Super Dimensional Fantasy Shop

Vol 3 Chapter 160: Qiongmei is so fun

The strong wind blew everyone's hair upright.

"Brother Ling Yun, are you sure that the two of them are really playing?" Xi Lin looked at Ling Yun with an expression of'you tease me'.

And this joke is not funny at all.

"You don't understand the entertainment of dragons. After a long time in human form, I want to show my body and give vent. The battle you see in front of you is not an ordinary battle, but can move the limbs while inspiring the dragon's ferocity. , The gameplay specifically belongs to the dragon clan!" Ling Yun said solemnly.

"Really?" Xilin looked at Ling Yun suspiciously.

"It should be." Ling Yun smacked his tongue, he was not very sure.

But this is related to one's own majesty, even if it is wrong, it can't be lost on the momentum.

But Ling Yun didn't talk nonsense, at least that's how Connor and Thor played in the original book.

Xilin: "..."

Brother Lingyun, maybe I would believe it if you change the person, but Bella is a collapsed beast, and I know better than you what it is.

Even if a mosquito has the shape of a dragon, how can it not have the habits of a dragon!

Sophie looked excited, she was curious to see this creature that only existed in magic.

Think about it, a vampire who disappears when he sees the sun actually wants to bathe in the sun.

I'm not afraid of death anymore, what else would I fear?

In contrast, the first time I saw the dome of this mysterious creature was hiding behind the Lingyun Throne, shivering.

Hearing the roar from my ears and the sound of waves crashing, the whole person froze and did not dare to move.

As a result, Ling Yun put his hand on her head, and didn't even feel it with a gentle touch.

Feeling the stiff body under his hands, Ling Yun's playful heart rose instantly.

Putting his hands out, gently hold the pair of ponytails.

Poke his head gently from the side of Qiong's neck.

Smelling the girl's chuckle, Ling Yun's heart felt crisp.

He looked slightly to the left, and found that Qiong's hands were covering his eyes, and his legs were constantly trembling.

‘It’s not good to be too courageous in this world, let me help you. The corner of Ling Yun's mouth evoked a trace of joking.

The scared girl is the cutest, and it always makes people want to bully her.


In Qiong's ear, Ling Yun suddenly yelled.

Qiong: "!!!"

Qiong was shocked by the sudden sound, and his body suddenly stiffened.

Qiong reacted until three seconds later.


Shouted, then quickly got up, trying to escape from here.

But with her body, there was a heartache in the back of her head, and then she seemed to be pulled by something.

Qiong Yi **** sat back on the ground again.

Qiong: "..."

She looked around with a dazed expression.

who am I? Where am I? Where am I going?

"Hahaha, is it fun?"

Seeing a dumbfounded face, Ling Yun stretched out his index finger with both hands and poked the cheek that could be broken by a bomb.

By the way, the pair of ponytails were pulled up high.

Kasuga Wild Dome: "..."

After a brief period of confusion, she finally reacted and turned her head quickly.

I saw Ling Yun smiling at him.

And in his hands, it happened to be a pair of his own hair.

Reminiscent of the previous situation, she already knew what had happened.

"Ling Yun!!!"

Qiong yelled, and his white and tender face quickly turned red. It was not shy, but angry.

Immediately afterwards, Ling Yun and Qiong played a game of peek-a-boo on Vimala.

Ling Yun ran, Qiong chased.

In the meantime, Ling Yun stopped from time to time, facing the Qiong who was chasing behind him, pushing his **** over.

The poor sister Qiong fell to the ground several times and almost cried.

What a kind picture.

Over the sea, dark clouds shrouded, lightning and thunder.

The two dragons were still colliding with each other.

The clash of dragon wings, the collision of dragon skulls.

Show the dragon's melee combat vividly and vividly.

From time to time, there was a roar, drawing a line of demarcation in the sea.

Ling Yun wanted to complain when she looked at it.

This Nima can directly play Jiugongge.

On his shoulders, he is carrying today's trophy-Kasuga Yeqiang with its teeth and claws.

What can not be made by him who uses the law of reason?

Isn't it easy to use a rope to trap people?

"Brother Ling Yun, shall we go back tonight?" Xi Lin asked when she checked her phone.

As for looking at the sky?

It's dark, it's all dark clouds, tell me how the sky is now?

"Not going back, barbecue here tonight."

"But the ingredients..." Xilin asked another question.

"That's not easy."

Ling Yun shouted at Thor in the sky: "Tor, I won't go back tonight. Let's have some grilled fish for dinner!"

Thor, who was having fun with Bella in the sky, was taken aback.

Stopped and flew in front of Ling Yun, the huge dragon head

"Hey, don't you go back?"

Ling Yun smiled: "It's rare to come to the beach once, so I won't leave."

"Marine fish, right? Leave it to me!" Thor said excitedly, and rushed into the sea.

"Sister Thor?" Sophie asked.

"Rest assured, fishing is the inherent ability of dragons." Ling Yun smiled and stroked Sophie's head.

Much smoother than the dome.

Sure enough, the pedigree is different, and the feeling of suppleness formed is also different.

"You pervert! Quickly let me down."

Ling Yun decisively ignored Qiong's roar.

Throw it to Xilin.

And he himself is looking at the sea in front of him.

Scarlet light spread from his body.

Ling Yun's toes gradually lifted off the ground, floating in the air.

Ling Yun's brown eyes instantly turned into wine red.

next moment.

A huge battleship was outlined by Ling Yun.

Qiong, who was still noisy and noisy, stopped talking.

She stared blankly at the huge battleships of Class A gradually appearing.

"Uh, wait, why am I building a battleship? It's not a war."

In the middle of the construction, Ling Yun was stunned.

He patted his head.

He is here to relax and play, not to fight anyone.

Isn't it a waste of effort to build a battleship?

It is more practical to use luxury passenger ships.

"Xilin, go on."

Ling Yun waved his hand directly, and under Qiong's shocked look, the half-structured battleship flew directly out of the sea and charged towards them!

Wait, they?

Qiong felt as if he had discovered something terrible.

Just when she wanted to speak, Xilin stretched out to close.

The purple imaginary hand extended from the void and grabbed the half of the battleship.

Then the imaginary space opened, gradually devouring the half-blocked battleship.

Sophie exclaimed in surprise: "Well, water is flowing."

Ling Yun knew what to do as soon as he shouted. With this skillful action, he would definitely do similar things in the ordinary days.

"Brother Ling Yun makes a wrong thing every time it is put into my imaginary space. According to Brother Ling Yun, the imaginary world is equivalent to another real world, so it is equivalent to having a world-wide space to store things." Lindow.

Qiong: "..."

So, this is why he regards your ability as a garbage dump?

Dare to scribble a little more.

Let the child grow heart.

Only noobs like you can believe it.

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