Super Dimensional Fantasy Shop

Vol 4 Chapter 559: Familiar Summon-Ling Yun

"All right."

The light dissipated, and Ling Yun released his hand.

The moment of release

Bang bang!

Hitler and Durham seemed to be drained of their strength, and fell into the sea heavily.

"Ling Yun, they..." Camilla hesitated.

"It's okay, conversion. Of course, a transition is needed." Ling Yun said with a smile.

"Oh." Camilla nodded thoughtfully.

"It turned out to be a real success."

If Camilla is hesitant on this side, then the first generation is horrified.

Ling Yun actually possessed the power to turn the dark Ultraman into the light Ultraman again.

This is something that even a plasma spark tower can't do!

"This world is over, I should go back." Ling Yun clapped his hands.

"Are you in such a hurry? Stay and have lunch before you go back." Dagu kept alive.

"Forget it, I just finished dinner." Ling Yun waved his hand.

Dagu: "..."


"Let's go, don't call me if it's okay, don't call me if it's okay... don't call me if it's something, now I'm going back to sleep." Ling Yun changed his words halfway through.

In the next moment, he didn't give other people a chance at all, and left with Xilin.

After Ling Yun and the two left.

Durham and Hitler crawled out of the sea, admiring Digado.

Durham raised his thumb.

"Tiga, I admit, I underestimated you before!"

Diga: "???"

"Converted light energy is so painful for you to accept it!"


Hearing that, Tiga just laughed.

Can I tell you I made it into soup?


Ratinggame is also called a ranking game.

It is a kind of power division among the new generation of young demons.

And at the moment

In this different space created on the basis of Juwang Academy

Lias Gremory is playing a ranking game with a blond turkey man.

This is a battle concerning her destiny.

Not only that, but it was also broadcast live from the whole demon world, which was followed by all the demons.

"Lias, give up, you can't beat me, do you want to rely on a freak that just unblocked the artifact?"

Reisel Phoenix looked at Hyoudou Issei beside Rias with disdain.

"I'm not a pervert!" Hyoto Issei said angrily.

"Heh." Rissel sneered.

"My business, you don't need to worry about it." Lias said indifferently.

Then shouted into the sky: "Let's start."

"You don't even have your family members, there is no possibility of winning at all." Rissel snorted coldly.

Then he instructed his family members: "Start lightly, you will all be a family from now on."

"Yes, Lord Ressel."

After hearing this, the family members of Rissel took up their weapons and ran towards Lias.

"Yah yah yah, this road is nowhere."

A beam of thunder fell from the sky.

Along with the yellow Thunder Hime Island Juna fell from the sky, blocking the pace of Empress Ubeluna, Ryssel.

"Miko of Thunder?" Yubeluna narrowed her pupils, and a sneer appeared at the corner of her mouth.

And Kiba Yuto and Hyoto Issei back to back, looking at the chariot and swordsman on the opposite side.

The kitten looked calmly at the people in front of him.

There are fourteen families of Rissel.

And Rias's dependents had only poor four.

No one in the underworld understands.

This is clearly a battle that must be lost, why does Rias still remain confident?

"Lias, victory or defeat is already doomed, so don't ask for trouble anymore." With his hands in his trouser pockets, Ressel's expression was calm.

"Why should the family fight?"

"Who is a family with you!"

Lias gave a light sip.

"Feilong's sin sword."

Give a soft drink.


In an instant, a lotus-like flame bloomed around Rias.

An orange-red magic sword slowly emerged.

"Magic sword? Or fire?" Rissel was taken aback.

Then burst into laughter.

"Lias, what's the matter with you? Don't you know that my Phoenix clan is called the Phoenix? Are you kidding with the fire magic sword?"

The old antiques of the underworld also shook their heads.

Himejima Juno's face was flat: "Lias..."

"Minister Lias..." The kitten looked at Lias with her head down with worry.

"Of course I know, but..."

Rias slowly raised the long sword in her hand.


A huge dragon roar sounded.

The purgatory of Gulian clings to the earth.

A huge fire dragon slowly appeared behind Lias.

"Who loses and who wins is not necessarily true!"

"Go, burn the flames of the Dragon King!"

Lias shouted.

The magic sword waved.

Suddenly, the fire dragon roared and rushed towards Rissel.

"it's useless."


A high-pitched cry sounded.

The huge fire bird flew out and bit the fire dragon's neck.

"I am Phoenix, Phoenix! All flames are of no use to me!" Ressel said arrogantly.


The magic circle splayed under Rissel's feet.


Followed by


A beam of light rose into the sky.

But soon, the light came on, and Rissel appeared flawlessly on the spot.

"Lias, you should know that this kind of move is of no use to me at all."

But Rias was not in a hurry. Instead, she smiled slightly and put down her weapon: "Risael, do you know? The reason why I want to play with you is because I want to retire, and I want to I want you to meet my boyfriend."


As soon as these words came out, the entire underworld was in an uproar.

Rissel's expression also became gloomy in an instant.

"what did you say?"

Suzex's face also changed slightly.

Why didn't he know when Rias had a boyfriend.

"Ranking games, including family members and envoys?" Lias raised her head and said.

"This is natural." Gurefia's calm voice came.

The ranking game is a game that measures the strength of the new generation of demons.

The enchantress is naturally also a kind of strength.


Rias took out a blue scroll in the much-anticipated manner.

The corners of the mouth conjured up a nice arc.

"I summon my envoy, is it okay?"

Dimensional shop

"The bed is so comfortable!"

Ling Yun, who was lying on the bed holding Xilin, showed a lazy expression.

"It's nine o'clock? Little Xilin, are you hungry?"

Ling Yun glanced at the phone time and said.

"Somewhat." Xilin nodded.

"Then let's eat crayfish."

"it is good!"


Ling Yun and Xi Lin came to a stall and ordered crayfish.

"Eat early, and after eating we go back to bed."

With that, when Ling Yun was about to put the freshly peeled crayfish into his mouth.

Suddenly disappeared in place.

The lobster fell on the table.

"Brother Ling Yun?!"

Xilin's pupils shrank sharply and stood up.

But soon

There was a ding-dong sound in my mind.

Ling Yun: "Xilin, don't worry, I'm fine."

Seeing Ling Yun's news, Xiao Xilin exhaled.

It's fine

Ling Yun: "I'll take care of something, you eat first."

Xilin: "Okay."

Juwang Academy

Ling Yun stared at the turkey who was gnawing his teeth on the opposite side.

Then she glanced at Rias, who was holding her arm with a sweet and shy face.

The corners of his mouth twitched.

Ghosts know that they have been used as guns.

Immediately stretched out his hand and made a knife.

The head facing Rias was hit hard.

"Ah it hurts!"

Rias let go of her hand in pain, and covered her head.


In an instant

The entire underworld exploded.

Someone dared to beat Demon King’s sister on the head in public? !

Shuna Himejima and Rias's family members were also dumbfounded.

what's the situation?

The minister's family is actually a human being?

However, Ling Yun didn't realize the "seriousness of the" and struck Lias on the head again.

"Are you poisonous? Don't summon early and don't summon late, so I just want to summon when I just started eating! My lobster was just peeled, and it was only a second to eat! You don't give me one second! How can you pinch time so well?!"

Ling Yun's mentality burst.

It’s really uncomfortable to feel that this kind of thing disappears as soon as it reaches the lips!

Just when everyone thought that Rias would take a lesson, Rias' behavior was surprising.

"Yes... I'm sorry."

Not only did Rias not be angry, but she also showed a solemn expression.

Even her brother Szekes looked dumbfounded.

Is this really his strong sister?

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