Super Dimensional Fantasy Shop

Vol 4 Chapter 589: Yuri Nao

   "If you can't buy it, you won't suffer, you can't be fooled."

   Seeing the other party's obvious heartbeat, Ling Yun continued.

   "You don't need to let you throw away your Digimon, one more evolution, one more possibility of becoming stronger."

   "Moreover, it can also be used to deal with emergencies, such as damage to your Digimon or being stolen by a villain."

   "Come on, add new possibilities to your future."


   The door hesitated a little.

   Yes, his heart moved.

   But he can’t tell, a person who just met is so kind?

   What if the other party did something in the Tyrannosaurus machine?

   The world is sinister, so I have to guard against it.

   But you have to say, every sentence of Ling Yun spoke to his heart.

   "Boss, I want to try!"

   At this time, he looked at the big door of hesitation and the beastly way of the ball in his arms.

   "The ball beast...Aren't you scared?"

   "At that time, please ask the boss to stop me." Rolling Ball Beast smiled.

"it is good!"

   The gate must have a big face, and said seriously.

   "Hey hey hey! What do you mean? I never sell fakes!"

  Ling Yun said with dissatisfaction looking at the basic love of one person and one beast.

  What's the situation, I am suspected of this?

   Although he is not serious, he is even honest.

   "Speaking of which, I still don't know what your name is?"

   Gate Avenue.

   "Ling Yun, a pot shop owner."

   "It hurts feelings to talk about money, come on, take this one."

   Ling Yun smiled and passed the black card in his hand to him.

   Forget it, doubt it.

   As long as you give money, you are a good person.

   "Poor baby."

Next to   , Xiao Xilin shook her head.

   Continue the activity in hand.

   "Xilin, what are you doing?"

  Tor looked at Xi Lin, who had been on the ground all the time, walked behind him, bent down, and asked curiously.

   "I'm tying Yakong's spear." Xilin replied without raising her head.

   Thor: "???"

   glance at it.

   I discovered that the three Akong's spears were trapped in a ball by the Akong's belt.

   looks like a cannonball placed aside.

   But then, Xi Lin's words made her wonder what to say.

   "It's cool to blow up like this."

   Thor: "......"

   good fellow

   These two people are out of help.


   imaginary space open

   Everyone has reached the destination.

   caught the eye.

   is a cabbage blue sea and golden sandy beaches.

   The sea breeze blows, blowing up everyone's clothes.


   There were surprise sounds.

   Sister Nakano quickly covered her skirt.

   looked at Ling Yun with a blushing face.

   almost ran out.

   Everyone got off Vimana.

   close your eyes

   Feeling the blowing of the sea breeze, Ling Yun showed an expression of enjoyment.

   Suddenly, Ling Yun put down his hand, fell on the sofa dejectedly, and sighed in his soul: "I want to nest."

   Thor: "......"

   Xilin: "......"

   Indeed, the wind may blow very comfortably at first.

   But for people who eat and drink, they get sleepy when they blow.

   "Let's go, the people have arrived, let's go back." Ling Yun sat up and said.

   "Wait a minute, you saved us, I haven't treated you well yet."

   Just when Thor was about to agree, Kazuka said suddenly.

   "That's right! I almost forgot."

   Ling Yun jumped up.

   In the surprised eyes of the door, a blue light flashed, and a camera appeared in his hand.

   "It's a rare opportunity, everyone, let's take a picture."

   "Ling Yun, I always wanted to ask, what is your ability? Are you creating things in space?"

   "You can understand it this way, but it's not as convenient as creating things in space. This thing...a bit useless."


   "Like this." Ling Yun looked at the beach in front of him.

raise your hand

   next second

  A huge blue light emerged.

   A huge villa suddenly appeared on the beach.


  The moment the villa appeared

   Except for the three of Ling Yun, the others were shocked.

   "Ling Yun, who are you on earth?"

"the man."


   The incoherent door was so shocked that it was choked.

   seems to be caught in the throat by fate.

   "Can we go in and take a look?" After swallowing, Si Ye Ye summoned his courage.

   "No problem." Ling Yun smiled.

   Immediately, Yotsuba rushed directly into the villa like a wild horse running out.


   The three sisters were taken aback, and said "Excuse me" to Ling Yun, and they also quickly followed.

   "Are you a god?" Dadao asked with a complex expression.

   "Then the Tyrannosaurus machine purchased from the gods does not lose money, right?" Ling Yun smiled.

   The big pupil of the gate shrank.

   subconsciously looked at the brick machine in his trouser pocket.

   If you say so

   This Digimon Dragon machine may be real.

   But, why has he never seen this style?

   "How about, do you want to try? With your current ability, it is enough to easily control this Digimon Dragon machine."

   The gate was taken aback.

   subconsciously looked at the brick machine in his hand.

   An idea came up in his heart.

   "Do you want to try?"

   The gate looked at the ball beast in his arms.

   The ball beast did not speak.

   The whole body is covered with white light.

   escaped from the embrace of the door and floated to the ground.

   turned into a yellow figure.


   There is no language, but Damenda already knows its thoughts.

   "Then, let's give it a try!" He held the evolution badge in his hand.

   "Evolve! Agumon!"

next moment

   When the brick hits it, a white strip that resembles a ladder flies out.

   Ling Yun quickly released a speaker, and the player braveheart.

   "At this time, we must add bgm!"

   "Agumon Evolution-Tyrannosaurus Beast!"

   "Tyrannosaurus Super Evolution-Mechanical Tyrannosaurus!"

   "Mechanical Tyrannosaurus? It's a new evolution!" The door looked at the Tyrannosaurus whose half body was covered by machinery, with a shocked expression on his face.

   But this is not the end.

   "The Ultimate Evolution of the Mechanical Tyrannosaurus-Fighting Tyrannosaurus!"

   A golden figure with a height of more than two meters and wings like a shield slowly descended from the sky.

  The sharp steel claws, shining with the sharp edge of people!

   "Fighting Tyrannosaurus Beast..."

   The gate looked at the golden figure in front of him incredulously.

   is much smaller than the Flash Tyrannosaurus, but the strength is not weak at all!

"how do you feel?"

   After reacting, the door asked nervously.

   "I feel full of power in the whole body! Moreover, it is more relaxed and agile than the flashy Tyrannosaurus look!" Fighting Tyrannosaurus looked at his steel claws, and his pupils were full of surprise.

   Flash Tyrannosaurus has a shortcoming, that is, it is too big.

   can easily be regarded as a living target.

   At this moment, in the heart of fighting Tyrannosaurus it is extremely happy.

   Once thought that he was the first Digimon with two different forms.

   "Hi, sir, can you make your Digimon quieter?"

   At this time, a calm voice sounded.

   turned around and looked

   I saw a beautiful girl in a swimsuit with a silver ponytail and white tender skin holding a video camera, looking at them.

   "You scared my friend."

   A small dog tremblingly walked out from behind the girl's legs.

   looked at the fighting tyrannosaurus in fear.

  "Nao Yuri?" Ling Yun said in surprise.

"Sorry, this little brother, although you are handsome, this method is too old-fashioned, and if you want to find a girlfriend, on the premise of changing your goals, it may be better to change to a more fashionable method of meeting up. OK." The silver-haired girl with two ponytails gave Ling Yun a blank expression and said.

   "Oh, another thing, I don't like frivolous boys."


   Ling Yun's mouth twitched.

   He didn't say anything yet.

   However, this is very uncle Nao.


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