Super Dimensional Fantasy Shop

Vol 3 Chapter 94: Ling Yun who gave Xilin equipment

   Bengbai looked at the sudden appearance of Ling Yun vigilantly.

"who are you?!"

   This space was clearly set up by Him as a spatial barrier. How did this person come in without being discovered by Him?

   "It's been a long time since no one asked my name." Ling Yun looked far away faintly.

   It looks like he is indifferent to everything in the world and breaks away from the existence of the world.

  Benghuai: I know this look! Just like me.

   "Since you have asked sincerely."

   "Then... just listen, my name is"

   Ling Yun took a deep breath.

  Bengbao's attention was attracted.

   "Haotian Jinque is supreme supreme, naturally there is Mira, the true Jade Emperor God!"

   Ling Yun clanged loudly and patted his chest.

   Take a breath of relief.

   Kevin, who just walked in, almost fell over.

   This guy is really shameless.

   So many noble words are used.

   But don't talk about it, it sounds a bit messy.

   Honestly listened to the breakdown: "······"

   Is there something wrong with this guy, with such a long name.

   "Haotian...what are you doing here?"

   Benghuai wanted to call the name Ling Yun said before, but suddenly he got stuck, and finally changed to you.

   "Ling Yun, what are you talking about?" Thor looked at Ling Yun dumbfounded.

   "Brother Ling Yun, who is she?" On this side, Xi Lin also noticed the blonde woman who had been following Ling Yun.

   just the tail behind that...

   "Break the beast?"

   Xilin said suspiciously.

   "She is my kanban girl, I will explain this to you after I get out, and deal with the collapse first." Ling Yun said.

   Beng Beng looked at all this in silence.

   He suddenly found that he seemed to have been tricked.

   "Long time no see, collapsed."

   At this time, Kevin who was standing on the side spoke up.

"It's you!"

   Hearing the collapse of the sound, I noticed that there was an extra person here.

   It's just that when he saw the figure, his pupils couldn't help but shrink, and he gritted his teeth and looked at Kevin.

   The terrifying ice spreads around.

   Tiandi instantly switched to another scene.

  Bengbuai turned a part into four gems, but she is Bengbao after all, gathering the power of all the law practitioners.

   plus the power that seals this part of her here.

   So a series of operations such as switching spaces are still possible.

   "You can solve your problems yourself." Ling Yun glanced at Kevin.

   "Since I saw it, I will do it to the end." Kevin nodded.

   The Skyfire Sacred Squad in his hand has been combined into the posture of a great sword.

   The raging fire burned crazily in this ice world.

   "Do you want to destroy me with this most basic power?" Benghui looked at Kevin with a smirk.

   "Only dealing with part of it is naturally enough."

   "Arrogant!" The collapsed complexion changed.

   The squally wind around swelled suddenly.

   The ice crystal swept towards Kevin along with the tornado.

the other side

   Ling Yun rubbed Xilin's little head.

   "I haven't seen you in a month, do you miss me?"

   "Think, but Ling Yun, what you said before was too sad."

   "I'm already very convergent. After owning five gems, I won't make the same mistakes before." Xiao Xilin pursed her mouth, and looked at Ling Yun with some dissatisfaction.

   clearly said that he worked very hard.

   In the comics, she lost when she faced one Walter, but this time, she faced Delissa, Siegfried, and Walter, and finally ended in a draw.

   I have become different

   "Yes, yes, my little Xilin is the cutest." Ling Yun covered Xilin's face with both hands and rubbed it vigorously.

   "It's so perfunctory."

   "Well, I'm serious."

   "Don't rub it, it's a little bit up." Xiao Xilin said vaguely, but did not pull Ling Yun's hand.

   In front of the most important person in her life, she is willing to lay down all precautions.

   Ling Yun smiled and squeezed Xiao Xilin's face.

   "I haven't seen you in a month, Xiao Xilin is still so cute."

   "Hee hee, do you like Ling Yun?" Xiao Xilin was less fearful and shy than when she first met.

   This makes Ling Yun very happy.

   "I like it, how can I dislike it, oh, yes, just take advantage of the time to digest these gems."

   Ling Yun put his hand down from Xi Lin's face, and took out the four gems that he had held before.

   "But you can redeem this into points. Brother Ling Yun helped you get a perfect version."

   Ling Yun suggested.

   "Yes." Xiao Xilin nodded.

   In her heart, she naturally trusts Ling Yun unconditionally, so let's do whatever Ling Yun says.

   "Then I will redeem these four gems for you."


   In the next moment, each gem was turned into four thousand points and entered Xiao Xilin's black card.

  Four is 16 thousand.

   A huge sum of money, Xiao Xilin is now the richest person.

   However, without everyone paying attention, a number flashed on the black card.


   Excluding the 16,000 points made by gems, the rest are obtained by Celine defeating Walter De Lisa and the Valkyries of Destiny.

   The gems turned into points, Ling Yun stretched out his hand, and four rays of light of different colors converged in the void, and began to slowly form the embryonic core.

   What's so good about a little gem? My little Xilin will use the core.

   The face of the collapsing who was fighting with Kevin in the distance changed drastically.

   quickly looked in the direction of Ling Yun and others.

   Just now, he felt that the four gems he made had lost contact.

   seems to have disappeared out of thin air.

   His expression completely changed in an instant.

   He unexpectedly saw four cores of Lawyers representing different authority appearing in the void? !

   There are people in the world who can be the core of the ruler like Bengbao? !

   This discovery made Benghuan no longer able to sit still.

   Isn't it that as long as this person wants to, he can completely form an army of the lawyer, doesn't it mean that his messenger is useless at all?

   "Where do you want to go?"

   Just when Beng Huai wanted to leave the battlefield, the fiery red sword blocked his sight.

   Kevin looked at collapse with a smile on his face.

   murmured to Ling Yun secretly in his heart: I said it was the core of the law of reason, I still don't admit it; but even the core of the law of law can be made, and you really have it.

   "Get out of the way!" Bengbaai said sharply.

   "This can't work."

   The flames flashed, and the two fought together again.

   Xiao Xilin stared blankly at the four cores floating in front of her.

   plus the one in my body, there are five cores!


   The capitalized daze is printed on the face.

   "Oh, it's time to change the equipment." Ling Yun noticed Xi Lin's expression and smiled slightly.

  As expected

   Middle) I didn't get it, I only got two of your exclusive stigmata, and there is no key to the weapon I made specially for you."

   Ling Yun handed the two stigmata cards and a gun-shaped weapon to Xi Lin's hand.

   "In this key of emptiness, I have portrayed some power about space. As long as you activate it, you can use more powerful power, and it can also be used to protect the body in normal times."

  Tor watched silently.

   Was she the friend that Ling Yun spoke of?

   But the expressions of these two people are not like ordinary friends at all.

   Thor tastes a little bit.

   But thinking of the Skadi of Sky Frost given to her by Ling Yun doesn't seem so uncomfortable anymore.

   What if you come first, it’s me who has been with Lingyun the longest.


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