Super Dimensional Fantasy Shop

Vol 4 Chapter 198: Pillar King Regichkas

"Super Dimensional Fantasy Shop (

Finally, in Zhou Rui's reluctant gaze, Ling Yun came to the space passage of the Elf World with Ling Yun.

At first sight, there were rows of army guards, and a huge door stood in front of Ling Yun.

"Open the door."

Zhou Rui handed his marshal's certificate to a guard soldier.


After watching, a soldier saluted and walked into the room with Zhou Rui's ID.

"What is he going to do?"

"The elves in the elven world are both our friends and our comrades in arms, and the gate of the elven world is only Long Guo, so you understand." Zhou Rui's eyes flashed a light.

"Are people from other countries?" Ling Yun understood in seconds.

"Marshal, please come in." At this moment, a soldier brought his ID.

Falling with his gesture.

Next moment, Weng~

A sound like steam sounded, and in an instant, hundreds of chain formations emerged from the door door.

Under Ling Yun's bewildered gaze, he untied one by one.

Hundreds of attack-shaped magic arrays of the eighth peak.

This can be regarded as having the most top-notch defensive extraordinary weapons, which will instantly turn into ashes.

It can be seen that the Longguo official attaches great importance to the elven world.

Then, accompanied by a roar, dozens of shackles popped out around him.


The door gradually opened, revealing a dark whirlpool.

Just when Zhou Rui was about to go in, a petite figure fell out of it.


The small figure got up from the ground and touched the head that had a red envelope.

Turning his head and looking at the dark space passage behind him, his big eyes were full of grievances.

This pitch-black hole was obviously solid before, so why is it suddenly empty today?

"La Lulas?" At this moment, Zhou Rui was taken aback when he saw the little elf.

This is a rare elf.

At the same time, I wondered why I didn't come across it so many times before.

Suddenly, Zhou Rui seemed to have thought of something, turned his head and looked at Ling Yun weirdly.

Is it possible that the protagonist in the novel gives away rare elves at the beginning?

Luck is too good.

"No, the entrance to the fairy world is usually handled by the beasts. How did La Lulas have the opportunity to sneak in?" Soon, Zhou Rui discovered something was wrong.

Humans set up barriers on this side of the human world, and elves set up barriers on the other side of the elven world.

Both guard the entrance together.

It stands to reason that the elves of the level of Laluras are not qualified to enter the realm of the beasts for half a step.

"Go in and take a look." Ling Yun walked to La Lulas and squatted down.

"Laru? Laru!"

Before La Lulas could react, he was directly picked up by Ling Yun, and suddenly screamed.

Even if you are suddenly picked up by a stranger, you will resist.

"Don't call, call to throw you out again."

Ling Yun took the struggling La Lulas into his arms with one hand.

He stretched out his fingers and knocked **** the other side of Lulas's head.

La Roulas: "..."

Feeling the pain in his head, La Lulaston stopped screaming.

She was afraid that when she went out with two bags, her friends would laugh to death.

Ling Yun and Zhou Rui walked into the space channel amidst the rumblings of La Lulas.


Elven world

As soon as he entered here, Ling Yun was shocked by the air here.

Without him, it was too fresh. I thought the air in the ball world was good enough, but he was still wrong.

The world of elves, the most primitive, without any pollution, everything looks so beautiful.

"Let's meet the guardian beast of this month first, and then I will take you to the human garrison base." Zhou Rui smiled at Ling Yun's expression.

I think he was as shocked as Ling Yun when he first came.


Ling Yun pressed the excited Lalulas and followed Zhou Rui to a place.

After arriving in the area guarded by the sacred beast, Zhou Rui immediately understood why Lalulas could cross the defense line and enter the space channel.

"It turned out to be this guy." Zhou Rui's mouth twitched.

If it is really not surprising.

"This is... the loss of not walking fast." Ling Yun said dumbfounded after seeing it.

The elves in front of them are not others, but the holy pillar king-Regichkas, the elves who can kill their popularity any way they walk.

Unexpectedly, he was guarding today.

"Ray Gee"

Reggie Kas turned his head stiffly, recognized Zhou Rui, and stretched out his hand as if to say hello.

Zhou Rui: "..."

Ling Yun: "......"

"Forget it, you still don't say hello, I just come to see you, and I will go to the stationing area later." Zhou Rui reluctantly pressed his hand.

At this speed, he was desperate.

Saying goodbye to Regichkas, Ling Yun followed Zhou Rui through the forest, during which Ling Yun saw a lot of cute elves.

La Lulas wanted to run out, but Ling Yun was directly frightened.

La Luras, one of his favorite elves in his previous life.

It's strange to let it go.


Suddenly, the Elf Contract on the back of Ling Yun's hand became a little hot.

Astor's voice sounded in Ling Yun's mind: "Master, I want to come out and see this world."

"Don't be so formal, we are friends."

Ling Yun spoke softly to Esther.

Reach out.

In Zhou Rui's shocked eyes, white light overflowed from the back of Ling Yun's hand, and a silver-haired girl slowly emerged from the void.

Zhou Rui was surprised: "This is?"

"Introduce my wizard, Esther Ling."

Ling Yun put La Luras on his shoulder and gently rubbed Esther's head.

"Fine... Elf?" Zhou Rui was taken aback, and said in disbelief.

He suddenly thought of what Zhou Nan had said to him before.

Could it be true that as Zhou Nan said, Ling Yun likes inhumans?

He didn't doubt that Ling Yun said Esther was an elf.

One was because of the weirdness of the shop, and the other was because of Ling Yun's strength, no matter what, he had to convince him.

"Master, I want to walk alone."

At this moment, Esther, whose hair was messed up by Lingyun, said suddenly.

Although it was very comfortable to be touched by Ling Yun, there was one thing in this world that made her care.

Ling Yun retracted his hand and nodded to Esther: "Well, yes, remember to come back tonight."

"Good!" Esther nodded calmly.

After Ling Yun let go, it turned into a white light and left.

"Ling Yun, she..." Zhou Rui stared at the direction Esther had left.

"Curious, why would I call her an elf?"

"Yeah." Zhou Rui nodded.

"Although it is a bit rude to ask, I still want to know."

"I can only tell you that her name is Esther, and the world also calls her the Sacred Sword of Demon Annihilation, the guardian **** of the elemental elves. Of course, these are the names they used to be."

"Since she came to me, she has had her own life." Ling Yun smiled slightly.

Take out the phone, start to take pictures of the surrounding scenery, go to the group to greet those local dogs.

In situ

Zhou Rui looked at Ling Yun's back dumbfounded, and whispered softly:

"Devil Demon Sword... Elemental Elf World... Guardian God... What are these?"

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