Super Dimensional Fantasy Shop

Vol 4 Chapter 479: Offline party (previous)

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"Well, elders and teachers, I actually want to teach Jiang Yinyin by myself..."

Looking at the arrogant people, the palace lord said weakly.

"Huh?" Taishang elder looked solemn.

A handful of ups and downs appeared in his hands instantly.

All the elders in the hall had a meal at the same time, focusing their eyes on the palace lord.

Murderous and explicit!

"Good boy, can you repeat what you just said?" The elder said with a smile.

The floating dust in his hand gently patted the palm of his left hand.

The whole body is energized into the fog.

As long as she, a good apprentice, says something wrong, teach her how to behave!

Palace Master: "..."

"Ahem, dear uncles and masters, since no one can convince anyone, it's better to teach us together."

The palace lord coughed.


Quiet in the hall

"It's not impossible."

After a long time, the elders calmed down and thought about it.

There is basically not much difference in the strength of sitting, either at the peak of the Death Profound Realm or the Mid Death Profound Realm, plus a Supreme Elder in the middle of the revolver.

"Since you are a Young Palace Master, you need to be comprehensive." The elder Taishang nodded.

"Well, according to the strength, I will first come to my place to learn the mentality and alchemy, and then go to the Tianfeng of the juniors and sisters?"

The elders glanced at each other.

Finally nodded: "Yes."

Everyone has the opportunity, and then it depends on whose teaching ability is better.

In the future, which move Jiang Yinyin uses the most and the strongest when walking on the Profound Sky Continent, the more likely it is to be remembered as his teacher.

Basically every elder is thinking about giving his strongest **** to Jiang Yinyin.

"In other words, do you know where the ancestor charm of life and death is?"

At this moment, the Supreme Elder suddenly spoke.

For a moment, the hall was silent.

The most suitable treasure for the Lord of Life and Death is of course the Ancestral Talisman of Life and Death.

"Yinyin has a lot of time to grow up. During this period of growth, we will try our best to find it." A female elder said.


To this

Everyone naturally does not object.

"Palace Master, Lord Ling Yun is here." Just then a female disciple reported.

"Master Ling Yun is here?" The Supreme Elder was taken aback, and then said excitedly.

She was in retreat before, naturally she didn't know Ling Yun was coming.

"Let the lord come in!" The elder urged.

"Are all there?"

Ling Yun walked in with Lin Qingtan and looked at the elders in the hall with a smile.

"Farewell to Lord Lingyun!" Many elders bowed together.

This is a ruthless man who slapped many palaces, so he can't accept it.

What's more, he is still the boyfriend of his own Young Palace Master.

No matter what, it must be respectful.

Palace Master:...

A group of guys who eat soft and afraid of hardship!

The second one is obviously fake!

Ling Yun nodded: "This is Lin Qingtan. The promise I gave her is the saint of the Nine Heavens Taiqing Palace."

"Saint?" Many elders were taken aback.

"Don't underestimate her, she is from the same world as Fu Zu." Ling Yun smiled.

"What? Fu Zu?!" Everyone was shocked.

The word Fu Zu represents the strongest in the Profound Sky Continent!

Maybe people in later generations don't know how strong Fu Zu is.

But look at the remaining strange monsters.

Just know how strong Fu Zu is!

"Do you know where I am from?" Lin Qingtan also stared at him blankly.

"So don't underestimate Qingtan. Its talent is not worse than that of the ancient eight masters."

"If it weren't for me to start quickly, maybe Qingtan would have been taken away by Bo Xuan."

"Bo Xuan? The owner of the dark shop?! Hiss!"

No one doubted Ling Yun's words.

Strong people like Ling Yun didn't bother to lie.

next moment

Many elders once again looked at Lin Qingtan with the same eyes that they had seen Jiang Yinyin before.

Just as Ling Yun said.

Both of them!

Bo Xuan and the others knew it.

The master of the Dark Hall of the Northern Profound Region.

The existence of the pinnacle of the runner mirror!

It is the powerful existence of the master and the dark ancestor talisman.

"Well, do you really know where I come from?" Lin Qingtan asked.

Ling Yun smiled lightly and touched Qingtan's head: "Is this important?"

Qingtan was taken aback.


Does this matter?

In her heart

Lin Xiao, Lin Dong, and Liu Yan are her relatives!

"Lin Qingtan is the body of evil demon, but I have controlled it, so you'd better find an ice master to teach."

Many elders glanced at each other, and the last middle-aged woman came out: "I'll come."

"Tianxue Peak Peak Master, Ling Lian, half-step runner, pay homage to Lord Ling Yun." Ling Lian bowed her hand to Ling Yun.

"Half-step runner? The strength is not bad, Qingtan's teaching is left to you." Ling Yun nodded.

"I will definitely not bury Qingtan's talent!" Linglian said excitedly.

Handing over a Xeon with your own hands and upgrading yourself to Xeon are two completely different mentalities.

"By the way, before I came, I had promised that they would not restrict their freedom. Let them move around freely after finishing their daily homework. If they want to go home, it is convenient for you," Ling Yun said suddenly.


For Ling Yun's words, many elders and palace owners naturally did not dare to violate them.

And my heart is full of gratitude.

Ling Yun brought two disciples with extremely strong talents.

This is even happier than winning the champion of the Hundred Dynasties War.

It only takes a few years, and the rise of his nine-day Taiqing Palace will be unstoppable!

At any rate, the Nine Heavens Taiqing Palace is also a major sect for hundreds of years, and has met various disciples.

Only a fool would restrict the freedom of the two and then teach foolishly, which would only lead to a rebellious mentality among the disciples.

"I can rest assured that."

Ling Yun nodded.

After handing the two women to the palace lord, Ling Yun, led by a female disciple, walked towards Qing Qingzhu's boudoir.

Walking into the boudoir, Ling Yun lay directly on Ling Qingzhu’s bed

Close your eyes

Ling Yun: "Hello, brothers, I'm back again!"

Kevin: "Boy, what nonsense are you talking about?"

Ling Yun: "I have something to say."

Suzuki Satoru: "Say, I'm listening."

Ling Yun: "???? You seem to be very tugged, old iron."

Ling Yun: "It's nothing big, but if you have time, come over and congratulate my Qingzhu."

Kevin: "???"

Ben Tiao Feng: "Offline party?"

Cao Yanbing: "Is it the coming-of-age ceremony I said before?"

Ling Yun: "@曹焱兵, Bingguo."

Milong: "Can I bring family members?"

Suzuki Satoru: "@米龙, I suspect you are pretending, I want to beat your dog head!"

King Power Hegemony: "I want to bring it too!"

Suzuki Satoru: "...Then I will bring Shatia and Albedo!"

Rimuru: "Sister Qingzhu's business is my business, we must go!"

Nishinomiya Glass: "Well, you can't do this, Sister Lin Yuan is about to cry."

Sophie: "It's okay, the day after tomorrow, go to Qingzhu's first today."

The Dragon Maid of Xiaoling's family: "I heard that you need to bring gifts to the I don’t know what to bring, distressed.jpg"

Aya Qingzhu: "@小凌家的龙女姐, Sister Thor will be fine if she is here, so she doesn't need any gifts. After all, we have been eating the food you cooked before, hehe."

Dagu: "I also have time. If you don't mind, I want to go too."

Aya Qingzhu: "Welcome everyone, no one refuses to come, but if you want to come, I have to ask Master to prepare another table. After all, monsters have strong blood qi in their bodies, and ordinary people will explode directly after eating them. Dead."

Dagu: "..."

Camilla: "..."

Face code: "..."

Everyone: "..."

Thank you, I was insulted.

Are you saying that we are weak in a disguised form?

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