Super Dragon Cultivation System

Chapter 1489: Strange world, people who have lost memory

"Yutou, come here to help, don't be dazed!"

The fish spirit carried a basket of live sea fish and said from the deck while walking.

Yutou was a 17-year-old young man who found it from the sea while fishing.

At that time, he thought he was a dead man, and Yuling couldn't bear to let him be buried in the sea, and he planned to bury him in the graveyard of Houshan.

But who knows, take a look, although not breathing, but the temperature is normal.

Yu Ling knows that this young man is definitely not an ordinary person.

He is probably what the village chief and grandfather said ... practitioners!

This young man lay on a wooden board (bed chu ng) for a month without eating or drinking, and still in this state.

The people in the village persuaded the fish spirit that the young man was dead, so bury him.

But Yuling insisted that the youth were alive.

Just another three months passed.

Suddenly one morning, he woke up.

It's just that he doesn't remember anything, like an idiot.

The people in the village also persuaded the fish spirit that this young man has one arm missing and his legs still limping, so you can't support him.

Give him some pieces of broken silver and let him go.

But the fish spirit refused to listen and insisted on raising the youth.

A few days later, the confused young man adapted to life here.

Began to help the fish spirit (dry gan) live.

Don't look at a young man's hand, but it is more flexible and stronger than the other two young people's hands.

The limp walking did not affect his (dry gan) speed at all.

The people in the village also said that the fish spirit had picked up treasures, and he could only hold ten people by himself.

But young people have very small meals. Sometimes they eat something, and sometimes they do n’t eat for a few days and they are not hungry.

However, he seems to be particularly interested in fish heads.

As long as he makes fish, he will eat fish heads.

Always look at the fish head over and over, and clean the inside (dry gan) of the fish head.

There was only one fish skull left, and then he looked at the fish skull in a daze.

Therefore, Yuling gave him the name of a fish head.

Yutou doesn't know who he is, he always has some hallucinations in his head.

This is why he is often dazed.

In the illusion, he seemed to be omnipotent and led a large number of legendary dragons to fight the Quartet.

Fight against the weird Warcraft, and fight against the army of warriors in armor.

There seem to be skeletons, zombies, etc ...

In short, the hallucinations in the brain are piece by piece, not very complete.

In addition to these hallucinations every day, it is a peaceful fishing life.

People in the village often tease him.

"Yutou, you are all adults. Have you ever thought about marrying a daughter-in-law?"

"Yutou, what are your plans for the future? You have great strength. Would you like to go to Wan Daozong to see the apprenticeship assessment?"

"Yutou, don't you think Yuling is beautiful? How about you married her?"


Whenever he heard these words, Yutou looked blank.

He doesn't understand any adult, marrying his wife, assessing, being pretty, and so on.

He doesn't know why, anyway, these concepts are not in his head.

Everyone in the village called him stupid.

But no one bullied him.

Just like to make fun of him.

The fish head wouldn't be angry or laugh, it seems he didn't even know these.

However, the children in the village like to play with him.

They all think that this big brother has a common language with them.

Yu Ling believes that his intelligence is the same as these four or five-year-olds.

But no children are naive.

No way, there are fewer strings in my head, that's it.

Yuling's parents are also good-hearted and good at fish head.

Nor did he discriminate.

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