Super Dragon Cultivation System

Chapter 1084: Dark Knight appearances

"My devil is killing me!"

Lu Yuan prayed in horror.

The other six-star lords also begged.

The little devil was unmoved.

He had been staring at these high blood foods for a long time, how could they let them escape.

"Quack! You are all my servants and my food."

"Now, it's time for your dedication."

The little devil slowly raised his sickle.

"Slow! Slow! Lord Demon, I am the summoner, and next time I will call you to come here."

"If you (kill sha) me, I'm afraid there is no summoner on the continent of the Dragon to dare to summon you."

Hearing the world hurriedly.

"Instead of waiting for your call, we might as well open up the passage of time and space ourselves."

"Now our great devil is doing this, I believe it will be realized in the near future."

"At that time, we will come whenever we want, and we will leave if we want."

"As for the summoner ... let's die!"

The little devil said with a sickle in his hand.

Wen Tianxia's face (color) changed suddenly.

They fought with fate and resisted, but only persisted a few more times than the dragons.

Later it also became a (dry gan) corpse.

At this point, the 500 million troops of Jinghong Empire were all killed.

Zhang Xing didn't expect things to change so quickly.

But how cruel the war is, they have no trace of compassion.

The weak cannot survive on this continent.

Only Zhang Xing and Kowloon remained at the scene.

The little devil then turned to look at them.

"A few of you guys are pretty interesting, why don't you run?"

He was a little weird. According to the cowardly way of thinking, when the war started, they should run away.

However, this person always watched calmly in Kowloon and did not show a particularly frightening look.

"Why are we running?"

Zhang Xing said lightly.

"Well? Aren't you afraid of Ben Mo?"

Listening to Zhang Xing's calm tone, the little devil became more curious.

There are more than two hours before the return, which is enough.

Therefore, he plans to chat with the boy for a while.

"What are you afraid of, it's just a little devil."

Zhang Xingmian (color) was calm and didn't care.


The little devil frowned.

"You know our demons?"

He wouldn't be surprised if it was said by Wen Tianxia.

But how did the young man know?

Wen Tianxia is hostile to him, and it is impossible to tell him such a secret thing.

Not many people can know these secrets.

Because the demons have never been able to invade here on a large scale.

Only one or a few lucky demons can be summoned.

And each time is far apart.

Even in historical books, it is rarely recorded.

"Of course, I still know a lot. If you were a big devil, we would have run away."

"A little devil ... hehe!"

Zhang Xing smiled.

"Do you know that? Interesting and interesting!"

The little devil's face (exposed) showed an excited look (color).

Those who can smell the fear of the world are truly extraordinary.

"I'm curious. How can you rely on me without fear of me?"

Said the little devil.

"Oh, there isn't much to do."

"Just like two or three."

Zhang Xing said casually.

"Well? Are there so many means? Speak to hear?"

The little devil is even stranger.

"Moli, come out."

Zhang Xing shouted lightly.


The space behind him (body sh n) was distorted, and a dark knight in black iron armor (body sh n) came out of hermit (body sh n).

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