Super Dimensional Fantasy Shop

Vol 4 Chapter 540: Ling Yun: Are you sure you want to fight me?

Looking at the dead men who carried their swords, Ling Yun didn't make any movements.

"Come! They are here! Run!"

Feiyu Maru was taken aback.

Both small hands frantically tugged Ling Yun's sleeves.

"Don't pull it, your clothes are almost torn by you."

While speaking, he grabbed Feiyumaru's waist with one hand.

He held it in his arms.

"I've said it, let me be here, it's okay."

Ling Yun's pupils narrowed as he gently stroked Feiyuwan's soft fox ears.

next moment

A blue light emerged from the side of Lingyun, and rows of keys of truth stood in the air.

Since the lock of the sky and after, this trick has been used less.

call out!


A blue light beam burst out from the key of truth. ,

These dead men turned into rays of light and disappeared in place at the moment they were penetrated by the light beam, leaving behind ghost fires.


Fei Yu Wan, who was held in Ling Yun's arms, stared at the scene in front of him.

So many dead men were wiped out in an instant...

"Big brother, that's amazing!"

Fei Yu Wan said to Ling Yun worship.

"Low-key, low-key." Ling Yun chuckled lightly.

Accepted the worship of Feiyu Maru.

"Okay, get ready to accept your memory." As he said, Ling Yun lifted Feiyuwan in his arms.

"Come on! I'm ready!"

Feiyuwan said with great momentum.

Immediately, these densely packed wild fires rushed directly into Feiyuwan's body.

Every time a ghost fire enters the body, Feiyu Maru's whole body will emit a red light.

There are too many wildfires, so that the light on Feiyumaru's body can't stop at all.

It's like the sun in the setting sun.

Wait until the light is over.

Feiyu Maru opened his eyes, revealing a trace of comprehension.

"Big brother, thank you for letting me know who I am."

"You are welcome to find your memory, Ling."

Ling Yun looked at Fei Yu Wan in his hand and smiled lightly.

"Hey?" Feiyumaru showed a surprised expression.

"Big brother how did you know."

"Before, someone said that I knew you before the amnesia. Wouldn't it work if I told me to know you?" Ling Yun raised his brows and said angrily.

"Ah, no, no, it's just a little curious, hehe."

Even if the memory was retrieved, Feiyumaru's personality remained unchanged.

"Let's go, let's go to the second floor."


Feiyuwan, who fell on Lingyun's shoulder again, raised her small hand to the front and shouted, "Chong!"

Ling Yun smiled slightly.

With his hands in his trouser pockets, he walked towards the second floor of the castle tower: "Let's go."

Second floor

This time, it was not only the dead soldiers, but also the collapsed beasts.

"Is this spawning monsters for the protagonist?" Tucao said.

The ice-blue Dachi appeared in his hand.

In front of him is a hack.

In an instant, the entire room turned into an icy blue world.

"This is Sister Ying's!"

Fei Yu Maru said in surprise when he saw the ice skates in Ling Yun's hands and feet.

"Like it? I gave it to you." Ling Yun put the knife into Feiyuwan's hand as he said.


The current Feiyu Maru was too small to lift the ice skates at all, and fell directly to the ground.

"Look, it's not that I won't give it to you, but that you can't take it."

With that said, Ling Yun retracted the ice skates into the system space again, looking at Feiyu Maru who looked dull on the ground, patted her head gently, then lifted it up and put it on his shoulder again, smiling.

"Big brother, you bully me! Humph!"

Fei Yu Wan, who came back to his senses, looked at Ling Yun's smile but didn't know where he was being tricked.

His face flushed immediately, and he turned his head dissatisfied.

She decided to ignore Ling Yun for the time being.

"Okay, don't be upset, quickly absorb all these ghost fires."

Ling Yun reached out and poked Fei Yuwan's cheek.

It's so cute.

He slapped Ling Yun's hand, Fei Yu Wan snorted and floated up.

Absorb the wildfire.

Only when it absorbed the contents of the wildfire.

His face turned pale immediately.

He looked at his hands with fear and sluggishness.

She, she actually became the twelfth law practitioner, and even killed a million people with her own hands? !

Even his dearest sister died in his own hands!

"I don't want it anymore, I don't want to continue!" Feiyuwan hugged her head and flew towards the stairs.

But in an instant, Ling Yun pulled it back with one hand.

"Do you want to escape? Don't you want to see your sister again?"


There was a trace of clarity in Feiyumaru's originally horrified eyes.

"Out of this world, your sister Sakura, Kevin, Hua and Dr. Mei are waiting for you, don't you want to go see Sakura with Sakura? So..."

Ling Yun put Feiyu Pill in front of him and looked at each other.

"You must conquer hatred and destroy the remaining will!"

"Whether you want to stay in this world where you are alone or to reunite with your sister again is up to your own choice."


Feiyuwan's breathing was stagnant.

"Sister, is she really alive?"

Feitamamaru asked expectantly.

"of course."

Ling Yun smiled softly.

"Then...I'm going to find my sister." Fei Yumaru's eyes narrowed and said firmly.

"If I am controlled, Big Brother, you will be responsible for defeating me, I...I don't want to become that kind of monster again..."

"Don't worry, it's just a little fox, don't think too much, I will definitely take you out." Rubbing her head, Ling Yun smiled: "So, you must not be swallowed by it."

"we have a deal!"

Fei Yu Wan took a deep breath and stretched out his hand to Ling Yun.

Ling Yun was taken aback.

"Retractor!" Feiyu Maru said without a doubt.

"Okay." Ling Yun smiled.

Extend your little finger.

Immediately, Feiyu Maru also stretched out his right hand and held Ling Yun's little finger.

"Hanging on the hook will not change for a hundred years!"

"You are fifty thousand years old." Ling Yun joked.

"Hmm! I don't care! You have to agree." Feiyumaru stubbornly shook the foxtail behind him.

"Good good, I promise you."

Helplessly replied.

"Let's go, go to the last floor, and get back your power."



Top level

Lingyun and Feiyuwan saw the Taidao in the center-Jizo Yuhun at a glance!

"In any case, everything in the past is over, and I don't need this power that should have belonged to revenge."

Holding her little hand nervously, Feiyu Maru flew to the front of Jizo Yuhun to cheer herself up.

Swallowing, slowly stretched out his hand.


However, the next moment, in the exclamation of Feiyu Maru, black particles emerged.

In an instant, Feiyu Maru was eroded by black.

The red light spread.

A huge figure appeared from the red light.

It was an armor like an ancient Japanese samurai.

Dachi Jizo Mikun is stuck in his chest!

"It's ridiculous, Ling Yun, after being invaded into the spirit, my power was spread to the entire stigmata space, and my body became that look, but now, thanks to your stupidity!"

Feiyuwan looked at Ling Yun with a sneer.

Not only was Ling Yun not annoyed, but a sneer appeared at the corners of his mouth: "Brother, no, it's really sister behavior."

"What?" Feiyuwan was taken aback.

Looking at the red armored warrior in front of him, Ling Yun sighed, "Should I say that it is Feiyumaru? Even if he becomes a prince, he is still such a clever Azi."

"The advantage of your tongue! It's too late for you to say anything! In my world, you don't want to go out alive!" Feiyuwan snorted coldly.

Ling Yun shook his head and laughed: "No, no, you don't really think I don't know you are Feiyuwan, do you? On the contrary, let Feiyuwan liberate you even when I know it, why do you think it is? What?"

Looking at the contemplative Ling Yun looked at the Feiyuwan in front of him and put a smile away.

"Yuhun appeared? Not bad ability, but..."

The pupils opened sharply, and a pair of scarlet eternal kaleidoscope appeared.

Next second


Scarlet energy soared into the sky, running through the roof of the castle tower.

After going through all the periods, Suzuo Nohu directly entered the perfect body.

The Suzuo Nenghu, which is more than one hundred meters high, stands tall in the sky.

On Suzuo Nohu's head, Ling Yun folded his arms and looked at the tiny Jizo Yuhun below.

A playful voice came: "Are you sure you want to fight me?"

Feiyuwan: "..."

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