Super Dimensional Fantasy Shop

Vol 3 Chapter 141: Big orange is set!


Zhou Rui and the others frowned and looked at the fading beam of light.

They are looking forward to it.

Because this is the best way they can think of so far.

If it doesn't work, you can only go to the elves to ask Arceus.

Ball ground

The bigwigs of all countries are equally silent.

But the next moment

The gradually dissipating beam of light shook slightly, and an existence similar to a black hole appeared in the middle.

The straight line of laser light began to twist, absorbing the remaining energy little by little.

"It's not right, everyone is ready!"

Zhou Rui looked solemnly at the black hole that was constantly devouring spiritual energy, and there was a trace of cold sweat on the palm of his hand holding Po Jun.

The others nodded, and some nervously shook their weapons.

"Suzaku, try it with your Tianhuang bow."

"it is good."

From behind Zhou Rui walked out a man wearing a fiery red fire feather suit.

On his hand is a red bow and arrow engraved with a phoenix.

It is made with the blood of the Vermillion Bird and a variety of rare treasures, and it can be used to burn several cities with all its strength.


The arrow was shot and turned into a winged Suzaku and screamed towards the black hole.


Suzaku crashed into the black hole under everyone's gaze.


Just the next moment.

A sound like a wolf's roar suddenly sounded, running through the void.


The Suzaku made of flames wailed, turned into sparks and disappeared in place.


At this time, before everyone could react, the void opened a hole directly, and countless scattered fragments spilled into the endless abyss.

"What happened?!"

When people were confused, a pair of extremely large and sharp claws grabbed the entrance of the crack.

Then slammed!


In the horrified eyes of countless high-levels and extraordinary people, the space crack was directly torn open, and a huge wolf head protruded from it.

"Screaming Moon Sirius?" The knight Wang Weiya was surprised when she saw the giant wolf.

Isn't this race already extinct?

"Go back!"

When Zhou Rui saw the next move of Xiaoyue Sirius, he shouted, and stretched out his hand to form a storm, leading the group of Longguo to explode and retreat.

Since the other short-term stunned, they also reacted.


With a roar, a giant wolf tens of thousands of meters long with a silver-white body and a white waning moon on its head jumped out of it.

The roar resounded again, and for a while, the brains of Zhou Rui and others swelled, as if they were about to explode.

Several people couldn't bear it and fell directly into the endless abyss.

It stands to reason that the universe is a vacuum, and there is no possibility of sound.

But this sound is the resonance produced by the collision of auras.

All creatures that breathe in spiritual energy can feel it.

"No! Retreat!" The knight Wang Weiya's pupils shrank sharply, looking at the giant wolf that was approaching, and pushing away the two knights behind him.

Holy Sword Liberation!

The golden spiral line of light suddenly protruded hundreds of meters.


In less than a second stalemate with the sharp claws of the giant wolf, Wei Ya was shot and flew out.

Four or five meteorites were smashed together, forming a series of explosions in the universe.

"My king!" The two knights shouted, just trying to rush over.

But soon, their bodies froze, and disappeared into ashes in everyone's horrified look.

"What are you kidding?!"

"How is this going?"

Many strong men said with horror on their faces.

The two great living beings disappeared directly!

"I don't know." Zhou Rui's brows were also frowned tightly.

I simply couldn't figure out where this giant wolf came from.

Didn't they deal with the Emperor Tianyu? How could a Howling Sirius pop up?

"Could it be that we used satellite lasers to just unlock the restrictions here? Released this Xiaoyue Sirius?" Zhou Rui lowered his head.

"What should I do then." The Pope of the Vatican turned his head.

"If this continues, we must be completely wiped out."

"Speaking Mao's English, I don't understand, so I can speak Chinese." Zhou Rui was also annoyed here, and listening to the whistling and crooked voice in his ears was even more annoying.


Just when everyone thought Xiaoyue Sirius would turn around to the other party and them, they turned around and opened their mouths.

A beam of light was spit out in the direction of the satellite, destroying all six satellites.

"Is it possible, it is?!" This scene clearly passed into everyone's eyes.

They suddenly had a very bad idea.



Number A looked at the report in his hand and rubbed his frowning eyebrows.


The door was opened, Number A put down the file in his hand, and said, "Did the reason be analyzed?"

"Just read it directly." Seeing the man's movements, Number A waved.

"The satellite laser project is to absorb the energy emitted by the moon and the sun to condense into a force of yin and yang that can penetrate everything in the world."

"According to our inspection, the data of the Howling Moon Sirius is surprisingly consistent with the data of the Tiantianyu Emperor."

"Well, go ahead."

The researcher swallowed and continued: "But we don’t know that the Tianyu Emperor’s body is the Xiaoyue Sirius, and the Xiaoyue Sirius is Yin. It can get an extremely powerful increase under the full moon. In the satellite laser, the Tianyu Emperor forcibly absorbed the yin force in the satellite laser."

The researcher lowered his head.

To put it bluntly, this time because of their mistakes, they made a big mistake!

"Then why the two knights disappeared in the picture." Number A let out a sigh of relief.

"Yes... because the power of yin has covered the power of yang in the human body. According to ancient records and modern tests, people with a balance of yin and yang in the human body can survive, but the Emperor Tianyu directly reversed it, resulting in Demise from the origin."

"What did you say?" Number A gave a sudden pause.

"Do you mean to tell me that as long as the Emperor Tianyu wants to destroy all mankind easily?"

"It's... theoretically possible." The researcher's voice became even lower.


at the same time

Space Inspection Agency

"Wait! What is that?"

The others were taken aback, and then looked in the direction the person pointed. The pupils shrank slightly.

"Quickly, enlarge that part!"

The screen is displayed.

Let everyone look at each other.

What at this moment?

Noah's Ark?

The picture is not someone else, it is Vimana made by Lingyun.

Sitting on the throne, Thor and Celine are on both sides, standing quietly beside Utilizer like guardians.

"Is this the universe? It's amazing!"

The edge of Vimona.

Motojo Kaede, wearing a dawn attack costume, looked curiously at the vast starry sky around him, behind which was a platinum shield.

There are also a few words engraved on it: Xuan can't save the can't change your life.

"It's amazing. It turns out that the Brick House is a lie. The universe can breathe."

Risa, who watched this scene through the live broadcast, blushed at that time.

Risa: "I'm sorry everyone, my maple is embarrassing to everyone."

Dagu: "It hurts, just get used to it."

Dagu, who had experienced the Beria incident with Honjo Kaede, clearly knew how ruined Honjo Kaede was.

King Power Hegemony: "You are not alone upstairs, I have a deep understanding of the first person I saw."

Aya Kiyoshitake: "...Can't the universe breathe?"

Hardworking gardener: "...Normal people are impossible!"

Ling Yun: "The big orange has been set!"

Risa: "???"

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