Super Dimensional Fantasy Shop

Vol 4 Chapter 220: Wait for me to finish my meal

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System: "...Host, will you feel uncomfortable if you don't bother me for a day?"

"Huh? You're getting rid of it? It's not easy. It seems that the feeling of love I have come down these days has made you deeply understand your idiot." Ling Yun said in surprise.


System: "Host, I have told you many times that our lives are bound to each other, and we should help each other like friends. You refute my face so much that I can't stand up."

Ling Yun: "My friends and I talk like that. Think about it carefully, except for children and women who come to my shop. It seems that I talk in the same way."


What you said makes sense, but I was speechless.

"System, can I fish in the lake in the park?"

Ling Yun lay on the stone fence by the lake, watching the ornamental fish wandering in the lake opening to the system.

System: "Host, you don't have to tell me about this kind of thing."

"How about that, we are friends."

As Ling Yun spoke, he took out a fishing rod from the system space.

"No, it's too boring to fish alone. Call that fellow Zhou Nan too." Ling Yun said, he turned on the phone.


The phone is connected.

"Ling Yun? Why did you think of calling me?"

"By the way, I just have something to ask you. I heard that you opened up an elemental spirit world, I..."


Halfway through Zhou Nan's words, she looked at the phone that she hung up dumbfounded.

"What kind of rubbish, another one who wants to be a prostitute." Ling Yun decisively put the phone in his trouser pocket.

Ling Yun will know what Zhou Nan said before she finishes.

It must be that fellow Zhou Rui who went back and bluffed.

Promote how awesome the element elves are.

Equipped with elves, there are also element elves that are unique to them, which can greatly increase the strength of Longguo.

But anyway, Ling Yun's purpose is anyway, want to have sex? No doors!

next moment

Ling Yun took out a wizard ball from the system space.

"Come out, Little Emperor!"

Ling Yun reached out and threw it out.

The next moment, a blue beast landed in the center of the park lake.

Its whole body exudes a deep blue light, gradually illuminating the dark night.

"Compared to Shui Jun, you really don't match Shui." Ling Yun looked at Diya Luca and smashed his tongue.

Diya Luca: "..."

Diya Luka felt a little wronged. It is the **** of time, and it is also one of the best among super monsters.

In the end, how come you are inferior to the Three Sacred Beasts under King Feng's Miscellaneous Bird?

"Sure enough, Digimon is much more beautiful than Pokémon, at least it's okay*" Ling Yun thought of celestial beasts, flower fairy beasts, fairy beasts and the like, and he couldn't help but fantasize.

Diya Luca: "..."

Although he didn't know what Ling Yun was talking about, it was right to be silent at this time.

"Tiya Luca, take me to see the scenery."

When he came out tonight, Ling Yun just wanted to relax.

After watching the theatrical version of Game Life again, the whole person was a little depressed.

Riding on God Yaluka, Ling Yun flew towards the sky.

Wherever he passed, the breeze was blowing, making Ling Yun very comfortable.

Looking at the city below from a high altitude, the bright lights and colorful lights make the whole city look very beautiful.

A mobile energy source as large as Diya Luka naturally attracted the attention of countless people.

But when Yang Hai's Super Fans saw that it was Ling Yun, they didn't care.

I can't control it, and I dare not control it.

In the sky

"I really hope that such days can go on forever."

With a sigh, Ling Yun looked at the moon in the sky, stretched out his hand, and held it in the palm of his hand.

"Brother Lingyun, what were you doing in the middle of the night?"

Suddenly, a voice suddenly reached Ling Yun's ear.

Ling Yun was taken aback, turned his head, and found that Xiao Xilin had appeared next to him for some time.

Under its feet, is the Judgment-level collapse beast Bellenas.

"Why are you here?"

"This is going to be broadcast live, I will go to the moon to collect some scenes." Xiao Xilin explained.

"Oh, by the way, Brother Ling Yun, Zhou Rui told me that he wanted to invite you to visit the university. Do you have time?"

"Why doesn't he tell me this kind of thing in person?"

"I just got back from him."

Ling Yun: "......"

"I'm not dead." Ling Yun hesitated and asked.

"Well, not dead." Xilin nodded.

Diya Luca, who was sitting down by Ling Yun, looked speechless.

What kind of fairy dialogue is this.

Zhou Rui can be regarded as a strong one, how can he be **** in your words.

The moonlight fell on Xilin's body.

Let it be seen, like a goddess of moonlight.

It doesn't matter whether you look at it, it just feels like a heartbeat.

A rush of heat surged into my heart.

"What kind of scene? Let's go home tonight, and there will be a big battle tomorrow, so I don't want to relax."

After Ling Yun finished speaking, he directly transferred to Bella's back, and the princess hugged Xi Lin up.

"Ling... Brother Lingyun, my camera is still on."

Xi Lin was caught off guard by Ling Yun suddenly.

"Don't worry, I closed it early." Ling Yun smiled slightly and mentioned Tizilyn's beautiful body.

The next moment, in front of the two of them, the shop space opened, and Ling Yun walked in directly.


"Ling Yun, you guys, what?"

Thor, who was watching the video on the sofa, was taken aback when he saw the two suddenly appearing.

But when she saw Celine's shy face, she understood.

"Ester, take Scarlet to sleep in the next room." Said to Ester who was watching TV, Ling Yun walked into the bedroom holding Xilin, Thor followed.

The wagging tail shows a little excitement in his heart.

Esther's eyes narrowed: "Stare—"

Night sky

Bella changed back to a human form, glanced at Diya Luca, and the light wing behind it moved, turning into an arc and flew towards the shop.

Seeing this, Diya Luka quickly followed up.

time flies

The next day, Ling Yun's eyes moved and opened his eyes.

He didn't wake up spontaneously, but was awakened.

Early in the morning, I kept screaming in my head.

In group chat

Rick: "Everyone, I saw Hubby."

Early in the morning, Rick posted a picture of Hubby.

Suspected of showcasing his wife.

Honjo Kaede: "So cute, I really want to hold it in my arms."

Although Hubie in the picture didn't make any expressions, the face alone was enough to make countless otaku go crazy.

Ling Yun: "It's not bad, but it's still a bit worse than when Aya Qingzhu was a child."

Aya Qingzhu: "Brother Lingyun! I'm not young anymore, so don't talk about my childhood."

Honjo Kaede: "@凌云, yes, the store manager, I have discussed with Risa, we have to go too."

Ling Yun: "What does it have to do with me? Just give money, one hundred points."

Risa: "Shady! We are going to save people, and you still charge us money?"

Ling Yun: "The shop has shop rules, so I can't modify it either."

Ling Yun: "And are you embarrassed? You can earn it back by picking up a warship wreckage in the ground during the war, "Then please explain why Qingzhu Aya and Xilin still have Thor doesn't need points. "

Ling Yun: "@凯文 我的女女 Of course you don't need it. This is equivalent to having been a free thug for Mei for half a century. In the end, you will be sent off if you don't have a fusion child.

Kevin: "!!!"

King Power Hegemony: "Owner, don't know when to leave?"

Ling Yun: "Don't worry when I finish the meal."

Rick: "..."

Don't worry, I'm worried!

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