Super Dimensional Fantasy Shop

Vol 4 Chapter 372: Arceus requested to play

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"Thank you Ernie Chan."


Ling Yun smiled slightly, but his complexion changed the next moment.

Behind Ling Yun, the imaginary space opened.

A spear of Yakong burst out suddenly.


A golden firework burst into the air ten meters away from Lingyun.

"Dignified King of Heroes, is Gilgamesh also a person who likes to attack?" Ling Yun turned around and looked at the golden figure sitting on Vimala with no expression.

Jin Shining shook the golden wine glass in her hand and smiled softly: "Although I don't like that hypocritical guy, I am still my servant anyway. Could you please give him to me?"

"Hehe, this tone is still so arrogant and arrogant." Ling Yun looked at Jin Shining and narrowed his eyes.

"If you think there is a Vimalakīrti, you can overlook everyone?"

"Is it possible that this king and your group of miscellaneous practitioners should stand at the same height?" Jin Shining raised Erlang's legs, looking down at Ling Yun, and said with interest.

"Coincidentally, I don't really like looking up at others."


Ling Yun's voice fell.


The space was shattered.


The change once again attracted several people from Saber who were playing against Caster.

Jin Shining, who was still a little curious, suddenly turned gloomy after seeing what appeared: "You fellow!"

"A treasure like glittering gold? And, an alpaca?" The rider stared blankly at the twelve stone slabs wrapped around his body, slowly pulling the golden ark Vimalain came out of the void. .

"You dare to get involved with my treasure, do you want to die? Miscellaneous repair!" Jin Xingling roared angrily.

"Stop screaming, I have said this many times." Ling Yun gave him a white look.

"Every day and night, you are a miscellaneous practitioner. You are the real miscellaneous practitioner."


Gabriel stared blankly at Ling Yun who jumped onto Vimala with Sakura.

"Master!" said Arceus who was pulling the cart respectfully.


Jin Shining roared.

The golden treasure house opened, and two treasures burst out.

Ling Yun narrowed the corner of his eyes.

Sitting on the throne, his mind moved.

Two blue turrets were erected on the left and right.

The laser blasted the treasure to pieces.

Throwing the unconscious Tosaka Tokimi on Vimala.

Ling Yun looked at Jin Shining and smiled slightly: "The king who can't even protect his subordinates is really useless."


Jin Shining was taken aback.

Then the brows wrinkled tightly together, and the golden armor was trembling.

The shining heart of the watch cash has been angered to the extreme.


this time

Only a halo opened behind Jin Shining, a long sword with a golden hilt and a slender silver body was drawn out by him.

"Huh? Isn't it any more brainless bombardment like bullets?" Ling Yun hissed.

"You won't be able to laugh anymore!"

"Don't worry, I am more optimistic." Ling Yun said with a smile.

Gilgamesh took a sip, raised the sword in his hand, and yelled: "Gram! (Dawn of Destruction

The real name was liberated, and Jin Shining shot the long sword in her hand towards Ling Yun fiercely.

"Even if the real name is liberated, the ending will be the same. Arceus"

Looking at the long sword that turned into Jin Guang to return to him, Ling Yun lay lazily on the throne.

I didn't care about it at all.

"Wow!" Arceus roared.

The red stone slabs surrounded by the twelve stone slabs burst into light.

Immediately afterwards, Arceus had a layer of red energy lines all over his body.

At the bursting sword Arceus screamed softly.


In the next moment, the whole body of the long sword that burst out was wrapped in red energy, and it was stiff in the air.

Then the space around it began to tremble violently.

With the life of "呯", the long sword turned into fragments and scattered on the bottom of the sea.


There was no anger from the damage of the treasure at all, Gilgamesh, who saw this scene, calmed down instead.

The opponent is a strong one who can block his end sword.

Naturally, I can't hush.

"Then I want to see how many times you can block it!"

Several more treasures were taken out.

One by one liberation of real names.

Ling Yun looked at Tosaka Tokimi, who was twitching on the ground, and mourned him for a second.

It's all so miserable, your servant still doesn't know that he feels sorry for you, and is pumping magic crazy.

This time, Arceus did not use the ability of the red slate.

Instead, it turned to a blue slate.

The next moment, Jin Shining's eyes narrowed.

Behind Arceus appeared a treasure exactly like his treasure!

Bang bang bang!

A brilliant golden explosion lit up in the sky.

The golden treasure disappeared again.

"Fake!" Jin Shining's eyes became more gloomy.

"This is really wonderful!" The rider of the driver Shenwei Wheel in the distance was a little envious.

He also seems to have the abilities of Ling Yun and Jin Shining.

"So strong!" Saber murmured too.

"Ling Yun!"

On this side, Caster controlled the sea monster to rush towards Ling Yun.

"Tsk, trouble, Gabriel, take it!" Looking at the bursting tentacles, Ling Yun pulled out the silver arrow from the system space.

A few shots broke down those tentacles.

Shouted to Gabriel, and threw the silver arrow over.

"Hey, oh oh!" Jia Baili was taken aback, and then quickly flew to the silver arrow.

"Don't think about it!"

Caster looked at the bronze and silver pistol, his tentacles surging quickly, and took the pistol before Gabriel.

"not good!"

The expressions of the rider and others who saw this scene instantly changed.

Although I don't know the power of the silver arrowhead, since it was something Ling Yun brought out, it was at least an A+ level treasure.

"Hahaha, Lingyun, I will laugh at your treasure!" Caster laughed.

Keep turning the gun in his hand through the tentacles.

Ling Yun looked at Caster and couldn't help reminding: "I advise you to be kind, this gun is easy to misfire."

However, Caster didn't believe in Lingyun at all.

"You fart!"


As soon as the voice fell, a blast sounded, and a large piece of flesh on the sea monster was directly decomposed, leaving a crescent scar.

The world was quiet for a while.

Rider: "..."

Saber: "..."

Lancer: "..."

"All said, this gun is easy to fire." Ling Yun said silently.

Why don't you listen.

Can I harm you?

After experiencing the things just now, Yin Yu also came to Gabriel's hand.

After a brief astonishment, the rider reacted quickly.

"Hahaha, I knew that this kid is poisonous!"

"Yes, damn!"

Caster's furious voice came from within the sea monster.

The burst shot out on the sea to the tentacles, as if to penetrate Lingyun.

"Get away, miscellaneous repair! This is the king's battle, who allows you to intervene with such a dirty thing?!" Jin Shining's pupils stared.

A treasure burst out, blasting away part of the sea monster's body again.

Caster: "..."

This time, Caster learned well, like a puppy, silently licking his wounds.

Instead of messing with the two big guys, he started to clean up the little soldiers.

"Wait until I kill Lancer and them first, and then I'll find you to settle the account!" Caster thought viciously.

the other side

Kenneth also saw a man with orange hair who looked crazy.

He opened his and looked sickly at the sea monster in the sea.

It's like looking at some artwork.

"Crushed! Shredded! Shattered! Swallowed! Dead, dead, dead!"

"I can still see those unknown intestines! Hahahaha!"


But the next moment


A loud explosion sounded.

The sea monster's huge body was directly shattered by more than half.

Yusheng Ryunosuke's laughter also stopped abruptly.

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