Super Dimensional Fantasy Shop

Vol 4 Chapter 575: Unfathomable Father Zhang

"Super Dimensional Fantasy Shop (

"Why are you here?"

Zhang Linyuan looked at the middle-aged men and women in front of him in surprise.

"We came as early as when you were playing and wanted to see your daughter's growth, but I didn't expect Yuanyuan that you have become stronger than Dad." Zhang Zi sighed.

Zhang Linyuan smiled embarrassedly: "It's all thanks to the help of friends."

"By the way, parents, don't stand outside, come in quickly." Zhang Linyuan opened the door.

"Do you have any friends here? You won't bother you?" Zhang Ziyun asked cautiously.

Immediately, the screen beside him gave him a pale look.

Why is it totally different from what she said now?


"How come, come in quickly." Zhang Linyuan smiled.


The three of them walked in with Zhang Linyuan.

But when I entered the villa, I was stunned looking at the people sitting in the living room.

Ling Yun and the others, who were drinking tea, also turned their heads after feeling the unfamiliar breath.

Faced with Zhang Ziyun's eyes.

"this person……"

After that, Ling Yun's eyes narrowed.

He felt a strong pressure on this person.

It's just that the opponent converges very well, if it weren't for him to have a systematic sense, he wouldn't be able to find it.

Zhang Ziyun frowned slightly after seeing Ling Yun.

To be precise, the brows of other people around me frowned.

The breath of various races, and some strange breaths...

It looks like a gathering of all races.

My heart sank immediately.

Isn't your child being used?

"What's the matter?" Mu Xinyan, who noticed her husband's strangeness, took him by the arm.

"these people……"

However, Mu Xinyan grabbed his hands.

The transmission said: "Look at what Yuanyuan said first."

Zhang Ziyun loosened his hand after hearing it, and his brows gradually eased.

Nodded plainly: "Okay."

"Introduce everyone, this is my father, this is my mother, and this is my sister, how about? Cute, right?"

Zhang Linyuan looked at the slightly stiff atmosphere and introduced.

Kevin: "@凌云, the father of the group leader gave me a very dangerous feeling. Just now, the Pavanti gene in my body rioted for a moment."

King Power Hegemony: "Similarly, Heikali's King Power Sword trembled."

Milong: "It's fleeting."

Ling Yun: "It seems that Zhang Linyuan's father is not as simple as we thought."

Ling Yun: "Don't worry about it. The other party is the father of the group leader and won't do anything to her. On the contrary, it is also a good thing for the group leader to have a father who doesn't know the depth."

Kevin: "Indeed."

Withdrawing from the group chat, Ling Yun stood up, walked to Zhang Ziyun, smiled slightly, and stretched out his hand: "Hello uncle, I am Zhang Linyuan's junior high school classmate, and my name is Ling Yun."

"Junior high school classmate?"

Zhang Ziyun was taken aback for a moment.

Then he turned his gaze to Zhang Linyuan and found that he nodded.

But Zhang Ziyun is even stranger.

It stands to reason that he investigated the information of all Zhang Linyuan’s classmates, but he did not record a person named Lingyun.

But since his daughter had said so, he could only slow it down for a while, and wait until he went back to investigate.

the other side

Kang Na's pupils lit up when she saw Zhang Xin holding Zhang Linyuan's thigh.

"Oh hoo"

Give a soft cry.

With a kick on his short leg, he jumped off the sofa.

Then, under the curious eyes of everyone, she walked to Zhang Xin.

A small hand extending a fist.

Milky voice said gruffly: "Buckle your cock, Oubaya Sikonna Dies."

As he said, a fist made his hand, and suddenly, a toffee appeared.


Zhang Xin was taken aback, then looked at the toffee in Kang Na's hand in shock.


Compared with the simple Zhang Xin, his eyes fixed on Kang Na, but Zhang Ziyun and Mu Xinyan had countless thoughts flashing in their hearts.


That horn, that tail, and the breath emanating from around.

You can't go wrong.

Immediately afterwards, a faint surprise flashed in his pupils.

Unexpectedly, his daughter would have a relationship with the dragon clan.

I don't know if it is good or bad.

But one thing

He didn't feel malice from everyone.

Thinking, when they look at their daughter, they are full of kindness.

This caused Zhang Ziyun to breathe a sigh of relief.


The two sat down under Zhang Linyuan's arrangement.

And Zhang Xin found a new playmate and sat on Sophie's lap with Conna.

Not even his own sister.

"Sophie is very fond of children." Aya Kiyoshitake said.

"Perhaps because Sophie is so cute, like a doll, and the little girl likes dolls very much." Thor said.

"Dear students, I'm sorry, I was too rushed this time, I didn't have time to prepare gifts, please have a chance to invite everyone to dinner."

"In school, thanks to everyone for taking care of you." Zhang Ziyun said.

"Hey? We are not Sister Yuan's classmates." Honjo Feng said while biting the spoon.

"Huh?" Zhang Ziyun was taken aback.

Looking at her puzzled.

"We and Sister Yuan are in the same family, we are the kind that we both prosper and lose." Risa said.

All the glory and the loss all the loss?

Zhang Ziyun's pupils flashed with confusion.

There are a lot of meanings in this sentence.

And... what is your family?

Suddenly, Zhang Ziyun felt that his daughter had many secrets.

But if the daughter didn't say it, he couldn't ask.

The daughter is very sensible. If she doesn't tell him that she doesn't want them to know, it will be counterproductive if she is forced to ask.

the other side

Ling Yun handed out a plate of golden things that looked like Russ and put it in front of Zhang Linyuan: "Taste this, fried noodles."

"Fried noodles? That's not Guo..." After Zhang Linyuan was taken aback, his face was surprised.

Pan-fried noodles, which was very popular in previous lives.

If it hadn't been for Ling Yun to take it out, she probably would have forgotten that this kind of food still exists in the world.

"Of course, since there are pan-fried noodles, there is no shortage of this." Ling Yun smiled slightly.

Take out a pink plastic tube from the void ~ ~ Zhang Ziyun's heart was swept by the light.

Space power?

Or is it tearing the space? !

This is an incredible ability!

Could it be said that they are all children of a big family?

"Yida?" Zhang Linyuan's pupils lit up.

After picking up the jar, looking at the two big ‘Yida’s above, there was a surprise on his face: "I haven’t seen this for a long time."

"Brother Lingyun! You are hiding again!" Xi Lin said dissatisfiedly.

"I also want!"

Then he picked up the chopsticks and put them on the plate in front of Zhang Linyuan.

Clamped a piece directly into the mouth.

But soon she regretted it.

"It's so sweet! It's so sweet!"

Xilin covered her teeth, her expression distorted.

"That's because you didn't take good care of your teeth, come here with Yida."

With that said, Zhang Linyuan took out a Yida and put it into Xilin's hand.

"Thank you."

Just when Xi Lin was about to put it in her mouth, Ling Yun took another one and looked at her solemnly: "It's best to have two together."

With that, Zhang Linyuan and Ling Yun looked at each other and smiled.

Xilin: "???"

Looking at the two Yida in her hands, Xiao Xilin looked dazed.

Is this funny?

Zhang Ziyun: "..."

Seeing the non-fake smile on Zhang Linyuan's face, Zhang Ziyun felt very uncomfortable.

Since the college entrance examination was over, Zhang Linyuan hadn't laughed much anymore, and kept himself in the room for a long time.

(Zhang Linyuan: That was because I was afraid of going out and saying the wrong thing, accidentally being slapped to death by someone!)

Forget it...

Zhang Ziyun sighed.

Since the daughter believed them.

Then he chooses to believe it.

At the very least, Zhang Linyuan will be happy with them.

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