Super Dimensional Fantasy Shop

Vol 4 Chapter 437: Turbulence caused by 1 carton of milk

   Limru: "Look, that Ultraman's face is black."

   Kevin: "Curious, Altman still has a face?"

  Camilla: "......"

Little Dream:"......"

   Lingyun: "@凯文, this is wrong with you. Ultraman not only has a face but also a mouth. As far as I know, the corners of the evil Ultraman's mouth will rise wildly."

   Suzuki Satoru: "Dragon King?"

   Ling Yun: "You actually know?"

   Suzuki Satoru: "A little understanding, it was very prosperous for a while."

   Risa: "There is a specialization in the art industry, just ask the expert @小梦@卡蜜拉, it's really not good, let Dagu give us a show."

   Yumebius’ face was embarrassed, this, he really doesn’t.

   Lingyun: "Speaking of Ultraman's mouth raising problem, I suddenly remembered something."

  Sophie: "Let me join in the fun too."

  Milong: "I would like to hear the details."

   Limru: "Next is story time."

   Lingyun: "In the distant future, there is an Ultraman in the kingdom of light thinking about bringing some special products back from the earth."

   Lingyun: "In order to thank him, the humans on the planet specially created an oversized bottle of milk to bring him back to the Kingdom of Light."

Little Dream:"???"

   "Milk?" With a blue cloak, Yumbius was patrolling for a moment.

   Doesn’t that kind of thing explode after passing through the earth’s atmosphere?

   Honjo Kaede: "Milk, I'm drinking it."

   said, Ben Tiao Feng also cut a picture.

   Lingyun: "......"

   Kevin: "......"

   Lingyun: "Ahem, I'll continue, you definitely don't know. Once milk enters the Kingdom of Light, it will cause a devastating blow. The entire Kingdom of Light is petrified, and Ultraman turns into a stone statue."

"Of course, it's okay to drink the human body. Once the milk on the earth enters the kingdom of light and is irradiated by the plasma spark tower, it will turn into an extremely terrifying weapon, killing all the Ultraman in an instant. It's more exciting than a plasma spark explosion."

   Lingyun: "Finally, after this Ultraman brought milk back to the Kingdom of Light, you should also know that the Kingdom of Light has completely dissipated in the universe."

  Camilla: "This is too much, right?"

   She is confused.

Isn't    just a carton of milk?

   She used to drink often.

   Rick: "Curious and wonderful story, if it weren't for the shopkeeper, I wouldn't believe it."

Little Dream:"???"

   Yumebius who peeked into the screen was silly directly.

what's the situation?

  The Congress of Future Light was blown up by a carton of milk?

   The Kingdom of Light survived by creating artificial suns in the darkest time.

   As a result, you told me that a carton of milk would be destroyed in the end.

   How about playing?

   "What's wrong, Mambius?"

   Aside, he and the Otto brothers who were patrolling together looked at Mengbius who was standing still and stopped and asked.

   Hearing the voices of several people, Mengbius also reacted.

   "That, brothers, have you ever tried to bring milk back to the Kingdom of Light?"


  As soon as these words came out, the Otter brothers were all dumbfounded.

   Yumebius exhaled immediately.

  , too, if you bring it here, it is estimated that the Kingdom of Light is long gone.

Seeing the exhaled dream, Bius Seven thought he missed the earth, and the memory was swayed. He also said with emotion: "Speaking of which, I also miss the smell of milk a bit, and it is not a young age to leave the earth. ."

   "Yes." Chu Dai nodded.

   Ace: "Mumbius, do you miss the earth?"

   "No, it's not." Mambius shook his head quickly, and then solemnly looked at the first generation: "Brothers, I think we need to warn all members of the Kingdom of Light not to bring milk back to the Kingdom of Light!"


   Big question marks appeared on the heads of the Otto brothers.

   "Mombius, why did you suddenly start talking nonsense, isn't it just a carton of milk?" Ace said.

   "Because Ling Yun said that milk would completely petrify the Kingdom of Light and turn it into a dead star. Ling Yun called this the Milky Way of the Kingdom of Light."

   When Yumebius’ words fell, he found that the surroundings were quiet.

   Wan Lai is all silent.

  All the Otto brothers stared at Mambius with their light bulbs.

   "Brother Zofi, I think we need to set up a cosmic check line, and we must not allow any drop of milk in the universe to enter the kingdom of light!"

   After a long silence, Jack spoke first.

   "I'll go back and ask the captain for instructions." After that, Zuo Fei hurriedly left.

   The Otto brothers nodded, and finally left a bewildered dreambius.


   Sure enough, after the father of Otto heard the news, he was extremely serious.

   immediately announced the addition of Otto checkpoints outside the Ten Star System of the Kingdom of Light.

   Which alien dared to bring milk into the land of Otto, not much to say.

  Otter Prison walked up.

   joke, you want to destroy our home and let you run?


   Da Gu glanced at the chat in the group chat, his mouth twitched slightly.

   "You were distracted when fighting with me, are you looking down on me?"

   Masaki Keigo inside'Gaia' roared.

   punched the distracted Tiga back.


   A building was turned into rubble when Tiga fell.

   "Diga, I don't believe it, she won't come out the moment you are about to die!"

Hands together.

   A ray of red light particles flew towards Tiga.

   [Quantum Streamline! 】

   Dagu's pupils in Tiga's body shrank after seeing the flying red particles.

   quickly rolled to the side.


   A violent explosion sounded, turning Tiga’s original radius into ruins.

   "Did you run? What a pity." He shook his hand boredly, and'Gaia' directly kicked off a building around him.

   take a closer look.

Huh? Isn't this a junior high school building?

   The junior high school students who watched the live broadcast cheered.

   can have a holiday!

   For a while, the children looked at the red Ultraman instantly, and compared to Tiga, this Ultraman really made a ‘contribution’.

   "Masaki Keigo! Don't think that you have stolen my power and you can do whatever you want!"

   After speaking, Tiga rushed forward.

   It’s just that Keigo Masaki, who prepared earlier than that, and has been exercising.

   Dagu's fighting skills seem a little rubbish.

   was basically beaten while hanging.

   This is getting more and more hit.

   Adults are worried, children are happy.

   Kevin: "Spicy eyes, it makes me embarrassed to have cancer. Big fart, can't I just go up and drive?"

   Within the World Snake

  Kevin said he didn’t see it.

   Learn from him, and once the robbery is opened, anyone who refuses to accept it will be a hit.

Camilla: "I don't understand, what's the matter with Tiga? This kind of thing that the enemy can solve before putting a light on, why does he fight the enemy stupidly? Could it be that the light burned his brain? "

   Lingyun: "Some people always think that they are a fighter."

  Milong: "Isn't the remote fragrant? And it's something, I don't see it, brother."

   Big brother: "I'm going to you, you have the ability to come, what can I do, I can only maintain it for three minutes, otherwise I want to expand too!"

   Lingyun: "Look, the fool is here, knowing that there will be no gamma gang fight in three minutes. It's really awesome."

   Dagu: "Yeah, why didn't I expect it?"

   Dagu patted his head.

   He didn't expect it.

   Nishinomiya Glass: "Ah this..."

  Benghuai Queen: "@大古, you leave the group, I don't have a friend with a low IQ like you!"

   Lingyun: "@橢殺經皇, don't talk, you are not much worse than Dagu."

  Bangbai Queen: "..."

at the same time

   Diga hits Gaia with a punch, and immediately retreats back a few you coming? "

   Seeing Tiga's movements,'Gaia' did not chase after him, but looked at him expectantly.

   "Hmph, I'm acting on Tiga, why should I explain it to you!"

   Dagu in Otter Space looked at Gaia and snorted coldly.

   reach out

   Three cards were inserted into the Tiga circle by Dagu.

   The light instantly enveloped Tiga, and as the light particles dissipated, a brand new Ultraman appeared in front of everyone.

   Tiga Ultraman, the future of Gamma!

   "Gamma Phantom!"

   A flat voice sounded, accompanied by a crisp finger snap.

   Zeta, Supreme Gaia, and Dinah appear.

   step out

   surrounded Masaki Keigo.

   Masaki Keigo: "..."

   Masaki Keigo, who was surrounded by four Ultramans, looked constipated.

What the hell? I want you to shake people, but there are too many people.



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