Super Dimensional Fantasy Shop

Vol 4 Chapter 592: Reunion Koyoko

   "Is this another world?" The door opened his eyes wide

   glanced at the shop.

   But the next moment

   There was a pain in his head.

   made him hug his head.

   "Big brother, what's the matter with you?"

   Yagumon asked worriedly when he saw the big door holding his head and looking ugly.

   Ling Yun's complexion remained unchanged.

  Because he knew it was the black card that worked.

   "I'm fine."

   After relieving for a while, the big door covered his head with one hand, and put the other hand on the head of Yagumon, shook his head.

   raised his head again, but his back was already wet with sweat.

   Looking at Ling Yun, his eyes were filled with shock.

   "I didn't expect your origins to be so big, the dimension shop..."

   "My heart is moving, do you want a jar?"

   Ling Yun's hands did not know when an unpretentious jar appeared at the door and laughed.

   After taking a look at the big door, he shrugged helplessly: "Forget it, all my points are spent on the new Tyrannosaurus machine, there is no money to open the can."

   "Friendly reminder, that is the old style."

   The gate is big: "???"

   A black question mark appeared on his head.

   Then he looked at Ling Yun uncertainly: "What does the old style mean?"

   "Obviously, your Digimon is the fifth generation, and the one I sold you is the first generation. Otherwise, why do you think it is different after being transformed?"


   After a short silence, the door showed a smile that was uglier than crying.

   "You fellow, you are really bad."

   "Although it is an old model, this shop still maintains the principle of'shop products must be fine products'." Ling Yun smiled.

   The gate was taken aback, and he looked at the brick machine in his hand.

  Things are old styles.

   But it can really help his Agumon achieve another evolution.

   What should you do at this time?

   Of course, I choose to forgive.

   Besides, he was very excited about some of the things in the jar.

   "It's too late. If you want to go back and open the door by yourself, I won't be with you, ha~ I'm sleepy." Ling Yun hit Hache.

   walked slowly towards the bathroom.

   wash and sleep!

  Looking at Ling Yun's back, the door touched the back of his head helplessly: "Really, I am a guest anyway, and your way of treating guests is truly amazing."

   "Sorry, but the reception was not complete, but these snacks are just a little compensation."

   At this moment, Thor walked out with a box of snacks.

   "How embarrassing is this."

   The door refused.

   "It's nothing, we do a little too much. If you don't mind, take it back and taste it." Thor smiled.

   "That...thank you."

   Finally, the door was accepted with embarrassment.

   then looked at the blank-faced Agumon, and shouted to it: "Agumon, we are going home."




   I heard the door closing outside

   Ling Yun in the bathroom raised his head

   looked at himself in the mirror.

   Digimon, Pokémon, Armor Warrior, Ultraman, these were all my dreams when I was young.

   But I have seen all these except for the armor warriors.

   "This is really a dream come true."

   Ling Yun closed his eyes and sighed.

   next day

   early in the morning

   Ling Yun opened his eyes

   looked at Xi Lin, who was sleeping beside her, and smiled slightly.

   As for Thor, he got up early to prepare breakfast.

   got up and left the bedroom.

   "Ling Yun, good morning." Thor in the kitchen heard the voice and poked his head out.

"Good morning......"

   rubbed his sleepy eyes, Ling Yun said hello.

   He was just stunned for an instant.

   Because there is a yellow dull hair on the sofa, it is shaking constantly.

  Of course, this is not the point

  The key is that there is a white ring on top of the yellow hair!

   Moreover, it looks very familiar at first glance!

   At this time, the yellow dull hair suddenly stopped moving.

   "Ling Yun, long time no see!"

   Then, a head poked out from behind the sofa.


   The spell curse on Ling Yun's left hand appeared instantly.

   "Gabriel? Why are you..." Ling Yun glanced at Gabriel in surprise, and spoke subconsciously.

   It's just that, when I saw the beautiful shadow next to me, I was immediately stunned.

   "Xiao Ningzi..."

   Ling Yun looked at Fujinomiya Neko sitting next to Gabriel in disbelief.

   At this moment, Fujinomiya Neeko looks completely different from what she had met before.

   Before, she was about seven or eight years old, but now Fujinomiya Neeko is at least sixteen years old.


   The problem is not here!

   Just when Ling Yun was stunned, a gentle voice sounded.

   The already slim Fujinomiya Ningzi stroked her long hair and looked at Ling Yun with a smile: "Long time no see, Lingyun Ouni sauce~"

   The last sound prolonged, causing Ling Yun to shudder subconsciously.

  Although he was smiling, Ling Yun could clearly see the dark air faintly spreading behind him.

   is like a dormant snake.

   How he threw Xiao Ningzi back into the world before Ling Yun was a dry smile: "Okay, long time no see."

   But he was constantly thinking in his heart.

   Jia Baili is fine, but why does Xiao Ningzi appear? There is no black card on her body.

   Thinking, Ling Yun subconsciously thought of a certain ball.

   "System, did you mess up?"

   "Ding! Host, I don't know, maybe this is fate."

   Ling Yun: "???? Are you talking about fate with me?"

   laughed to death, the dignified guy will get fate with him.

   Those who are truly destined should not cry to death.

   Xiao Ningzi seemed to see Ling Yun's thoughts, and smiled slightly: "Ling Yun Ouni sauce, don't think about it, sister Jiabaili and I come from the same world."

"what did you say?"

   Ling Yun was taken aback, and asked inexplicably.

   "It's like this, Xiao Ningzi is actually in the same world as me."

   "Sister Jiabaili should be called at this time." Xiao Ningzi gently stroked Jiabaili's head and smiled.

   Jia Baili: "Before you had a bite of Jia Baili sister!"

   This scene made Ling Yun feel a little bit emotional.

   is really Feng Shui turns...

   But, does the world like to play chaotically lately?

   Digimon appears in the world of Kazuka.

   Gabriel appeared in Xiao Ningzi’s world now.

   It stands to reason that none of this will happen at all.

   Or what is wrong with the dimension wall?

   It was just a pause when Ling Yun looked at Fujinomiya Ningzi again.

   "By the way, Xiao Ningzi, why have you grown so big all at once."

   "Ah, UU reading www.uukā don't know which aspect of O'Neill you are talking about?" Xiao Ningzi exclaimed, holding his chest.

   A pair of giant meows are ready to come out.

   Ling Yun: "???"

   Is he such a person?

   "Ahem, I'm talking about age." With a light cough, Ling Yun said solemnly.

   Jia Baili and Xiao Ningzi looked at each other, and the two finally explained to Ling Yun.

   "There is such a thing?"

   After listening, Ling Yun's pupils flashed with surprise.

   actually summoned two people in the same world on two different timelines.

   Is this what the shop calls a random call?

   But it's not right.

   There are clearly two worlds, how can they get together?


   Just as Ling Yun was thinking, the shop door opened again.

   A woman with beautiful black hair and black eyes walked out of it, biting a biscuit.

   looked at everything around him, tilted his head curiously.

   "Where is...where?"



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