Super Dimensional Fantasy Shop

Vol 4 Chapter 375: People of the world, hope to lock the gods!

"Sorry, I decided to withdraw from this war!" Tosaka Tokimi said calmly.

He can't bear it anymore.

Shining is strong, but the magic power it needs to consume is really too great.

Without knowing that Yan Feng Lizheng had a spell, Tosaka Tokimi was really unwilling to take the risk.

The magician pays everything for the root cause, but he is not stupid.

"Shichen, you bastard!"

Looking at the countless skills in front of her, Jin Shining roared.

The next moment, even the red wind was annihilated.

The endless light spread, making the world quiet for a few seconds.

The surrounding space began to tremble violently, as if it might shatter at any time.

But after a white light flashed, the space returned to calm.

The light dissipated, and everyone opened their eyes again.

There is no damage to the world. To be precise, the white light just now repaired the entire world.


Soon, a heavy landing sound attracted everyone, and when I looked up, I saw that the armor was broken, and the golden sparkling with one hand and one leg was broken and lying on the ground embarrassingly.

The wound on his body was scorched, not bloody, but there was a faint smell of barbecue.


Beside, Ea, which was broken in half, turned into a golden light and dissipated in the air.


Countless broken sounds sounded.

The lock of the sky that had taken Gilgamesh to escape was instantly broken.

"Oh? Are you still alive?" Ling Yun looked at the golden glitter on the ground in surprise.

Slightly surprised.

"Unforgivable! Unforgivable!" Jin Shining desperately supported her body with her other hand.

After taking out a pill from the King's Treasure and taking it, the injury was stabilized.

"It's incompetent and furious." Ling Yun chuckled lightly.

The imaginary space is opened.

Reached his hand in.


The next moment, Gilgamesh's eyes almost stared out.

A golden hilt and a long sword composed of three cylinders were taken out of the imaginary space by Ling Yun.

"What?!" Saer's pupils shrank and looked at Ling Yun in shock.

"My mother, what kind of treasure does this monster like Ling Yun have? Wouldn't it be secretly looting the glittering treasure house?" The rider looked at that Ea's pupils widened in an instant, and took a breath.

Tosaka Tokimi, who was kneeling in the distance, was also stunned.

After using so many moves, there shouldn't be much left, why is Ling Yun nothing? !

Moreover, Ling Yun was the servant Sakura summoned.

In other words, Sakura depends on Sakura for magic power supply!

He looked at his daughter blankly, very regretful.

Not to mention other things, it is possible that this magical power alone can directly point to the root cause.

But what did he do? !

He even adopted his beloved daughter to Ma Tong's house to inherit that dirty magic!


Tosaka Tokichen fell to the ground in embarrassment, and couldn't help laughing as he watched the vast starry sky.

The whole person is like a madman, laughing while crying.

"What did I do?! Hahahaha!"

"Father..." Sakura behind Gabriel heard Tosaka Tokino's broken laughter, and the young heart was hit.

"This is impossible! This is impossible!" Jin Shining looked like a lunatic, looking at Ea in Ling Yun's hand in disbelief.

"Counterfeit! Yours is a fake!"

"Wrong, there are actually two Ea in the world." Ling Yun shook his head and said solemnly: "Your red one is female, my blue one is male."

"Male and female?" Everyone was taken aback.

At this time, they discovered that the text on the sword in Ling Yun's hand turned out to be blue.

"Golden Shining, the opportunity is rare, I will let you see how strong Ea is now." Ling Yun said, raising Ea in his hand.

Seeing the spinning Ea, Jin Shining said angrily: "How could this king return to the Hall of Heroes with such a humiliating posture! Ling Yun, I remember you!"

"Thank you, but the memory will disappear when the servant returns to the seat of the hero, so just think about this kind of thing."

Jin Shining: "..."

"Do you want this king to forget today's shame?!" Jin Shining roared.

"I don't, I am not, don't ask me."

Denying three consecutive appearances, stunned everyone.

"Actually, I am also doing good for you. Rather than returning to the Hall of Valor with lack of arms and legs, it is better to let you return home." Ling Yun looked at Jin Shining with a look of compassion and compassion.

It seems to say: Thank me quickly, or you will have to climb the Hall of Valor by yourself.


Jin Shining spouted blood directly, glaring at Ling Yun.

Don't you look at who beat me like this? !

Rider and others gave Ling Yun a thumbs up silently.

Kill the heart.

"Well, this Holy Grail war will come to an end here." Ling Yun raised Ea in his hand.

Ea spins quickly, and the blue wind spreads towards the surroundings.

"EnumaElish!!! (people of the world, hoping to lock the gods

Ling Yun yelled, and violently waved Ea down at Jin Shining.


A huge golden brilliance bloomed under everyone's feet.

In an instant, countless silver chains rushed to the sky from the brilliance.

"What's wrong? Shouldn't it be the blue tornado?"

Everyone looked at the chain rushing to the sky with a panic and doubts.

Caster's sea monster was directly pierced by the chain, causing it to scream.

"this is!"

Gilgamesh stared blankly at the huge sky lock formed by countless chains in the starry sky.


"So it turned out to be this trick? I was fooled by you." Jin Shining looked at the twinkling golden light around her, her expression suddenly mild.

He did not resist any more, but fell to the ground.

Quietly watching the vast starry sky.

I closed my eyes.

Before returning, it's not bad to take a look at your moves.

"Ling Yun, I admit you, although you are an annoying fellow, but this light is ten wonderful, this king admits you!" Opened his eyes and looked at the lock of heaven that whizzed around~www. Jin Shining's mouth is filled with a smile.


Accompanied by Weng Mingsheng as the huge lock pierced through the space.

The golden lock of the sky hit Gilgamesh heavily.

Brought it back to the seat of heroic spirits.

Tosaka Tokimin looked blankly at the disappearing Jin Shining.

Limru: "Shock my mother!"

Limru jumped out of breath when she saw this scene.

A few people who were in the meeting were startled.

Dagu: "So handsome! Really so handsome, what kind of skill is this, @凌云, Boss, I want to learn!"

Dagu looked at the lock of sky in the video with bright eyes, and his eyes were full of small stars.

Kevin: "Go ahead, go away, I just want to learn"

Sitting at home, Cao Yanbing stared blankly at the lock of sky that runs through the stars in the video.

Buzzing in my mind.

Is this the owner? ! It's really strong!

The Dragon Maid of Xiaoling's family: "Isn't this chain the lock of the sky?"

Risa: "Sister Thor knows?"

The Dragon Maid of Xiao Ling's house: "Well, my father had been here in the shop, but there is a time limit, so I can only use it for one minute."

The Dragon Maid of Xiaoling's family: "It's just that, I didn't expect to have such a big trick."

Risa: "Envy!"

Although the Skyfire Sacred Judgment given to her by Ling Yun was also good, this kind of force was obviously higher.

Ling Yun: "@小凌家的龙女 improved, go back and teach you."

The Dragon Maid of Xiao Ling's house: "Yeah!"

King Power Hegemony: "Oh, this **** dog food! Isn't it just a chain? I can let Li Quzhuo make it, and the use time is only one minute, which is too short."

Ling Yun: "A one-minute blue item."

King Power Hegemony: "..."

King Power Hegemony: "I'm sorry to disturb you!"

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