Super Dimensional Fantasy Shop

Vol 3 Chapter 169: The Palace of Heavenly Kings comes to Taiqing Palace for 9 days

   The appearance of the strange magic general also shocked other sects.

   The seven major sects including Dao Zong, Jian Zong and Yuanmen rushed over after receiving a letter from the Taiqing Palace. Of course, Yuanmen was a bastard.

   Nine days in front of the Taiqing Palace.

   An alien demon will crush an elder's skull in one hand.

   then fell like **** on the pillar aside.

   The disciples around, seeing this scene couldn't help taking a step back.

   glanced at each other, looking at each other.

  Even the elders of the Death Profound Realm were killed by a single blow. At least they had the power of a revolver mirror!

   Enemies like this, they can’t beat them at all!

   "Have you notified the palace lord?" The disciples asked, turning their heads.

   "People have been sent to inform, I believe they will come soon, and all the major sects have also sent people to fight against the strange demons!" a disciple shouted.

   "Hehe, your palace lord? It's not the mid-stage of the revolver mirror if it's dead. It's also worthy of being on par with our strange magic generals?" The strange magic generals on the opposite side couldn't help but sneer after hearing the voices of the disciples.


   Hearing what the opposite monster said, everyone couldn't help being shocked!

   Isn't that more than one strange magic general? !

   On the way to the Seven Great Sects

   "Sorry, this way is blocked." A figure wrapped in blood-red devilish energy stood in front of Ying Xuanzi.

   "Alternate Demon General?!" Daozong Master Ying Xuanzi's pupils suddenly shrank.

   There are strange demons blocking it, which is not a good thing!

   This makes him think that someone will stop him, so how could there be no other people?

   It is estimated that this time the alien demon has lost the blood, and the Nine Heavens Taiqing Palace is in danger!

   Just when other sects are fighting with the alien generals, there is another scene on the Yuanmen side.

   "Ren Yuanzi, I haven't added it for a long time."

   "Brother Yisha? Long time no see." Not only was Ren Yuanzi not worried when seeing the devilish figure in front of him, but he also laughed.

   "Hehe, I think you should know my purpose. It's better not to make friends difficult." Yi Sha sneered.

   Ren Yuanzi stroked his beard and smiled: "That's natural. We Yuanmen cooperate with the nobles, so we won't face each other with swords."

   "That is naturally the best." Yi Sha smiled on the surface, but was very disdainful in his heart.

   is really an inferior race.

   Still delusional to use our power to unify the Eastern Profound Realm?

   The Yuanmen inlaid with the Demon Seed will be our vanguard army to attack the Profound Sky Continent at that time!

   "Brother Yisha, come, I recently got some good tea from Yaozu, and taste it together?" Yuanzi, who didn't know Tiansha's thoughts, asked with a smile on his face.

   Then the two opened the barrier and began to discuss the matter of the Demon Seed.


   Nine Heavens Taiqing Palace

   The guardian palace formed by hundreds of disciples was directly torn to pieces easily.

   The powerful aftermath shook all the disciples to the ground and coughed up blood.

   "You can't win, this guy is at the same level as the palace lord! Let's run."

   a new disciple said in horror.

   The other disciples showed their expressions of disdain.

   He is still the top ten in the Hundred Dynasties, so he has the courage?

   really deserves the name of Tianjiao?

   "Hehe, if you want to blame it, you must be blamed. Last time that guy provokes our Royal Highness very unpleasant, this time I will let you repay it with blood." The strange demon smiled bloodthirsty.

   shook the blood on his hand.

  Although their alien demons don't need to sacrifice creatures to gain power like the blood demons, this kind of murderous aura can also increase the cultivation level invisibly.

   Many disciples looked at each other after hearing the words of the strange demon general.

  Who is the Great King Hall? Who offends him?

   They knew about the strange demons, but the Ten Great Palaces were secrets that only the higher-ups would know.

   "A strange demon general, don't want to be presumptuous!"

   At this time, a cold voice suddenly exploded in people's ears.

   "Palace lord! It is the lord of the palace that is here, and he is saved!"


   Everyone said with joy when they saw the cold figure floating out of the palace.

   The originally gloomy mood was wiped out.

   "Can you really win?" The person who said that he was going to surrender before looked at the people around him and muttered a little dissatisfied.

  As soon as these words came out, other disciples glared: "The palace lord is a powerful revolver mirror, and he holds the artifacts of the Taiqing Palace. How can he lose if he is too dusty?"

   was glared by everyone, he could only shrink his neck in anguish.

   "Are you the palace owner of this broken palace?" The strange demon raised his head, looking at the figure floating in the sky and asked.

   "Altered demon, you take the initiative to come to the door, kill my palace elder disciple, and insult my Taiqing Palace, today we will calculate the new accounts and the old accounts together!" The palace lord snorted coldly.

   A line of floating dust was drawn out of the void by her.

   However, after hearing her words, the Alien Demons not only didn't have the slightest worries, but they were also a bit playful.

   "Hey, what I said is the same as it really is, I'm so scared."

   "Huh? Go to hell!"

   The contemptuous palace lord pierced his eyes and waved a burst of vitality.

   But the strange demon commander did not hide, standing there like a fool.

   Seeing that Yuanli was about to hit him, a palm suddenly appeared in the void, crushing this power directly.

   "The breath of the womb of the plane!"

   The Palace of Heavenly Kings stared at the dust in the hands of the palace master.

   In the Profound Sky Continent, the power of the supreme comes from the womb of the plane, and the dust of the supreme being able to drive the power of the supreme naturally possesses some aura of the womb of the plane.

   "Who are you?" The palace lord frowned.

   But my heart is convex.

  Because she can't feel the breath of the visitor at all.

   This situation is either weaker or stronger than her; obviously, the latter is the truth! ⑦⑧The fastest update on the whole Chinese network ωωω.⑦㈧zω.cδм

After listening to the Heavenly King Palace, he put his hands behind his back, and looked at the apprehensive Taiqing Palace disciples in front of them with their heads upright. The cold voice resounded in everyone's minds: "Alien demons, the head of the top ten palaces, Lord of the Demon Prison, Heavenly King Palace!"

   "Also, this hall doesn't like looking up at ants." The eyes of the Heavenly King Palace narrowed.


   The next moment, magic power is like prison.

   The atmosphere began to sink, and the terrifying magic pressure sank ten centimeters down the mountain where the entire Nine Heavens Taiqing Palace was located.

   Under this terrifying coercion the elders resisted with all their might, and still caused countless disciples to spit out a mouthful of blood and fell to the ground wilfully.

   The palace lord in the sky turned pale after hearing this sound, and landed directly on the ground.

   Standing in front of the people, Qing Qingzhu looked at the people who fell on the ground with a puzzled expression.

   looked at the shining black card in his arms again.

   understood instantly.

   It is estimated that the power of the dimension shop has offset the coercion for her.

   "The Palace of Heavenly Kings!" The palace lord's face was pale.

   She knows the palace of the alien demon race, every one of them is a powerhouse in the reincarnation realm!

  The Palace of the Heavenly Kings is a legendary powerhouse that only the Ice Master, one of the eight ancient masters, can hit hard!

  Only under the alien demon, one of the highest leaders of the alien demon race!

   Calculated by replacing it with the realm of the Profound Sky Continent, that is the Triple Reincarnation Realm!

   "I'll talk about the womb of the plane in a while, now let that guy roll out of the main hall!" The Palace of Heavenly Kings looked down at the palace lord who was lying on the ground.

   For that guy, Heavenly King Palace, he started his own plan ten years in advance.

   is to eliminate the hidden danger of Ling Yun!

  Since he is a member of the Great Thousand Worlds, he absolutely can’t stay. If the guys know that the alien race is here, the one who welcomes the alien race will be the extinction!

   And the most crucial point is that he has never been so humiliated!

   was waved away before finishing the words!

  He said that he could not bear it! ! !

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