Super Dimensional Fantasy Shop

Vol 4 Chapter 191: 3000 Canglong Breaks

"Super Dimensional Fantasy Shop (


In Zhou Rui's office

Zhou Rui looked at the two sitting on the sofa with a look of love.

Xilin kept flipping through the magazines of the fashion show, while Thor was scanning station B, chatting with the group of sand sculpture netizens.

Zhou Rui said that he had given up resistance.

He couldn't get rid of these two aunts at all.

"Marshal, Number A invites you to discuss the dark forest riot..."

A secretary was stunned as soon as he came in.

He looked at Thor and Celine lying on the sofa in surprise.

He knows that although the marshal usually treats people very kindly, once he gets serious, the kind that his parents don't recognize, especially in the office, he won't allow others to be wild.

But today... what did he see? The usual meticulous office was actually lying so lazily.

However, where did he know, Zhou Rui also said to the two women, but the final result was a severe beating.

According to Ling Yun's words: This person was born to be inferior, but if he fights too much, he will change.

Therefore, for Zhou Rui, the two women came to mixed doubles without saying a word.

It's just a comparison with Zhou Rui and Ling Yun, which are the same verbs, but their treatment is very different.

After Zhou Rui and the secretary left for a meeting.

Xilin suddenly put down the magazine in her hand, and said: "Sister Thor, I have suddenly had a question for a long time."

"Huh? You said." Thor said without looking up, sliding the phone screen.

"Brother Lingyun is going to Qingqingzhu's world, right?"

"Well, what's the matter?" Thor asked unclearly.

"Then you said, why did the Kasuga Yeqiu of the Kasuga Milk Tea shop next door pass by?" Finally, Xi Lin asked this question that she couldn't figure out.

Hearing this, Thor's sliding hand paused.

Raised her head in astonishment, and looked at Xi Lin: "Yes!"



Accompanied by a roar

The stone brick floor of the Nine Heavens Taiqing Palace shattered suddenly, opening a huge hole.

Sparks, dirt and rubble blew up.

Ling Yun looked at the Palace of Heavenly Kings flying to the sky, his pupils narrowed slightly.

The energy was transferred into the pupils, and the moment when the pupil power was released, Suzuo Neng suddenly lifted up.

In an instant, he became a 100-meter-sized complete body Susanou.

The wings spread out like scales on the back, carrying Lingyun straight into the sky.

Carrying a hundred-meter sword is to slash the past.

"Cao!" The Heavenly King Hall cursed secretly, and quickly avoided.

The power of this weapon is terrible.

His moves are like paper in front of him.

Ling Yun stopped in the sky.

It's not that he couldn't beat it, but he found it so stupid.

Chasing someone with a sword and slashing, it feels very awkward.

Turning his eyes, Ling Yun thought of another way.

"Indra's Arrow!"

Ling Yun shouted.


In the sky, a blue thunder suddenly sounded.

"I always feel a little bit worse, then, let's do it all!"

next moment

Boom! Boom! Boom!

The sky was accumulated by heavy dark clouds, and endless thunders continued to fall from the sky, scorching one piece of the earth into black.

The yellow thunder and lightning of the power of the goat, the purple thunder of the law of thunder, the blue thunder of the dragon breaking, the blue thunder of the power of Indra.

Four different kinds of lightning bombarded Ling Yun's Suzuo Nenghu at the same time.

"What is he going to do? He actually used lightning, such a heavenly thing, to bombard the evil giant?" Lei Lord saw this scene, his pupils shrank slightly, and he said in a puzzled way.

As the master of Thunder's Ancestor Talisman, no one knows Thunder better than him.

Thunder is a manifestation of the majesty of nature, which can avoid all evil things. According to the principle of the mutual restraint of all things, Lingyun's Xu Zuo can almost be annihilated in that thunder.

However, the scene that happened in the next moment made everyone unforgettable!

Ling Yun's Suzuo can almost change, his body is no longer monotonous red.

Converged four kinds of thunder and lightning forces, a transformation took place.

Wearing purple armor, red eyes, in his hand is a purple thunder arrow!

The blue wings splayed behind it, and the joints were still red, but the whole had changed.

The whole body was filled with an aura of destruction.

"Fusion of the four different kinds of lightning perfectly together?" In the distance, Qin Ming's pupils who saw this scene shrank suddenly, muttering in disbelief.

Breathing is a bit rapid.

What is the equivalent of this?

It is equivalent to the damage caused by the fusion of two different fires.

Once it breaks out, it is enough to destroy the world!

The moment the battle between Heavenly King Palace and Ling Yun broke out, the two chose to stop.

Ling Qingzhu was a little surprised because of Ling Yun's relationship.

Because his system could not detect Lingyun's information!

This is the first time that the almighty system can't see other people's information. Everything except the name is three question marks.

But there is no doubt that Ling Yun is not a person in this world, maybe he is a traverser like him.

He asked the system, but the system did not answer him.

So Qin Ming decided to observe it temporarily.

Ling Yun has a big move, and the Palace of Heavenly Kings is also worthwhile.

I saw him shout: "Moyuan!"

Suddenly, countless black clouds flew out of his body and turned into skeletons after another.

Behind countless skeletons, the Palace of Heavenly Kings roared: "Ling Yun! I know that you are from the Great Thousand Worlds. Although it is not clear from which power you are, you will die here for me today!"

Under the control of the Palace of Heavenly Kings, the endless demonic energy turned into human heads one after another, biting and rushing towards Ling Yun.

"Using soul imprisonment as a means of attack, how strange is this to look at?" Ling Yun raised his brows.

This reminded him of the Soul Palace in the world of martial brothers.

They are accustomed to seductive souls for cultivation.

"What is going on in this world?" Qin Ming said that he was dazed.

Hidden strength one by one.

In the original work, the Palace of Heavenly Kings does not have such a move at all.

Why did he change everything when he came? !

"go with!"

The Arrow of Indra, which was already ready to go, penetrated the space under Ling Yun's order, but it rushed into the black spirits within a blink of an eye.


When the two collided, countless undead wailed in the sky at the moment they came into contact with the thunder, but some powerful souls that reached the wheel or reincarnation realm in front of them did not disappear, but resisted Ling Yun's attack.

Seeing this scene, Ling Yun shook his head: "Purple is a purple item after all, and that's the limit."

Ling Yun waved his hand.

A white long sword appeared in his Fighting ghosts!

But this time it is not only one, but three thousand!

Three thousand fighting ghosts surrounded the surrounding area of ​​Lingyun Xu Zuoneng.

Lingyun believes in the principles, but the quality is inferior, so fight for the quantity!

"Canglong breaks!"

Under the comments of countless people, Ling Yun whispered back to the entire Profound Sky Continent.


At the same moment, three thousand blue dragon-shaped thunderbolts protruded from the clouds.

The sky above the entire Eastern Profound Region was covered by dense clouds, and the roar awakened countless people who had fallen asleep.

"what happened?!"

On a mountain peak, Yuanzi, who was chatting with the strange demon general, shrank his pupils slightly after feeling the powerful breath.

Seeing the earth throwing up a huge tornado in the distance, he said in surprise.

The Nine Heavens Taiqing Palace was originally a land of immortals.

But now the surroundings are full of destruction, like the end of the world.

"It's terrible, what kind of ability is this! It can control three thousand spiritual martial arts at the same time!"

Qin Ming watched in horror the scene of the surrounding three thousand blue dragons biting the sky and the earth.

Inexplicably shocked in my heart.

Not only him, the elders of the Nine Heavens Taiqing Palace shivered and shivered behind the palace owner and Ying Xuanzi.

The palaces of the ancient eight masters and different demons were also shocked.

You must know that this is not three spiritual martial arts, but a total of three thousand!

Even the legendary Fuzu could not do it!

"Brother Lingyun, that's amazing." Unlike the others, Qing Qingzhu has a look of worship.

This is her sweetheart!


The next moment, the sound of cracking sounded, and a crack appeared in the middle of the three thousand fighting ghosts.

After all, these fighting ghosts were weapons of the lower planes, and finally couldn't bear it after bearing the power of the fantasy world.

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