Super Dimensional Fantasy Shop

Vol 4 Chapter 598: Rick's daughter is getting married

   "In fact, that's the case. If you want to form, I will provide you with the zodiac, but you have to discuss the address with the above."

  Athena: "......"

   "No, I prefer to be alone."

   Athena shook her head.

   "Come on, your drink."

   At this moment, Thor came out with a drink.

   "Thank you."

   Athena thanked her, stretched out her hand, and took a cup of silver drink.

"this is?"

   After taking a sip, Athena's eyes lit up and she looked at the drink in her hand in surprise: "What a strong vitality!"

   "You like it" Thor smiled slightly, "Come on, you guys too."

   then handed out a cup to everyone in the shop.


at this time

   The sound of vibration came from Ling Yun's trouser pocket.


   With a puzzled voice, Ling Yun reached out and took out the mobile phone from his trouser pocket.

   looked at the typing in the center of the phone with a surprise.

   "Why would this guy call me?"

   said, turning it on.


   "Ling Yun! The day after tomorrow is my 20th birthday, I want to invite you to be the best man."

   As soon as the call was made, Zhou Nan's excited voice came from inside.


   After being taken aback, Ling Yun asked suspiciously: "Are you okay with your mind? What best man do you want for your 20th birthday."

   Zhou Nan also knew that he hadn't expressed it clearly, and immediately explained: "Ah, I'm so excited, it's like this, I plan to marry Sola on my 20th birthday! Double happiness!"

   Lingyun: "......"

   "You got married so soon? You haven't known each other for less than a month, right?" Ling Yun asked in surprise.

   Xilin and others on the side also listened.

   get married?


"It is because I can see the right eye, I choose to get married when I have a good chat, and my hometown is in the countryside, you know, they definitely want me to get married early, no, after I brought Sola back last They were very satisfied, and they said that they were full of intimacy when they saw this child."

  'S tone is full of pride and pride.

   Ling Yun twitched the corners of his mouth.

   Can there be no intimacy?

   But in the end, Ling Yun still did not expose: "Then, congratulations."

   "By the way, Ling Yun, I want to ask, do Sola have any relatives or relatives?" Zhou Nan asked suddenly.

"what's happenin?"

   "Sora has forgotten the past. Didn't I think you introduced her to me? You must have a clue."

   "There is an older brother and a sister-in-law."

   Ling Yun thought for a while, but in the end he didn't use his parents to show it.

   Zhou Nan Yixi: "That's great, so let's go, then you will come with Xilin and the others, how about being the family of Sola's mother?"

   "Oh Yo, I didn't expect you to love your daughter-in-law." Ling Yun said in surprise after listening.

   When the time comes, the man’s house is full of people, but the woman has only two poor people.

   It's hard not to be talked about.

   "Okay, I will go there then, remember to prepare a few more tables, I will bring more people there."

   "The so-called more people with more people shouldn't be..."

   Zhou Nan had an idea in his heart, and asked uncertainly.

   "Well, you guessed it." Ling Yun gave a chuckle.


   The opponent was silent for a while.

   "That's it, I beg you."


  Hang up the phone

   found that several people were looking at him.

   "Looking at what I do, that guy Zhou Nan is getting married with Sola and wants to invite me to be the best man."

   "Hey? Is it so fast?"

   Thor's pupils flashed with surprise.

   After so long of understanding, she still knows a little about the time of love and marriage in this world.

   Isn’t it too fast to get married in less than a month?

   "Who knows." Ling Yun spread his hands.

   Then, Ling Yun decided to tell Sola's ‘natural’ parents the good news.

   Lingyun: "@里克, are you there?"

   Rick, who was patrolling the crops, was taken aback when he heard the prompt in his head, and then entered the group chat.

   Rick: "Yes, what's the matter?"

   Lingyun: "Get ready, your daughter is going to get married."

   Rick: "Uh, what?"

   Rick in the farmland almost died suddenly on the spot.

   Risa: "! Rick, you secretly gave birth to a daughter without telling us?"

   King Power Hegemony: "People are stupid, I didn't expect you to be the one who shot the fastest."

  Milong: "To the effect, I didn't even flash."

   Rick: "I am not, I don't! @凌云, don't slander me, I am single-minded to Hubby!"

   Rick: "You can eat rice but you can't talk nonsense!"

   Lingyun: "Who slandered you, Sola, remember? She is getting married."


  Rick frowned.

   thought about it for a moment, and then came across for a while.

   Rick: "@凌云, you said it earlier, you scared me to death."


   took a deep breath and Rick patted his chest.

   Kevin: "???"

   Limru: "The situation is obviously wrong. With the wisdom of my great sage, tell me that these two people have little secrets!"

   Rick: "@利姆露, tell me with the wisdom of my only god, you are a melon skin."

   Limru: "???"

   Lingyun: "@利姆露, you are also ready to prepare, you are the woman's bridesmaid."

   Limru: "What?"

  Tempest Federal State

   Limru looked at the news in the group and almost didn't fall.

   Limru: "What the hell?! I'm a man! You want me to be a bridesmaid?!"

  Kevin: "Haha, I'm laughing to death, bridesmaid, do you want to laugh to me, and then inherit my lordship?"

   Limru: "I want to inherit your wife!"

   Kevin: "......"

   Limru: "@凌云, there are so many women in the group, what are you doing with me as a man?"

   Lingyun: "No way, the girls in the group are either high school or little girls. You are so cute, so I beg you."

   Limru: "I timi! I refuse!"

   Lingyun: "Refusal is invalid. Did you forget to pay me the women's clothing? Just pay the debt."

   Limru: "I... Gan!"

   Suzuki Satoru: "Look, look, he agreed, he was forced to agree."

   Cao Yanbing: "Huh? Isn't Rimuru the elder sister? She is so cute..."

   Limru: "......"

   Dagu: "I can't do it anymore, I have to go for a few moments first, so as not to laugh to death."


   Ling Yun left the group chat with satisfaction

   What is a group member?

Isn't    just to satisfy your squeeze?

   "Brother Lingyun, I feel Limru will hate you to death." Xilin snickered.

   "Okay, the situation has Let's go, let's go to kill the gods!" Ling Yun put one hand on Black pupil's shoulder.

"Killing God?"

   His black pupil's complexion changed slightly.

   subconsciously glanced in the direction of Athena.

   She still remembered that this Athena seemed to be the **** of disobedience.

   "Don't mind, the concubine body is already out of the realm of gods, and even if I'm still a god, I won't have any feeling for other gods being killed."

"is it?"

   "But what is this godslayer..."

   "Let's go, you will know when you go."

   turned his head and looked at Thor and others: "Do any of you want to be together?"

   "It doesn't mean to abuse food, I won't go." Xilin waved her hand eagerly.

   "I... Forget it." Xiao Ningzi subconsciously wanted to follow

   But thinking of his own strength, he finally lowered his head decadently.

   "Where are you going?"


   The store door was opened

   Kasugaye Dome pushed in and asked curiously.



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