Super Dimensional Fantasy Shop

Vol 4 Chapter 331: Hit the workers, come!

"I, you can call me ***." A voice sounded in the void.

Jian Tong's dirty inkstone looked blank: "**?" Then he suddenly reacted: "Are you a hero?!"

As an old monster who has survived one of the creators of the Holy Grail, the dirty inkstone of Ma Tong naturally has an incomparable understanding of heroic spirits.

A kind of sublimation of mankind, in fact, the servants summoned by the Holy Grail battlefield are just clones of these heroic spirits.


There was a wave of hesitation in the air.

The atmosphere suddenly solidified.

Well, the system has forgotten the existence of the world's heroic spirits, it can't do it as an unsung hero.

"Forget it, let's just start."

"What do you want to do?! The Holy Grail War probably hasn't started yet!"

"I need your consent to do things?!"

The voice transition was different from before, this time it was extremely cold.

A terrifying coercion came from heaven and earth.


With a muffled sound, Jian Tong's dirty inkstone was directly overwhelmed by the terrifying coercion, and a mouthful of black blood was sprayed out.

Soon, a purple light shot out of the void and flew into Tong Ying's body.

Jian Tong's dirty inkstone wanted to stop it, but his body couldn't move. Not only that, it seemed that most of the worms in his body had been wiped out. If he didn't hurry to replenish new worms, he would die.

However, in the next moment, he saw a very incredible thing.

Sakura's hair turned from black to purple.

Purple magic power also appeared on his body.

The lavender magic circle slowly opened under his feet.

"How is it possible! She should have no magic power, wait, it's the light just now!" Jian Tongzang Yan quickly reacted.

But his injuries were so severe that he could only watch Sakura start to chant a spell.

"Listen!" (Announcement)

"Uh!" The beginning made Jian Tong's dirty ink a little dazed.

What is this broken beginning, vernacular Chinese?

Kozakura didn't care and continued to sing.

"I give you magic power, you give me work" (Your body is under me, and my destiny is on your sword)

"If you are caught by the Holy Grail, you can hear them, and I have the same opinion, just scream..." (If you follow the holy grail's destiny, follow this will, then respond to me if this is the truth)

"Say okay here first" (swear here)

"First say yes, I may do good things, or I may not do good things" (I am a person who accomplishes all good deeds in the world, and I am a person who conveys all the evil in the world)

"I have 3 orders. Give me a good obedience within 7 days. After the expiration date, where do you come and go back? Go here to find the Holy Grail for reimbursement." , The guardian of Libra!)

Jian Tong dirty inkstone: "..."

He didn't want to complain about this magical spell anymore.

Too Nima ruined the Three Views, no one would ever create such a spell.

"Well, there's more?"

Kozakura suddenly opened her purple eyes, and a clear voice rang out: "Working as a worker, working spirit, working as a master! (仌

Hearing the last sentence, Jian Tong's dirty inkstone was completely ill in an instant, and the corners of his mouth twitched crazily.

If you can think of this spell, this Nima is a talent.

As the original founder of the Holy Grail War, he felt a little bit choked about the destruction of the spell created by the three together.

In fact, Sakura didn't know, she just read out the words that came in her mind.

Blame the purple light just now.

But soon, a light shone in front of Sakura.

Jian Tong dirty inkstone: "..."

Even if it was him, he couldn't help being speechless.

This weird spell can really summon the heroic spirit, I'm afraid it won't be a fool.

When Tong Ying saw the figure summoned, her body was soft, and she fell feebly towards the back.

"What a little master who likes to trouble people."

A helpless voice sounded, Guangying stretched out her hand and gently hugged Ma Tongying's back, and glanced at the curse on the girl's hand.

It's just that this thing is of no use to him.

"You, the heroic spirit just now, are you fucking?!"

"Uh? What the hell?"

Ling Yun was stunned when he heard Jian Tong's dirty inkstone.


Has his good people and good deeds crossed the world barrier?

Even people in other worlds know that he has a nickname of sex.

"Are you the Jiantong dirty inkstone? Tsk, I feel nauseous."

After embracing Sakura in her arms as a princess, Ling Yun glanced at the Jiantong dirty inkstone through the eyes of truth at the core of the Li Zhirui.

At this point, I almost didn't look at him.

No matter where this is a person, it is simply a worm's nest.

Ling Yun dared to guarantee that the worm girls in the maid army of the Great Tomb of Nazarick were better than him.

"Hehe, I didn't expect that this little girl actually has the ability to summon heroes alone. Although there are some weird surroundings, it can be considered as an unexpected surprise." Jian Tongzhangyan's dark laughter sounded.

The gaze at Kozakura became more and more satisfied.

"I don't know what rank you are?"

"My rank?"

Ling Yun stretched out his hand and clenched his fist.

"It looks like Saber is coming."

"Saber? Good rank, let me take a look at your attributes below." Hearing this rank, Jian Tong dirty inkstone nodded in satisfaction.

Normally, the heroic strength of this rank will not be too weak.

"Wait, what is this?! How could it be possible, how could there be such a terrifying person in the world!"

Just looking at it, Jian Tong's dirty inkstone was shocked.

He looked at Ling Yun in horror.

In that way, it's like watching a monster!

Ling Yun frowned fiercely.

The direct control system shook away this rumorless prying.

The pupils of the color were instantly replaced by scarlet, and he opened his mouth coldly:

"Dirty stuff, who allowed you to peep at me?!"


In an instant, Jian Tong's dirty inkstone sank sharply, accompanied by a broken sound.

The ground cracked and sank directly, and the terrifying gravity pressed on Jiantong's dirty inkstone, making him immobile.

I have to say that the ability of the Star of Eden is really a good hand in terms of pretending to be realistic.

"Dirty creature, you simply don't deserve to exist in this world."

"Oh? Want to kill me? Haha, even if you are a hero, I am also the patron of the Jiantong family!" Jiantongzangyan let out an unpleasant laugh when he heard Ling Yun's words, his pupils exuded a sullen light.

"Disgusting, stop talking, I feel dirty if I stay in the same space with you." Ling Yun scorned.


A pattern of superimposed shurikens suddenly appeared in his pupils.

The pitch-black flame ignited on Jian Tong's dirty inkstone.

"Flame? It seems that you are not just as simple as saber, calling illegally. That's how it is." Jian Tong Zangyan thought from the bottom of his heart, but he was not slow in his hands.


In the midst of a sound of Weng Ming, the dirty inkstone turned into countless insects, and some insects that had not been burnt by the flames then gathered around to form a new dirty inkstone.

"Hehe, it seems that I really underestimated you. I didn't expect it to be the heroic spirit summoned illegally. This makes me a bit tricky." Jian Tongzangyan looked at Lingyun uncertainly.

"Trouble, why can't I be trampled to death like an ant?" Ling Yun rubbed his temples with a headache.

Jian Tong dirty inkstone smiled sinisterly: "I especially like a saying from the celestial dynasty that the embankment of a thousand miles was destroyed by an ant's nest."

"Being liked by you is really an alternative disgusting." Ling Yun spit.

Sakura shrank in Lingyun's arms.

She was just a little weak and was not in a coma.

Fearfully looked at Jian Tong's dirty inkstone.

Girls are inherently afraid of insects, especially after seeing that the dirty inkstone of Jiantong is made of insects, there is even more fear in her heart.

As if feeling the fear of the people in his arms, Ling Yun lowered his head, and smoothed her bangs in love.

"Don't worry, if there is a brother, you will not be in danger. My brother will take you out of here soon.

"Yeah!" Sakura nodded subconsciously.

Although this Oni sauce appeared suddenly, I don't know why, Sakura could feel that she was in contact with Ling Yun, and she wanted to rely on him in particular.

"Don't get too smug! You can take away the things from my Tong family at will!" Jian Tong dirty inkstone yelled angrily.

Ling Yun's words just touched his bottom line!

Suddenly, the dirty inkstone turned into countless insects and rushed towards Lingyun.

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