Super Dimensional Fantasy Shop

Vol 4 Chapter 519: eve

"Don't bother you, let's take a good rest."

After speaking, the cardinal will leave.

Only when the door was opened, a small figure suddenly stepped in and jumped in.

The two looked at each other.

"Hey hey."

Karen smiled awkwardly: "Master Bishop, I didn't mean to eavesdrop."

Karen waved her little hand, her little head shook like a rattle.

"Well, don't explain, you are not suitable for lying." The cardinal was not angry, but showed a kind smile.


Carren suddenly dropped his head.

"Karen, you have to prepare. Tomorrow I will take you to Longguo to participate in the competition. Rest early."

The cardinal said suddenly.

Karen was taken aback, then raised her head: "Will you meet the contestant from the Eagle Sauce Country who hurt Sister Mary?"

"Yes, that fellow Meld will definitely let him participate."

At the mention of this name, the cardinal's pupils flashed a sharp look.

That **** heresy!

"Then I will take care of him in the competition! Sister Mary was even killed!" Karen said angrily.

"Go get ready. I will set off tomorrow. Karen, you are the only nun in the new generation of Vatican who can summon Seraphim. Whether the Vatican can wash away the shame is up to you."

"Yes! I will definitely let Yingjiang Country know the greatness of the Lord!" Clenched his small fist, his face was full of seriousness.

"Well, what do you mean by competition?"

Rias asked suddenly in the room.

"The international freshman competition is the meeting point for each country to promote the strength of the new generation. This time it is held in the Dragon Nest of Longguo, an ancient country in the East. It is broadcast live worldwide. It is no secret. Why would you not know?" He opened his eyes and looked at her suspiciously.

"Uh, sorry, my mind is a little fuzzy, I can't remember much of the previous things."

With a heartbeat, Lias immediately rubbed her temples, revealing a confused expression.

"Is it amnesia?" Karen asked concerned.

Shaking her head to Karen, Rias and the cardinal looked at each other: "Um, I don't know if the competition can take me with me? Don't worry, as long as I get to the destination, I will leave."

Rias' instinct told her that there must be an answer to why she came to this world in that country.

"Together? It's okay."

The cardinal nodded.

He also didn't want the devil to stay in the Vatican.

But as the cardinal, one of the Lord's representatives, he really couldn't make clingy behaviors.

Now that the other party wants to leave, that is the best.

There is nothing wrong with just bringing an extra person.

"Is Sister Rias's home in Longguo? But it's hard to get the red card from Longguo."

Lias: "..."

Indeed, even in his world, that country's card is hard to get to death.

Especially the group of immortal cultivators, they don't sell any face, and their temper is stinking to death.

the other side

Zhou Rui looked awkwardly at Ling Yun, who was sitting on the sofa with Erlang's legs tilted up, and drinking Dahongpao.

"Unexpectedly, even Dahongpao will become a spirit tea. Sure enough, there is still a reason to be expensive."

After taking a sip, Ling Yun sighed and looked at the black tea in his hand.

After clarifying his thoughts briefly, Zhou Rui said, "So, do you want me to stuff two more people for you this time?"

"What is plug? It's really ugly. It's called replacement. Don't you understand? Let Qingzhu and Ika replace Xiaoxilin and Qiong. In fact, there is no difference from before."

"And this is also for the good of Long Guo. Isn't it good for me to have three guarantees? Although your daughter won the approval of that salted fish, she didn't fully grasp it, didn't she?"

"Salty...salted fish." Zhou Rui smiled.

"Let's do it, I'll help you arrange it." Zhou Rui agreed without thinking.

Although people related to Lingyun are strictly prohibited from participating internationally.

But aren't only two of them exposed.

When the time comes, you can change two people you don't know, just say that they are the newly discovered seedlings of Long Guo.


‘I’m such a genius. ’Zhou Rui thought of it happily.

Zhou Xile next to her was dumbfounded.

Grandpa's image began to collapse, and Zhou Rui looked a bit like a rogue.

"Well, this matter is resolved, we should count as another matter."


Ling Yun gently put the ceramic cup in his hand on the tea table.

Look at Zhou Rui deeply.

"Also, is there anything else?"

Zhou Rui's heart grew furry when he was being watched, and there was a very bad premonition.

The leather seats are about to be scratched.

Even if he was fighting against the Demon God in the space rift, he had never been so nervous.

"You lied to Xiao Xilin, shouldn't the things that cheated me be settled?" Ling Yun stretched out his hand, and a coin was played by him.

"I didn't lie to Xi Lin! She asked me by herself!" Zhou Rui stood up immediately.

"She came to me and asked if there were any advertising endorsements, so I just said that. Who knows that she really agreed."

Ling Yun was silent.

at the same time

Naruto World

Kaguya, who had absorbed the Nine Tailed Beasts and Outer Golems, also came to this parallel world of Naruto.

She glanced around.

Finally selected a place.

You can not go anywhere, but you must go to one place!

"Miaomu Mountain!"

As the pupils turned, a blue light emerged.

With a stroke towards the space, a dark space suddenly appeared, and Hui Ye flew in.

Three holy places

Miaomu Mountain

Toad Immortal Toad Maru, who had been sleeping, suddenly opened his eyes.

A look of horror.

"This breath! That's right, it's her breath! Refusing to do it! She should be sealed!"

But the next moment

Toad pill's lazy look has disappeared completely.

The whole person is like a cat with fried hair.

Just when he wanted to get up.

An extremely terrifying breath came.

The entire Miaomu Mountain shivered under this breath.

Immortals Shen Zuo and Zhi Ma also changed their looks.

"Toad pill."

The flat voice echoed above Miaomu Mountain.


This sound can't be wrong!

That demon is back!

In front of Toad Maru, a space suddenly opened.

A figure that was buried deep in memory and never wanted to remember appeared in front of it.

White Taoist robe, scarlet jade with nine hooks, reincarnation, misuse!

And, those plain eyes...

and many more!

Why are Huiye's eyes reincarnated? !

Could it be that Kaguya had penetrated Hamura's reincarnation eye during that time on the moon? !

"I have something to ask you." Hui Ye said calmly.

"You said." Toad pill said cautiously.

At this moment, where it looks like a big toad immortal, it is completely trembling little brother.

The toads serving on the side were shocked.

The toad immortal who was like a **** in their hearts is now lying on the ground like a dog.

"Why do you want to provoke Yuyi?" Hui Ye said blankly.

Toad Maru's heart trembled: "I, I had a dream, I dreamt that Hayi and Hamura were fighting with you..."


Before the words were finished, a golden light flashed across.

Behind Toad Maru, the whole area of ​​Miaomu Mountain is divided into two.

It turned into a huge Numerous toads died.


After feeling the power of destroying the world, Toad Maru swallowed hard.

"I'll give you one last chance." Hui Ye's eyes were flat.

The azure pupil disappeared.

It was replaced by a pair of colored glaze pupils.

Qiu Daoyu turned into a knife.

Facing the void gently everything.


Suddenly, toad pill made a heart-piercing scream.

In the trembling eyes of many toads, he collapsed in the blood.

Toad Maru looked at the figure like a demon **** in the sky with fear.

Its hand broke for no reason!

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