Super Cute New To Marvel

Chapter 682: Battle

  Chapter 682 Great Battle

   "Boom boom..."

  On a dark snowy night, on a remote country road, an old-fashioned muscle car with a sense of age is trekking through the snow, and a motorcycle is slowly approaching in the dark lane behind the muscle car.

  Variously visible in the muscle car are a man and a woman. The windows of the car that have not yet been closed are still steaming, and you can still hear Monroe's songs on the radio when the sound is quiet.

  The motorcycle got closer and closer, and then passed the moving car. After the two cars staggered, the rider on the motorcycle took out a pistol and pointed it at the car’s tires and pulled the trigger.

  The tires burst, and the whole car began to shake. Although the driver was trying his best to keep balance, the car swayed down the road and crashed into the dense forest.

  Then the motorcyclist got out of the car, holding a pistol in his hand, his left arm reflected the silver light in the moonlight, and there was a shining red star on the shoulder.

  The driver walked towards the car that hit the big tree, then inserted the pistol back into his holster, opened the car door, and grabbed the two of them who had fainted because of the car accident.

   "Crack!" Fisher sat on a high director's chair with a big horn in his hand. The whole look was like a director on the set.

   "How long did it take?" Fisher put down the horn and looked aside.

   "From the first contact to the completion of the assassination, it was 17 minutes and 37 seconds. After that, there should be a little time to deal with the traces. The entire operation should not exceed 30 minutes!" The special forces commander with the deputy director's sign replied.

  "If you change you, how long will it take to replace the people in the car and then evacuate without attracting the attention of the following car?"

  "It takes about three minutes. The Banshee drone can approach the vehicle silently. At the same time, the sniper fires anesthetic bombs to make the members of the vehicle unable to resist. The drone release personnel exchanges with the vehicle, and then leaves again!"

  The commander from the Special Operations Department estimated the level of his soldiers, and then replied.

  "But the problem is that the exchange personnel can carry invisible cloaks, but the personnel in the car cannot be invisible. At least there is no way in the retracted drone, so we must choose a time that will not be noticed by the rear motorcycle!"

  At this moment, the snowy roads and forests have disappeared. There are only two cars and three people who are exchanging acting skills.

  Thanks to the scientists who invented the virtual imaging technology, Fisher did not need to run to the spot in simulating Howard's murder scene, and then airlift the snowflakes from Siberia. All these things were replaced by the projection equipment and drones in the factory.

Originally, this plant was a simulation exercise of street fighting with the Special Operations Division, but now it has become the site of Howard’s death. Dozens of technicians and a larger number of service robots are ensuring the normal operation of the equipment, and a dozen special operations The elite soldiers of the army compared the map while looking at the simulated video.

In order to give Stark an explanation, Fisher also made great efforts. Atlas' military laboratory used Cerberus technology to produce dozens of batches and hundreds of simulated bodies. To maintain the touch and temperature close to the human body, these products use ultra-light alloys and bionic electronic muscles, and there are synthetic fats under the skin. Except for the current head, these limbs are no different from real people in terms of touch and weight.

   "Okay, let's go again, then look at the time, confirm the process, and decide where to start!"

Because it was promised that Gu Yi would not disturb the timeline, the actions should not be misaligned. For this reason, Fisher and Wanda took turns to brainwash the Winter Soldiers, in order to remind him of all the processes during the action. The time is stuck to the millisecond level.

  And the Winter Soldier did live up to expectations. Although it was painful to recall the past, this time, the American team’s chest muscles accompany him.

  As a super warrior of Hydra, the Winter Soldier naturally also has the passive ability of memory enhancement, which is not good for breaking, just like Holmes’s memory palace.

And Atlas has not forgotten to find out a few incident experiencers from the Mars labor camp. With them, the details are more complete. Although Fisher wants to find the commander or high-level who assigned the task. It's a pity that these people were either sent to the sky by Titan tanks or died in various ways. After all, the incident happened very early. Those who had witnessed it did not have super soldier potions. There are now more than 50 young prisoners.

  So these guys were reminded of the past, but they were no longer as gentle as the Winter Soldiers, the big electric stick was poked, and a few prisoners started to report to the government.

  After repeated detailed research, the scene of Howard’s death also entered the second link. From studying how Howard died, it turned to researching how to use the line of sight difference to steal people and replace people.

This troubles the Winter Soldier, the US team and Peggy Carter. The Winter Soldier rides a small motorcycle and gurgling ran over and over again, and the two people in the car collided again and again because of the US team’s own driving skills. It's not good (he was riding a motorcycle) so Peggy Carter drove him. The other party put a beard on himself and wore a suit. As for Steve, it was a dress with a haircut.

For women's clothing, the US team is very unhappy, but what is the bad idea after waiting for his women's votes for decades? Become a little sister.

   "Remember, you must record it all!"

  Without Fischer’s orders, the soldiers in charge of recording have already set up various cameras and drones, and the camera is firmly aimed at Captain America.

   "This should be the most shameful thing I have ever done in my life!" The American team in the car couldn't help covering his face.

   "Really, it's more ashamed than shouting long live Hydra?" Peggy Carter, who was dangling a cigar and painted a fake beard, looked like an old gangster, grinning and attacking the US team.

"That's just forced by the situation. If there is another time, I will definitely not shout those words! Also, don't endure Laozi!" Although all kinds of tricks have been played by female votes at home, but in public , The US team is still very conservative.

   "Be obedient, let me Kangkang how brave you are!"


The two in the car were flirting and yelling, and the one who was standing by on the motorcycle was a bit of sadness. Compared with you lost your arm and was brainwashed into a killer, it is a good foundation to be with you when you are doing things together. You are full of the sour smell of love, and you still have only Xiaoyou to accompany you.

   "Well, all departments, Howard's death second game! Let's start!"

  (End of this chapter)

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