, but the problem is that Zhao Gao himself does not have so many. Points of faith.

"Sure enough, even with the Super Hidden Object app, I still want to find a hole, but I still can't do it ..."

Zhao Gao bowed his head very depressed. He thought he had a super finder app that can directly find the number of the first prize in the lottery. Did he post it?

But in the face of up to a million points of faith, he sighed in frustration, looked at the lottery center, turned around and just wanted to leave, suddenly stopped, and slammed his head,

"By the way, how can I forget that since there are too many faith points for the first prize, I can find some others."

During the talk, Zhao Gao turned his head and stared directly at the counter of the lottery center. In addition to the various lottery tickets, there are scratch cards that can be opened immediately. The denomination of the bonus ranges from five yuan to A hundred dollars.

When Zhao Gao moved in his heart, he quickly took out his mobile phone and opened the general search page of the Super Search App, and said carefully,

"I'm looking for scratch cards with a scratch value of ten dollars ..."

The next moment, the search page of Zhao Gao ’s Super Search App was as bright as a starry sky, and a deep and distant unique pupil appeared.

Zhao Gao was instantly excited, which showed that the super-finding object was successful, and the general-finding object page of the super-finding app surfaced.

[Too many items to find, find ten points of faith for each lottery ticket, whether to pay]


Zhao Gao's heart moved and he saw that he had 20 points of faith. He gritted his teeth and all clicked to pay. Twenty red brilliances appeared on the interface of the super-find app instantly.

Holding a mobile phone, Zhao Gao looked at the success page of the Super Hidden App, and walked straight to the counter. You can clearly see the numerous scratch cards on the counter, indicating the location of the Super Hidden App. The indicated 20 scratch cards are glowing red.

"Boss, I want to buy a scratch card ..."

"Two yuan each ..."

The boss asked without raising his head. He was overjoyed, and another fool came. The two-dollar scratch-and-open scratch card was just luck, but God knows that there are many scratch cards. How many of them are rewarded, anyway, after this scratch card came in, he saw that many people were losing, and few were winning.

"I want 20 ..."

Zhao Gaoqiang couldn't bear the excitement, and immediately took out the money to buy 20 scratch cards. When the boss heard this was a big business, he took out the money and took out the scratch cards from the cabinet. Passed.

Zhao Gao's eyes widened. He could clearly see that only one of the 20 sheets handed over by the boss was red, and his face changed.

"Boss, I'm going to scratch the scratch card. Since it's me, I naturally choose it ...."

"Choose yourself? Is there any difference between my choice and yours?"

As soon as the boss froze, in general, this kind of scratching kaka was directly taken by others when he brought it over, and really few of them had to be chosen by himself.

"Of course I have to choose for myself. My choice is my luck. You drill is your luck. How can I be sure that your luck is better than mine?"

Zhao Gaoyi said bluntly that the absurd boss shrugged and shrugged his shoulders and said

"Okay, you can choose if you want. The boss is unambiguous. He took the scratch card box directly under the cabinet and put it in front of Zhao Gao. I bought all the 20 scratch cards that glowed red.

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