Super Dimensional Fantasy Shop

Vol 3 Chapter 121: I want to know the Rimuru who is set up by Maple.


Little Xilin looked at him dumbfounded.

This uncle is so familiar. I have never seen him. Is it because he is greedy for his beauty?

It's just such an old-fashioned way of approaching a conversation, I guess there is no girlfriend until now.

As soon as this thought came out, Xiao Xilin's eyes became sharp, and she took a step back, and a sub-empty spear appeared in her hand out of thin air, obliquely blocking her chest.

Watching Yang Chuan vigilantly: "If you dare to take one step forward, I will kill you!"

Yang Chuan, who was still a little excited about going over to hold Xi Lin's hand and shout to Comrade Xi Lin, was stunned, and even the smile on his face became stiff.


Zhou Rui on the side laughed directly after seeing Yang Chuan's expression.

"Has anyone ever told you that you laughed like an idiot." Xilin turned her head and said disgustingly.

Zhou Nan: "······"

If you can't say anything, you can't make me laugh.

My mentality has collapsed!

Believe it or not, if I can't beat you, I'll just get started.

At this time, Yang Chuan also recovered from the dumbfounded, looking at Xilin with embarrassment in his eyes.

what's going on?

Could it be that I laughed a little wretchedly and scared the child?

Just when Yang Chuan wanted to continue speaking.

Didi's voice came from the intercom in his hand.

He picked it up immediately.

"Director, the protective cover has been erected, and the villa has been equipped with manpower for the surrounding area. Now we are waiting for the fourth team to evacuate the people.

After listening to Yang Chuan, not only did he not feel relaxed, but also a little solemn: "Be careful, they should have successfully sacrificed. To be on the safe side, add a few more layers to the protective cover. Take your own weapons and be ready to fight. Don't let them. Escape!"

The person on the other side was obviously stunned when he heard it, and then said with some uncertainty.

"But, Captain, we obviously haven't detected any abnormalities here."

"Increase the protective cover! I'll come over now."

After listening, Yang Chuan glanced at Xilin and Thor and said solemnly.


Although the person opposite doesn't quite understand, the order is the order, and he only needs to execute it.

Yang Chuan put down the walkie-talkie.

"If there is nothing wrong with us, we will go back."

The nurse took out his phone and looked at the time, said.

After looking at Xi Lin, she turned around and left.

"Hey, wait."

"Is there anything else?"

Xiao Xilin and Nursery turned their heads and looked at Yang Chuan in confusion.

"That...Say hello to Master Kevin for me, thank you for saving Yanghai City last time."

"Kevin? Why are you talking about him?"

Xi Lin looked at Yang Chuan curiously.

You let me, a lawyer, say hello to the fusion warrior who has been thinking about destroying the collapse all day... The question mark is almost the same.

"Isn't he the guardian of your shop?"

Yang Chuan stared at Xi Lin's confused look for a moment.

No, when Zhou Rui waited for the four adults to return last time, he had clearly told him that the person involved in the Yang Haitianhuo incident was Kevin Kaslana, who was the guardian of the Dimension Store.

How can Xilin's expression be wrong?

"At first, Xilin was in a coma, and you officially blocked the matter afterwards, and we didn't explain it carefully with Xilin. She didn't know that it was normal." The nurse said afterwards.

"It's like this, I'll just say it." Yang Chuan was a little surprised.

Xilin rolled her eyes and pointed at Yang Chuan's back: "I advise you to go over quickly, the snake has come out completely."


Yang Chuan was stunned after hearing Xi Lin's words, and then as if thinking of something, he quickly turned his head back.


The moment he turned his head, a huge vibration sounded.

The earth trembled fiercely, and the violent shaking made Yang Chuan and Zhou Nan almost unable to stand firm.

The earth cracked, and the cracks had spread to him from a distance.

"you guys!"

Yang Chuan was shocked after seeing it, and turned his head, there are no two figures of Xilin.

"They just entered a dark space and left." Zhou Nan was talking about the imaginary space.

"Forget it, this battle was originally ours, so we can't always let the Dimension Store wipe our ass."

"Zhou Nan, go with me." Yang Chuan frowned as he looked at the place where the explosion occurred.

"it is good!"

Zhou Nan agreed, and the next moment the two ran towards the location of the explosion.

On the highway

Xia Yuan's body stunned while driving a motorcycle.

He raised his head.

Just now, in the south, he felt a very strange force.

He who has been performing secret missions all the year round clearly feels that the newly emerged power is definitely not owned by humans!

It should be an alien creature

He bowed his head and murmured, "Is it out already? Hurry up!"

Turn the key on the locomotive one more circle, the next moment, a green rune appeared on the tire, this is a rune of acceleration and downwind.

It's used to hurry.

Xia Yuan disappeared before people's eyes like a wind.

Seeing Jiao Jin looked dazed.

Does this kid take me too seriously?

But soon the above call made his inner anger disappear and he returned to his post.

Villas in Huaguang Community

Several blue shields enveloped the entire villa.

Suddenly, with a loud noise, a giant snake that was 100 meters wide and covered in blue directly broke through the roof of the villa and filled the sky.

But this happened to hit the protective cover that the transcendents had set up in advance.

I was too excited to break through the cracks in the space and didn't suppress it.

But this collision directly stunned Bi She's whole person, and also awakened the collision.

Brain full of stars

This blow was pure physical energy, but the impact contained in it also made some of the transcendents who maintained the protective shield forcibly spit out blood.

Several machines that maintain energy delivery have also exploded.

"Really... it's out!"

The squad leader who had previously spoken to Yang Chuan looked at the Bi Snake hovering in the air in disbelief.

I also admire Yang Chuan in my heart.

The director deserves to be the director, the perception of the fourth-order transcendents is better than those of us.

In mid-air, after a brief period of confusion, Bi Snake quickly reacted and roared as he watched the shield covering its head.

The turquoise scales opened.

A green light lit up at the junction of the aquamarine scales.

The energy of the whole body gathered and turned into a green thunder at Shekou.


The roar fell, and the green thunder and lightning roared out.

The bombardment hit the barrier.


Just a few seconds.

The first barrier was broken directly because of being overwhelmed!

Immediately after... is the second!



The shop door is opened

"Ling Yun (Brother Ling we are back!"

As soon as Xilin and Nursery entered the shop, they saw Ling Yun lying on the sofa typing codes and Limru lying on the table looking at the phone.

But what is playing on the mobile phone is the anime "Because I'm too afraid of pain, I will have full defense"...

Limru expressed that he wanted to know about the Maple persona that Ling Yun said was very similar to him.

As for why I didn’t sit on the sofa with Ling Yun, that’s because...

Hearing Lingyun said that he is a slime, if he sits on the sofa, once he relaxes because of the comfort, the liquid on his body will sink into the cracks of the sofa.

Then the sofa will be more difficult to clean.

In order not to trouble others, Limru took the initiative to sit on the table.

"Oh, you are back." Ling Yun raised his head after hearing the voice, and smiled as he watched the two of them.

"Thanks for your hard work, come and sit down quickly, I'll pour you some tea here."

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