Super Dimensional Fantasy Shop

Vol 4 Chapter 363: Director Ken in action

"Hey? Cyborg? No wonder Alice is so beautiful." Kozakura looked at Alice Phil in surprise.

"My sister will accept Sakura-chan's compliment." Alice squeezed Sakura's face happily.

"Don't worry, my Sakura will definitely be a big beauty when she grows up." Ling Yun smiled and touched her head.

Sakura showed a happy smile.

"Ling Yun, can I ask you where did your magic power supply come from?"

Suddenly, Saber seemed to have thought of something, and asked:

"Sakura's age is still so young, the magic is definitely not enough to support you to repel the archer."

Her Sword of Oath of Victory is strong, but every use needs to consume extremely terrifying magic power.

It is also a proof of his identity, so in general, he is concealed by the Wind King enchantment.

Hearing Saber's words, Ling Yun paused and looked at Saber weirdly: "Huh? Who told you that all my magic power was obtained from Sakura?"

"Hey? Isn't it?" Ai Li said in surprise.

"Oh, sorry, I forgot to tell you, I'm not a hero, I'm just being summoned, in fact, I haven't died yet, and I'm only twenty years old this year."

Ling Yun briefly explained to the two of them.

"Magic is completely self-sufficient."

"Not a hero?!"

Ai Li looked at Ling Yun as if she had seen a ghost.

"Isn't the heroic spirit, where do you have such a strong power? And there are so many treasures, it is not a treasure for personal sublimation!"

"What's so surprising about this, isn't it just a golden item? There are as many as you want." Ling Yun stretched out his hand and made a sword at random.

At this sight, Alice suddenly stopped talking.

The capital EX is a bit dazzling.

"Moreover, isn't the heroic fuss making any fuss? The saber next to you is not the heroic spirit either." Ling Yun smiled.

"Hey?!!!" Ai Li looked at Saber in shock.

Big news.

The knight king who has been dead for thousands of years hasn't died yet?

Saber also looked at Ling Yun incredulously: "How did you know?"

"Don't forget my identity, it's easy to see through this." Ling Yun smiled mysteriously.

It feels more fascinating for Saber and Ai Li.

"Destiny chose you, even if the ending is imperfect, it is not your fault. You can move forward no matter how clinging to the past."

Ling Yun stretched out his hand, touched Saber's head, and stretched out his finger to shave the dull hair.

"Um! Despicable!" Saber's face blushed when he felt the movement on his head.

He quickly hid behind Ai Li and looked at Ling Yun vigilantly.


Seeing such a saber, everyone laughed.


Time flies, and the sky gradually darkens.

on the other side


The explosion sounded, and bright flames bloomed on the roof.

Kenneth and Kirishu Eomiya started a shopping battle.

This time Kenneth was not arrogant, and honestly took Lancer by his side.

As for Sola, he was sent back to the Clock Tower early.

Even if Sora was more reluctant when she was sent on the plane, Kenneth, who had already seen what happened in the future, didn't give her a good face at all.

This made Sola decisively persuaded.

This feeling is that the former licking dog suddenly becomes something you can't afford to climb.

Faced with Sola's request, Lancer didn't say anything.

A woman will only affect the speed at which he draws a gun!

"Damn it, isn't the information correct? Didn't it mean that Kenneth was an extremely arrogant person? What's going on?!" Kiritsugu Weimiya leaned against the wall in embarrassment, staring solemnly at Kenneth in the distance.

How can the other party be a little arrogant?

It is simply too cautious!

Regardless of the dozens of superimposed defensive magics around, even Lancer has always maintained the state of liberation of the treasure.

His Demolition Bullet and Origin Bullet didn't work at all.

"What's the matter? Eimiya Kiritugu, if you just rely on your tricks, it won't do me anything." Standing on the tall building, Kenneth looked at the dark patches below, and said coldly .


Eomiya Kirisu hides behind a building with a solemn expression.

Because of his carelessness, just now, his lover Wu Mi was shot to death by Lancer.

If it weren't for his running fast, it might have been pierced by Lancer's spear.

"Don't come out?"

Kenneth looked at the quiet residential area below, with a sneer at the corner of his mouth: "Then, the hunt has begun."

"Lancer, protect me, I want to see where this guy can hide."

"Yes, Master!" Lancer said respectfully.

Kenneth stretched out his hand and launched a tracing magic on the void.

Feeling the different magical fluctuations around, finally, Kenneth's eyes locked in one place suddenly opened.



Follow Kenneth's line of sight.


With a sonic boom, Lancer violently threw the Red Rose in his hand and shot it out.

Eomiya Kirisugu's face changed abruptly, panting behind the building.

The instinct of the magician killer for so many years told him to leave this place quickly.

Don't dare to be careless.

Weimiya Kirishu just ran away.


At the next moment, the building was directly penetrated, and a deep pit with a diameter of two meters appeared in the place where Eimiya Kirito was originally located.

The blood-red spear was fixed in the center.

"Has it been discovered?"

Weimiya Kirishu glanced at the spear, feeling extremely grateful in his heart.

At the same time, he left quickly.

You can't fight in the city, or you will hurt many innocent people.

"Want to run?"

Kenneth saw a sneer at the corner of Kenneth's mouth when he sensed the intention of Kirishu Eomiya.

"Okay, I will accompany you to have fun tonight."

Kenneth also jumped to the opposite building.

Lancer followed closely behind.


"Damn decade! Damn END! Damn Diend! I will kill you a thousand times!"

Caster angrily threw the experimental instrument to the ground.

Yu Sheng Ryunosuke, who had just returned, looked at the furious caster dumbfounded.

"Master, who made you so angry?"


Caster choked just as he wanted to answer.

Fuck, he still doesn't know what Ling Yun is called.

Immediately, he showed an expression like eating shit.

"I don't know, don't ask me!"

"Huh?" Yusheng Ryunosuke looked dumbfounded.

What is this answer?

But he didn't care. Instead, he pushed a hand and threw a few children on the, I brought you things back. "

"Good job, Ryunosuke!" Seeing the fearful eyes of the children on the ground, Caster showed a sickly smile.

"Ryunosuke, I'm about to start preparing, get ready to meet the best cool in the world!"

"Oh?" Yusheng Ryunosuke's pupils lit up.

"Then I have to look forward to it."


"Kirei, how is the war going? Cough cough." As soon as Tosaka Tokimi got up, he coughed violently.

Is the mana consumption still too severe?

"Teacher, Ling Yun repulsed Caster today, and just now Kirito Uemiya and Kenneth also started a battle." Yanfeng Kirei looked at such a Tosaka Tokichen with a hint of joy on his face.

But Tosaka Toshimi was too weak, so he lowered his head and didn't see the expression of Yanfeng Kirei.

"Ling Yun? Is it Sakura's servant?"

Hearing the name Tosaka Tokimi frowned, he whispered softly.

"I didn't expect my daughter to have such a talent, and she summoned a hero comparable to Gilgamesh." After a little sigh, Tosaka Tokimi's expression became serious.

"Qili, I'll give you a task next!"

"Teacher you say."

"Go and talk to Sakura, and say let her give up the Holy Grail War, willingness is the best, if not, let Assassin kill her!" Tosaka Tokimi's pupils flashed sharply.

No one can stop him from getting the Holy Grail!

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