Super Dimensional Fantasy Shop

Vol 4 Chapter 489: Battle against the ancient 8 masters

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The Ancient Eight Lords also felt something, and turned their heads, just in time to meet Miron's combative vision.

"Is there any danger?" Dia asked worriedly.

They are still unknown to everything in this world.

Isn't it unreasonable to choose opponents so blindly?

"It's okay, it's better to say this, unknown, isn't it more challenging?" Milong's mouth raised.

Unlimited fighting spirit.

Dia didn't speak anymore after listening.

Although the two have known each other for a short time, she has already understood Milong's character during this time.

As long as he recognizes things, he must do it.

"When you say that, I suddenly became a little interested."

The corners of Xilin's lips made a nice arc.

Mei pushed the glasses on the bridge of his nose: "I am also a little curious. If we can grasp the secrets of these ancestor charms, maybe we can create new keys of the gods that do not rely on collapse."

"If this is the case, then I will join in this battle," Kevin said calmly.

"That's interesting, we have to go together."

"Isn't it fun to kick people standing on the peak off the top of the mountain?" Milong laughed.

Ling Yun was taken aback, and then said funnyly: "I didn't expect you to have such a dark side."

"I learned this from you." Milong said abruptly.

Ling Yun: "???"

"The one over there is called the Eight Ancient Masters, right?" Mi Long shouted.

Instant time

The whole palace fell silent.

Everyone looked at Milong curiously.

I don't know what this outside visitor wants to do.

"Something?" The Lord of Darkness turned his head.

The demeanor of the eldest sister's head is fully revealed.

"I heard that the ancient eight masters are the strongest in this world. I wonder if the kid will have the honor to ask for advice or two?" Mi Long smiled slightly.

As soon as this remark comes out

The whole palace fell into silence.

Everyone stared blankly at the man wearing a yellow tights, pink bangs, and a confident man at the corner of his mouth.

In the next moment, countless dynasty messengers frowned.

"What does he mean? He wants to challenge the eight ancient masters?"

"Arrogant! I don't know the so-called! A visitor from the outside world also wants to challenge the Ancient Eight Lords?!"

"Don't think that the friend of the Young Palace Master can be so unscrupulous."

Some Taiqing Palace disciples couldn't help it either.

"You can't say so, don't forget about the strange monsters, they also come from the outside world,"

As soon as these words came out, everyone was quiet again.

But everyone's eyes were fixed on Milong.

Calm temperature of the Lord of Darkness: "What do you want?"

"There is a competition platform outside, try it?" Milong smiled.

Lord of Darkness: "..."

After pondering for a while, the Lord of Darkness raised his head and asked: "Why? Give me a reason."

"Reason? Is this kind of thing needed? Or, as the top experts in the Profound Sky Continent, don't you have the courage to be challenged?" Mi Long sneered.

The Lord of Darkness frowned: "I have to say, you have a good way of exciting."

"Yes, I promised you. For the honor of Profound Sky Continent, even if you are a friend of seniors, I will not be merciful!"

The Lord of Darkness narrowed his pupils.

"and many more!"

"How about one? How about taking me?" Kevin walked out of the crowd.

Looking at Master Yan with a face of warfare, "I heard that your flame ancestor charm controls all flames in the world. It just so happens. I want to see if you can block my flames?"

Lord Yan narrowed his pupils: "You can come and try."

The strange fire of Qin Ming before made him very faceless.

Today, we can take this opportunity to rectify the name of the flame ancestor charm!

"Qingzhu, do you want to stop it?" The palace owner quietly grabbed Ling Qingzhu's hand.

"Stop? Why?" Aya Kiyoshi's curious temperature.

The palace lord was speechless for a while.

They just had a good talk with the eight ancient masters, and you have to learn from them.

This makes her situation a bit awkward.

Tournament field

All the messengers of the dynasty surrounded it.

On both sides of the competition field

Ling Yun and the others did it in opposition to the eight ancient masters.

"Owner, I'm up to you for the reinforcement."

Milong on the stage smiled at Ling Yun.

"no problem."

Ling Yun nodded and stretched out his hand.


The huge crimson magic circle opened above the competition field, then quickly expanded, and finally enveloped the entire competition field.

"Additional Magic·Soil Reinforcement"

"Additional Magic·Space Reinforcement"

"Additional Magic·Hardness"


After a dozen consecutive additional magic ends.

Ling Yun put down his hand and shouted at Mi Long: "Okay, just play it, even the power that can explode the planet can't shake the competition platform."

"Huh? Why are you looking at me like this?"

Feeling the line of sight, Ling Yun looked at Thor and others curiously.

Thor: "Ling Yun, when did you learn magic?"

"This is the additional magic I drew out of the jar, golden."

King Power Hegemony: "..."

Risa: "..."

For a time

Many non-chiefs licked their wounds silently.

On the martial arts stage, Milong looked at the rough figure in front of him, frowning.

"Lord of the Wilderness?"

"Exactly!" The Lord of the Wilderness sounded vigorously.

The whole body is full of ancient breath.


The earth-yellow breath emerged, and a barren rune appeared in his hand.


In an instant, everyone seemed to see the traces of the years, flowers bloomed, and people went from birth to death.

"Is the ancestor talisman in charge of the desolation power? It looks like the Great Desolation Classic." Ling Yun smiled.

"Senior still knows the Great Desolation Scripture?" Ying Xuanzi asked in shock.

"Well, a very strong move."

"Very powerful?" King Power Hegemony asked curiously.

"The prosperous land can be turned into a barren in an instant, and all the vitality can be turned into power for the cultivator to use. Simply put, it is plundering nature for his own use. Do you think it is strong?" Ling Yun glanced at him.

"So magical?" The pupils of King Power's hegemony brightened.

Doesn't this mean that there is endless energy available?

"Awesome is great, but it is very destructive to nature. Do you think your rice grains will not be harvested?"

"Um." The kingship hegemony was speechless for a while.

Earth Escape: The Art of Drying the Earth?

However, this does not conceal the power of the Great Desolation Sutra.

"In other words, since there is such a powerful technique, why didn't you get it?"

"Because I have unlimited energy."

King Power Hegemony: "..."

Well, when he didn't say.

"If you want to, you can go to my Dao Zong Desolate Hall for enlightenment!" Ying Xuanzi said hurriedly.

This is the time to make a good impression.

Don't miss it.

Ling Yun gave him a deep look.

Old fox.

"Well, the battle has already begun."

Ling Yun said.

Everyone turned their eyes back to the martial arts stage.


Accompanied by a heavy collision.

The Lord of the Primordial Desolation took Milong's blow.

"You can actually block my attack, it seems you are a strong man worthy of the name." Mi Long said in surprise.

Although he did not open eight doors, his strength should not be underestimated.

"Are you underestimating me?!"

"Heavenly Desolate Formation!"

The Lord of the Primordial Desolation roared.

Earthy waste gas emerged from the ground.


A huge tiger-shaped barren beast formed all over its body.

Infinite brilliance bloomed in the hand of the ancestral charms.

"In that case, then I will give you the same respect!"

Milong opened his eyes.


The white magic circle like angel wings suddenly opened behind That is! "

In an instant

The pupils of the Palace Master, the Lord of Darkness and others shrank sharply.

Subconsciously stood up.

His eyes were filled with disbelief.

That magic circle...

How could they not know each other!

Qing Qingzhu used this technique to block Qin Ming's attack.

The others were taken aback.

Somewhat at a loss.

Is that a formation?

But it's not quite right. Shouldn't all the formations be symmetrical?

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