Super Evolution Base Island

Chapter 79 Cheap Boyfriend

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ps: Today is the May Day holiday, I am sending this chapter, I wish you all a happy holiday, remember to vote!


This Miyazaki is indeed a very different kind of beauty.

She has a mature and beautiful face, a petite figure, and a graceful devil figure. If she stands there quietly, it will easily cause visual errors, thinking that she is a high school student.

However, once she speaks, that cute and cute tone that touches the bone marrow will quickly lower the man's IQ to freezing point, and I feel that this is a junior high school loli.

Moreover, once this kind of goblin-like woman becomes coquettish and cute, her power is quite terrifying, and she can almost kill men, women and children.

It is difficult for ordinary men to establish a strong psychological defense against such a beauty.

Perhaps it was because grandma often talked about her bad impression of this woman, Yu Xiaohu never intentionally approached, or wanted to pursue such a woman, but just being a beautiful neighbor who would make people pleasing to the eye to get along with, in his heart Still built a layer of psychological defense.

But in fact, when she is not in front of your eyes, this line of defense is very strong.

And once she comes into your sight, coupled with the impact of her cute and coquettish behavior, this line of defense becomes very fragile and begins to be disintegrated step by step.

At this time, Miyazaki's intimate behavior of holding Yu Xiaohu, as well as his coquettish tone and expression, not only disintegrated Yu's defense line, but even the enemy's defense line was breached.

That sissy man couldn't bear this kind of stimulation.

When he saw Miyazaki hugging other people's arms affectionately and calling them husbands, he felt that his outlook on life was about to collapse, and he was about to go crazy.

Why is it that the woman he likes is not acting like a baby to him, but a young boy? How is that boy more handsome than me, and how is he richer and more powerful than me?

He even dared to take advantage of Miyazaki, what ability does he have to be Miyazaki's boyfriend?

After the sissy man's IQ was also stimulated, he walked over in two or three steps, glared at Yu Xiaohu and said: Boy, sometimes it's not easy to be a shield, and if you are not good, you will be slapped to pieces by others!

In fact, Yu Xiaohu was also secretly annoyed by this matter.

A man was inexplicably used as a shield by a beautiful woman. Although he felt pretty good at the time, he had more face and pretended to be more aggressive.

But after blocking the flies, the results are often tragic.

The beauty seems to think that you are a DPS attracting hatred value. After you successfully attract the firepower to you, the beauty will not take a cloud after leaving with a light thank you, or an invitation to treat you to a meal or tea in the future .

Often the hatred is on you. After the IQ of those flies is lowered, their anger will naturally vent on you, making you take the blame and suffer those unwarranted disasters.

Therefore, men who are often used as shields by beautiful women are often just like the heart-wrenching plots on TV, very hard-working and stupid.

However, Yu Xiaohu would find it harsh to hear the words of that sissy man. If he can't understand the threat in these words,

Then he is an idiot.

Now that Miyazaki has transferred the hatred and firepower to him on his own initiative, Yu Xiaohu was even more annoyed. He glanced sideways at this disgusting man and said, Don't you think a sissy came to break up with someone? Wrist, pretending to be very arrogant, this will make people feel more disgusting, this is not the performance of MAN, it is no different from a shrew...

Boy, who is a shrew and who is a sissy, do you dare to say it again...

The biggest taboo of that sissy man is that others call him a sissy, and now he is viciously ridiculed as a shrew. This is like lighting a powder keg, and that sissy man exploded on the spot.

Yu Xiaohu pushed Miyazaki away, rolled up his sleeves, put on a stance, and said, What's wrong with you being a sissy, if you're not convinced, come and challenge...

You, you have the guts, just wait for me...

It's just that Yu Xiaohu frightened the little bitch by taking off his posture.

The sissy was so timid that she didn't dare to single out, she just pointed at Yu Xiaohu and put down a harsh word before turning around, getting into the car and leaving.

Hey, what kind of prodigal play...

Yu Xiaohu spat, not afraid of retaliation against him later for such a personnel matter.

Instead, she turned to look at Miyazaki, and said in a deep voice, Do you women like to use this trick the most? In order to drive away those flies, you just find someone to act as a shield and let others wipe your asses for you?

I'm sorry, I, I didn't mean to do this...

Miyazaki looked weak and pitiful at this time, but when she bent slightly to apologize, her neckline was wide open, but the whiteness on her chest was faintly exposed again, constantly refreshing the visual nerves of a certain classmate.

Yu Xiaohu withdrew his gaze and said, Forget it, since this kind of thing happened, there's no point in chasing it down any more. I lost my temper. I hope your boyfriend won't be treated so cheaply next time!

Unexpectedly, Miyazaki looked up at Yu Xiaohu with a bit of shyness, and said in a low voice: How about, why don't we get along for a while, and you will be my boyfriend?


Yu Xiaohu saw Miyazaki's shy expression but stammered, his heart couldn't help pounding, and suddenly thought of the scene where Miyazaki came to knock on the door that night and asked him to go over and close the valve. Interested in yourself?

Little Tiger, the meal is ready...

At this moment, Grandpa went out again, but seeing Yu Xiaohu and Miyazaki still standing outside, he smiled and said, Xiao Gong, why don't you come over and eat together?

It took a lot of courage for Miyazaki to say those words just now, and now thinking about it, he still blushes and his heart beats.

When she heard Grandpa Zhang's invitation, she took a peek at Yu Xiaohu and declined, Thank you Grandpa Zhang for your kindness. I'll come back to get something, and I have to go out later, so I won't eat!

After speaking, Miyazaki took out a note from his pocket, wrote a series of numbers on it and stuffed it into Yu Xiaohu's hands, then ran back home like a frightened little rabbit.

Yu Xiaohu was stunned, and looked at the note in his hand when he came back to his senses. He saw that it was a string of phone numbers, which should belong to Miyazaki. , first pretending to be, and then developing into a real boyfriend?

It's just that I always feel that the probability of such a thing happening is very low, and it's a little unreal.


When I entered the house, I could smell the aroma of rice.

Dad and grandpa sat at the dining table, waiting for him to serve dinner.

Yu Xiaohu washed his hands and came to sit down. Grandpa smiled and asked: The little girl is very polite, but she is pretty, and it is natural for those young people to pursue her. You silly boy, if you like other girls, you should first Look around!

Dad also smiled and echoed: Yes, Xiaohu, you should find a girlfriend too. If you get along well and both of you have a relationship foundation, Dad will arrange marriage for you from now on!

Grandpa came over with the dishes and put them on the table, took off his apron and sat down, and said, Xiaohu, don't listen to them. Although this girl is beautiful, I always feel that she is not reliable. Young people come to harass me all day long. From now on, when your partner gets married, people will always miss you, how can you live in peace...

Grandpa retorted, saying: There is always a process of understanding between the two parties. If you don't like other girls, why don't you let Xiaohu like them? Things between young people just let nature take its course, and you don't want to interfere. Eat and eat...

Yu Xiaohu didn't say a word, he just cared about eating, thinking about the feasibility of dating Miyazaki's boyfriend and girlfriend.

But after only a few mouthfuls of food, the phone rang.

Seeing the number, the caller was Yao Chunmei. Yu Xiaohu was a little surprised, so he went to the bedroom to answer the call: Sister Mei, what do I need?

Yao Chunmei said: Brother Yu, you haven't contacted my sister for so long, did you get rich and forget about sister Mei?

Yu Xiaohu couldn't understand the meaning of the other party's words, so he said: Sister Mei, everyone is a straightforward person, if you have something to do, just speak up, if you can help, I will do my best!

Yao Chunmei was waiting for this sentence. After all, she took the initiative to call because the supply of goods was a little tight recently, which made her immediately think of this little brother who is making money from sea.

So Yao Chunmei got straight to the point and said, Brother Yu, my sister's store has more customers recently, and the recycling of gold jewelry is very small, so the supply is a bit tight. Brother, can you provide some to my sister? The price is negotiable!

OK, no problem!

Yu Xiaohu still has nine large gold bars that have not been sold yet, and he planned to sell them to Yao Chunmei a few days ago.

But after thinking about it, if they sold all of them, with such a large amount at one time, if the appetite of this group of people gets bigger and bigger next time, it will be very troublesome for him to go to the sea to search for them if he has no stock on hand.

Moreover, these people have backgrounds of powerful forces in the world, and they will still be useful to them in the future. They can neither offend them nor actively associate with them too closely.

But now that the other party took the initiative to contact and asked for help, Yu Xiaohu had the initiative.

As long as this kind of human effort is sufficient, after the two parties have a basis for cooperation and trust, it will be easy to carry out some business in the future.

After all, no matter where, there are local snakes. If you want to make a fortune, it is necessary to have a good relationship with these local snakes. (It’s a great event to drop pie in the sky, cool mobile phones are waiting for you! Follow up~click/Chinese website official account (add friends on WeChat-add official account-enter qdread), and participate immediately! Everyone has a prize, now immediately Pay attention to qdread WeChat official account!)

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