Super Cute New To Marvel

Chapter 94: Infiltrate (×) Upright and bright ()

  Chapter 94 Infiltrating (×) Upright and Bright ()

Now that the task is in hand, it can’t be grimacing. Fisher refused the golden treasure and beautiful wives and concubines sent by Prince Faisal. He brought a gun and four or five Arab guerrillas he picked out. The way.

According to the order of the War Department, Ludendorff will stay in Ottoman Turkey for about a week, but he didn’t say how he got here. Fisher estimated that it was either a train or a ship, but if it were a ship, the Mediterranean fleet might have to lay off all its staff. NS.

Along the road all the way north, all the members of the Ottoman army dressed up with forged documents and a kft surveillance vehicle. Not only did Fisher and his party not be suspected, but they also rubbed a lot of oil and food. After all, who dares to be so arrogant in the enemy country. The territories were marching wildly, and after burning the souls of many fallen Ottoman soldiers, Fisher's own Turkish had reached the eighth level, and he could speak with a little Istanbul accent.

  After four consecutive days of driving, they finally arrived at the location of the military base mentioned by the intelligence.

  "Tsk, the Germans are afraid that others will not know that they have built a base in Ottoman!"

Generally speaking, when building a military base or military factory, everyone will choose a very hidden place. For example, the research and development base code-named Skunk under the command of the giant was placed in the deep mountains of northern Iraq by Fisher, and several in the United States. The light weapons factories are all located in the mountainous area, which is still the kind of mountainous area with pleasant scenery and green waters.

  But for this German base, it’s fine to repair the square wall. After all, everyone repairs it like this, but after you finish repairing it, there is a black and white red iron cross on the camp, isn’t it a bit too ostentatious?

  Looking at the black eagle waving in the wind on the flag, Fisher can only say one thing, awesome!

   "Mr. Lawrence, how are we going to get in? Shall we go in?" asked a guerrilla who was accompanying Mauser tightly holding Mauser in his arms.

"Hit? Why do you want to fight? This place is not like a desert. You can recruit a thousand Ottomans in less than ten minutes with a single shot, and then there will be 10,000 Ottomans waiting for you to run outside. I can fight." Nine thousand nine hundred and ninety-eight. Can you deal with the remaining two?" Fisher took back the telescope. The base was mixed with people. Germans, Ottomans, and Arab laborers came in and out. The problem, the only trouble is that their credentials have to be changed!

An hour later, a French bca truck with an iron cross was chuckling along the dirt road to the west. The German cook and his Ottoman driver at the base were in the car. The two were going to a nearby city to get supplies. As a result, after driving for a while, they saw an Ottoman Army Kft reconnaissance vehicle parked diagonally on the side of the road, and two Ottoman soldiers beckoning at them constantly.

  "Sir, what should I do?" asked the Ottoman driver who was driving.

  "Stop and help them see!" The German officer thought for a while, everyone is allies, wouldn't it break the unity of the two armies if they didn't help?

  "Are you the driver who is too drunk?" The driver stepped on the brake, poked his head out and asked.

"Sorry, sergeant, our tyre is broken, and the captain is injured!" Fisher picked several people who are very standard in Turkish. In addition, the driver did not notice that it was wrong, but listened instead. When one of their officers was injured, he was a little anxious and immediately reported to the German officer.

"I was injured in a car accident. I know how to heal. I'll go and see!" The German officer who was enthusiastic about Gudao took off his hat, pulled his neckline, put his uniform on the seat neatly, and took out the splint and gauze from under his buttocks, and headed towards the kft car. Walked over.

   "Where are you uncomfortable?" The German officer asked when he saw an Ottoman officer who was wearing a black military uniform and also covered his face tightly lying halfway in the car.

   "I'm not well anywhere, headache, arm pain, and leg pain!" Fisher, disguised as a wounded man, pretended to be weak, and said in an airy tone.

"Okay, hold on, let me check if you have a broken bone first!" After that, the German officer was about to go forward and untie Fisher's clothes, and then he felt that something hard was on his belly. .

   "Captain, what are you doing?" The German officer was a little annoyed, and then lowered his head and saw a Luger pistol facing his little brother.

   "Excuse me, sir, your car was requisitioned by the British Empire!" Fisher said with a smile, pulling off his scarf.

   "You..." The German officer flushed, "You are not abiding by the spirit of chivalry!"

   "The chivalry was dead from the moment Maxim appeared!" Fisher motioned to the opponent to raise his hands, and then asked the guerrillas who had tied the driver into dumplings to come over and **** the German officers.

   "Oh, by the way, take his clothes off!"

"I protest, I am a German soldier. You can't do this. I just took off your clothes just thinking you were injured. There is no other meaning. You can't do this!" The German officer saw Fisher there and started to unbutton it. , The souls freak out, struggling desperately.

"Your Majesty, your loyal people are going to be defiled!" Under the black hole of the gun, the German officer shed two rows of tears, biting his lip and lying in the truck body waiting for the last moment. "Oh my God, have the British people fought in the past few years become abnormal?"

   It’s just that the expected impact did not come, instead, a few smelly Ottoman uniforms were thrown on him.

   "Think too much, I just borrowed your military uniform to use it! Now, tell me the layout of your camp!"

  "German soldiers will not succumb!" The German officer who was stripped of only his underpants said harshly.

   "Take off his underwear, and find me a goat in heat!"

  "Our camp..." Facts have proved that no matter how hard a tough guy is, there will be a nemesis. Just find the right method, and you can do everything!

  Fisher put on a slightly smaller uniform, then tied the driver and the German officer together, then raised his fist to help the two fall asleep, and then covered them with felt cloth and wrapped them tightly.

   "Okay, drive!" Lowered the hat, and then Fisher leaned on the seat and watched the guerrillas drove the truck back to the camp.

  "Are you back so soon?" The sentry at the door didn't notice that the person in the car had changed at all. He just glanced through the dusty glass and opened the roadblock.

After driving the truck to turn left and right along the base road for a few minutes, the car arrived at the back kitchen of the base. After getting out of the car and checking, after confirming that there were no people in the back kitchen, Fisher stuffed the two prisoners in. Put the food waste in a large bin outside the back kitchen.

  Now, it’s time for Captain Steve of America to appear!

  (End of this chapter)

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