Super Dragon Cultivation System

Chapter 1139: Four King Kong being beaten


Three shadows (body sh n) appeared in a flash on the side of Heibao (body sh n).

It is Bai Chang who speaks.

Hei Bao grinned: "Brothers, copy the guy-he-mother-!"

This was learned by Heibao during the war with Jinghong Army.

Copy guy?

The other three dragons were stunned, what dude?

Our brothers never use guys except for biting with their mouths, grabbing their claws, and sweeping their tails!

But seeing Heibao holding his fist, they immediately reacted. It turned out that Heibao was dragging the word.

However, it sounds pretty good.

"Copy guys, shit-he-mother-!"

At the same time, Sanlong arrogantly rushed to Pi Si brothers.

The Pi Si brothers and the city owner were shocked to see the three dragons that suddenly appeared.

It's a bit inscrutable (mo) to find out how the other party came from their cultivation.

If it is a warrior higher than one star, they can still say the past.

But seeing these four young people in one form, it is absolutely impossible to be an eight star warlord.

In particular, there is a quiet, beautiful woman.

Judging from the breath that erupted at this moment, it seems to be the Seven Star Realm.

But it feels a little different, because their breath is a bit weird and it is a state of indecision.

At this point, the four brothers of the Pi were too late to think too much, and watched the four dragons rushing over, each of them was also fighting.

Used their famous combined martial arts.

"The Quartet is thundering!"

The four brothers divided east, west, north, and south, forming a diamond-shaped battle with the four treasures of Heibao.

Boss was right up against Heibao, and saw Heibo hit his head with a punch and attacked Heibao's heart with a punch.

According to normal play, Heibao will definitely change his fist, either resist or avoid.

Then he followed suit.

But he was wrong.

Heibao didn't mean to dodge at all.

Not only that, but also a very excited face (qingqing), he ignored the punch that hit his heart.


You're desperate with me as soon as you come up!

Looking at the dark fist, the offensive was unabated, and he was stunned.

You're ruthless, you don't hide, the old man hides!

Change moves, close fists, and turn his head.

Three moves in one go.

Just when both sides were about to lose and lose their wounds, the spirit was persuaded.

However, at this moment, he saw a devious **** (color) in Heibao's head.

While wondering, he saw an incredible picture.

I saw one of Heibao's left leg, like a stake, suddenly softened.

It's like ... it's the tail of Warcraft!

When I wanted to step back, it was too late.

The left leg smashed his head and covered his face instantly.


He smashed into his cheek well.


The skin gas only felt Venus in his eyes, and his brain was confused.

Snot, tears, blood from the mouth came out of the brain and mixed together.

Let him suddenly taste the sweet and sour taste.


What a special move is this! It's too dark!

This scene was not only born to him (body sh n), the other three brothers also enjoyed the same treatment.


Summer water and others looked silly.

The four dragons each found their opponents, punched out at the same time, and swung their tails at the same time.

But to summer water and others is a different feeling.

God! There is such a tacit brother in the world.

How did they cultivate to such an extent that they can practice Qili together? This is simply impossible.

The four brothers of the Pi were suddenly pumped ((forced bi) bi).

But they are also old people who have been in the field for a long time. Although their eyes are invisible, they still have a sense of God.

But how could Heibao give them a chance.

"Copy the guy, give me (dry gan)!"

Four dragon's fist guys hit each other's face at the same time.

boom! boom! boom!

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