Super Dimensional Fantasy Shop

Vol 4 Chapter 202: Split seat = whip

"Super Dimensional Fantasy Shop (

"Humans, become swords?"

Zhou Rui stared blankly at Ling Yun, who rushed towards Shuanglong in time and space.

He was a little confused.

He has seen all kinds of abilities, and he understands that his arm becomes a sword, but the whole person becomes a sword...

It was Zhou Rui's first sword.

"Could it be the sword spirit in the novel?" Zhou Rui whispered secretly.


The sound of a metal collision.

Ling Yun struck the shield of the guardian skill with a sword.

Slightly sideways, he drew a fiery red sword from the void and bounced the ring thrown by Hupa.

Ling Yun held two double swords with completely different specifications.


Time and Space Shuanglong issued a roar.

The jewel s on Palkya's shoulder flickered, and a pink light flashed across the palm of his hand, and it was a yakong cut to Lingyun.


Looking at the oncoming beast claws, Ling Yun gave a soft drink, the phantom of the phoenix flashed behind him, and the figure suddenly disappeared.

Let Paluchya hit a blank.

Palucci shook his head in a circle: "Ang? (What about people?

"Roar! (idiot, behind! reminded Diya Luca, a good friend and opponent.

However, this reminder is too late.

A white flame was drawn on the Demon Demon Sacred Sword. On the opposite side, an orange-red flame burst out from the Jiji on Ling Yun's other hand.

There was a ‘cross cut’ to Paluchya in front of him.


Accompanied by a horrible sound, the white flames and orange-red flames crossed the back of Palkiya, driving a terrifying impact, pressing it towards the ground fiercely.

But how could Paluchya, the **** of space, be beaten to the ground so obediently.

The pink gems on the shoulders bloomed with dazzling light.

The delusion uses the power of the priesthood to enter the gap of space.

In order to avoid this blow.

But how could Ling Yun let it succeed.

"Let's go."

Seeing this scene, Ling Yun's pupils flashed, with a sonic boom, quickly rushed in front of Palqiya, and hit Palqiya below him with a kick.

At the same time, a scarlet flashed in his pupils.

The next moment, Palkya glowed with red light, and the gravity on his body was instantly increased several times.


The moment it landed, it directly smashed the ground out of a deep pit, and the terrifying pressure made the surrounding space a bit distorted.

No matter how Palkya screamed, he couldn't break free of this gravity.


Ling Yun murmured, then quickly turned his head.


With a sword swung out, the terrifying sword aura blasted away the combined moves of the **** beasts.

"Hupa, Hupa will never let you go."

Seeing that another screaming beast was defeated, Hupa shouted angrily.

"I said that when the quality reaches a certain level, your so-called quantity is far from enough."

Raising the Demon Demon Sword, Ling Yun's flat voice sounded.

Standing in the void with both hands holding swords, like an ancient **** of war.


The rift seat soars in the clouds.

From time to time there is a destructive death light.


Watching the tsunami that swept in front of me.

Ling Yun clenched his left hand tightly, and the energy was madly conveyed.

Raising the robbery in his hand, looking at Guyoka and Rogia hidden in the tsunami, their pupils narrowed and swung out fiercely.


The huge flames spread all over the world.

Overwhelmed everything in an instant.

Zi Zi Zi!

The sea water was relentlessly evaporated.

Burn the mountains and cook the sea!

"Guru Guru Guru~"

at last

Gulardo, who was throwing up after drinking water, finally woke up.

He shook his head quickly and got up from the ground.

But he found out in a daze that the surrounding area turned into a vast ocean.

And... the water is still hot.

how? Is it because I want to cook my gurado?


Gulardo, who was about to be submerged in the sea, let out an angry roar.

As if the world declared its return.

However, before Gulardo had finished venting, a huge black shadow flew in the distance.


With a crashing sound, Gulardo, who was picked up by Lingyun, slammed into Gulardo with a dazed expression.


Suddenly, there was a huge shocking wave.

"Guru Guru Guru"

A red light appeared on the bottom of the sea.

Gulardo rushed out of the sea.

"Roar! (Which **** smashed Lao Tzu with the smelly salted fish? Believe it or not, I will let you eat the sword of the cliff!

When I just woke up, I was confused by my old opponent, and used it as a cushioning stepping stone. How could Gulardo feel better.

However, the next moment it finishes saying this sentence


In the sky, a dark figure suddenly fell.

Rogia slammed Gulardo's head heavily.

This time, Gulardo couldn't hold it anymore.

Together with Guyoka and Rogia, the two sacred beasts sank into the water.

Zhou Rui: "..."

Zhou Rui, who was attracted by Gulardo's roar, saw this dramatic scene speechlessly. it to be funny?


Ling Yun murmured after taking a look.

"Damn it! Damn it!"

Completely different from Ling Yun's indifferent, Hupa only felt that he was underestimated.

"You who have been hiding behind others are nothing but a jumping clown."

Three exited.

There are still five super mythical beasts, including the Phoenix King, the Primitive Returning to the Skyscraper, the Dark Chief Rem, Diya Luca, and Hupa.

"Nanny of the King of Phoenix, the Space-Splitting Warrior, Chief Rem Flesh, Diya Luca Mage, and Hupa Support? Tsk, two support? This lineup is not good."

"Then kill the nanny first." Ling Yun put the robbery away.

Hold high the Demon Sword in his hand.

【Power: Goat】


Thunder resounded, and the yellow thunder fell from the sky and hit the top of the holy sword.

Goat-one of the ten powers of Velesrana, is a powerful power that can summon thunder.

Unlike the original Grass Pheasant Godou, Ling Yun can freely control this power.

"Prioritize protecting the Phoenix King!"

The other sacred beasts glanced at each other, and Diya Luca spoke.

But the boss of the empty seat just refused to obey the command, and rushed towards Ling Yun with the powerful force of the original return.

Looking at the green caterpillar he sent up, Ling Yun cut it down with a decisive sword.



Thunder hit the joint of the split seat, causing it to ache.

"Try this again."

Ling Yun opened his eyes sharply.

The next moment a dark flame ignited automatically on the body of the vacant seat.


Black overlapping shurikens emerged from Ling Yun's eyes.

Just in the blink of an eye, the whole body of the vacant seat was covered by flames, causing the vacant seat to be constantly twisted in the sky.

In fact, according to Amaterasu's flames, it would have been impossible to break through the armor of the Rapture Seat so quickly.

But before that, Ling Yun broke the defense through thunder and lightning, causing the current split seat to resemble a hedgehog that has been pulled out.

"Suzano can be!"

Ling Yun didn't have a lot of things, just a lot of flamboyant skills.

Coupled with the unlimited energy supply of the system, it is even more calm.

The huge Suzuo Lingyun stretched out his hands and violently grasped the body of the Shard Kongzai.

It's true that the cradle seat is very long, but facing the 100-meter giant Suzuo, its length is no more than that.

Then... a violent pull!


The eyes of the vacant seat bulged.

The saliva fell out.

On this side, other sacred beasts also reacted.

Each uttered a roar, and stepped into the air.

Looking at the sacred beast rushing over, Ling Yun's pupils turned.

Reached out and grabbed the tail of the empty seat.

"Roar! (No, don't!

Seeing Ling Yun's movements, the pupils of the vacancy seat shrank sharply.

It remembered the experience of being used as a whip by the Emperor Tianyu.

Black history, the black history that I never want to recall!

However, Ling Yun didn't respond to any struggle and wailing in the cracked empty seat.

Controlling Suzuo Nenghu against the rushing sacred beast, he lifted the Sundering Seat with a fierce wave.


With the sound of breaking the wind, the four sacred beasts were beaten by this blow.

It should be said that the empty seat is worthy of the empty seat, the body is strong, and the four super mythical beasts were all blown off when the whip went down.

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