Super Dimensional Fantasy Shop

Vol 3 Chapter 158: Why do children like to stay in the toy store?

   Visible to the naked eye, Akizuki Kozo's face turned pale instantly.

   looked at Ai Li in disbelief.

   He didn't expect this little sheep in his captivity to treat him like this.

   "Eat it for me, beast!"

   In response to Akizuki Kozo's shocked gaze, Ai Li put the pill in her hand directly into his mouth.

   Then, with all his strength, his hands tightly locked Akizuki Kozo's head.


   But a man is a man after all, even if her body is hollowed out, it is not that Ellie can easily subdue it.

   For this, Ai Li gave him a kick again!

   I suffered two setbacks in the same place.

   No matter how good your physique is, you can’t hold it anymore.


   Kozo's pupils bulged fiercely.


   This time, the throat was empty, and the pill was down.

   Ellie also let go of his head, clapped her hands, and took a few steps on her hind legs.

   looked at Akizuki Kozo, who was rolling back and forth with his crotch on the ground with satisfaction, and coughing constantly.

   "Bah, this is what a maggot should have." He spat disdainfully.

   Ai Li took out her cell phone.

   Click to turn on the video function.

   She wants to record the whole process of this guy's **** change.

   Dirty creatures should live in the stinking ditch!


  Dimensional shop

   "Want to go to the beach and have fun with us in the afternoon?"

   After eating, Ling Yun leaned on the chair and asked towards Qiong.


   Qiong's pupils shrank, crossed his hands, guarded him, and looked at Ling Yun vigilantly.

   invited a girl who had only met for less than a long time to go to the beach?

   It's not normal to think about it.

   Lingyun: "......"

   "As for? You don't want to think about which of Thor and Xiao Xilin's body is better than you." Ling Yun looked at Qiong speechlessly.

   Maiden, you are too confident.

   You said that your cat is not as big as Thor, and your legs are not as good as Celine, and your looks are not as good as Sophie.

   What did you say I pictured you?

   "Huo! Running water!"

   Sophie, who was eating the blood smoothie, raised her head suddenly.

   She can already think of the dazzling sun on the beach and the waves that follow after another.

   Although there is an isolation card now, Sophie still has an instinctive fear of these things.

   It’s just...the feeling of heaven is also very comfortable~

   Qiong shook his head when he heard Ling Yun's words, and then looked at Ling Yun earnestly: "I know one thing after I came to Longguo!"

   "Well, you said."

   Ling Yun was taken aback, Qiong was a bit uncomfortable with being so serious.

   "Do you know why there are so many toys in your child's house, but you still don't want to leave after going to the toy store?"

   "Because he wants to play if he hasn't played before?" Ling Yun said subconsciously.

   But Ling Yun was stunned after speaking.

  Because Thor, Celine, and Sophie all looked at him with strange eyes.

   Why does Ling Yun (Ling Yun brother) know so much?

   "You really have this idea!"

   After hearing what Ling Yun said, Qiong sat up from the stool like a frightened little rabbit, and quickly hid behind Sophie.

   In the entire shop, the only person I know is Sophie.

   But she didn’t know, everyone else was eating, Sophie was drinking blood...

   Lingyun: "......"

   "What are your eyes? I'm just a sentence I read when I'm bored on the Internet."

   "Ling Yun, I also read a short story online." Sophie turned on the computer.

   Everyone looked over curiously.

  In the eye, it is a bee digging into a white flower to absorb nectar. Below is a picture of extremely lush green leaves.

   "The bees are only collecting nectar, is there any problem with this?" Ling Yun asked inexplicably.

   Sophie slid a round: "Please read the article."

   Lingyun glanced at Sophie, looked at the text under the picture, and read: "A bee flew over and asked the leaf: ‘You are so ugly and you don’t have sweet flowers. What's the use of you?’

   Ye Zi replied: ‘My wife has beautiful flowers, but I’m rich! I have been supporting her by photosynthesis. ’

   The bees continued to plant the flowers as if they did not understand, the leaves seemed to be a little greener under the sun..."

   Thor: "..."

   Kasuga Dome: "..."

   Xiao Xilin looked at the silent people in the shop, and asked wonderingly: "Why are you not talking anymore? What does this mean?"

   "It's okay, kids don't need to know this kind of thing." Ling Yun took Xiao Xilin into his arms and closed Sophie's computer.


   Xiao Xilin has a question mark on her face.

   Forget it, ask Sister Thor secretly.

  ——The dividing line——

   was lying on the ground, face pale, covered in cold sweat, and Qiuyue Xiaosan was stunned.

   then let go of his hand in disbelief and looked down.

   He... feels something is retracting! ! !

   "What did you do to me!" Akizuki Kozo grabbed Ai Li's calf and roared.

   Ai Li sneered and kicked his hand away: "Didn't the doctor not give you a diagnosis? I'm just helping you, saving you thinking about things you shouldn't think about."


   The flash of the phone flashed, and the scene of Akizuki Takazo's embarrassment was taken.

   "Isn't it okay to be a whole life's waste?" Ai Li squatted down and patted Akizuki Kozo on the head with a smile.

   "No, no, I was wrong, let me go! You see, I can still work, this family cannot be separated from men."

   "Women can still work, and you can also work part-time..." Ellie gave him a meaningful look.

   "Woman?" Qiuyue Xiaosan was taken aback.

   At the same time, Akizuki Kozo's hair suddenly grew longer, and something bulged in front of him.

   With legs closed, there is something cool and whistling underneath...

   Akizuki Kozo, who specializes in biology, suddenly thought of a possibility.

   "No! You can't do this to me!"

   It was only an instant, and the pale face turned whiter, and there was no blood.

   looked at Aily pleadingly.

   Regarding Akizuki Kozo's wailing, Ari was expressionless.

   "I don't want to become a woman!"

   Akizuki Kozo's voice gradually became sharper.

   Compared with the eunuch, her degeneration is more perfect!

   A few minutes later, the metamorphosis was completely over, Akizuki Kozo disappeared, and only a pitiful beauty was left in front of Ai Li.

   Ai Li stretched out her white jade index and gently lifted the chin of the black-haired beauty in front of her, her blue eyes and the black eyes looked at each other.

   Chu Chu's pitiful look made Ai Li feel a little distressed.七·八·中·文ω·ω·ω. 柒捌zω.còм

   Didn't expect that scum will look so good after transgender?

   "It's a pity, everything is too late."

   A nice smile wafted up at the corner of Ai Li's mouth, and she looked at the beauty lying on the ground in front of her and whispered: "From today on, you will be called Akuzuki Takami, huh."

   Feeling the smooth skin, Ai Li suddenly became a little envious.

   deserves to be something from the shop, the skin is so smooth and supple, plus this face, you should like a lot of men.

"Tsk tusk, it's a pity for this beautiful face, will you still dare to walk the night alone in the future? Will you be afraid of meeting an idiot or something?" Touching Qiuyue Xiaomei's face gently, Ai Li said'distressed' .

   Smile like a goddess, but in Akizuki Kozo, ah no! In Qiuyue Xiaomei's eyes, it was as horrible as a devil's smile!

   "You demon! I'm going to kill you!"

   After changing from a man to a woman, Akizuki Takami threw Ai Li down, grabbed Ai Li's throat, and roared.

   After becoming a woman, without that thing, the pain naturally disappeared.

   The expression of Ellie who was thrown to the ground did not change at all. Looking at the beautiful face above, a sneer appeared at the corner of her mouth.

   "Hehe, kill me and you will never want to change back!"

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