Super Cute New To Marvel

Chapter 669: Please fly the cult!

  Chapter 669, invite the cult to fly by plane!

"Electronic brain?" Fisher's first reaction was the c guy in the interstellar hamster. Most of those guys wore a square mechanical head, but then the experts said that it was not as exaggerated as Fisher thought, but just picked them up. A brain-computer connection is used to assist the brain in thinking.

  However, there is still a problem with this plan. This kind of brain-computer connection Atlas has not yet been studied.

   "So you are running here and I want research funding?"

   "Yes, boss, I am confident..." Before the expert had finished speaking, he was framed by the guards.

   "Let the federal government allocate funds to build a nursing home, and do you want to try electrotherapy? This is an ancient oriental secret technique!"

Fisher looked at the luxuriously decorated room and thought to himself that this was originally the governor's office, but after running with the sister-in-law who had been involved in the cult, the office was abandoned. Now this is the front-line headquarters of Atlas, responsible for coordination. In the aerial turkey hunting contest and the ground pig-catching contest, neighbors in neighboring states have locked the border. The wolf dog and the National Guard are guarding by the border marker. No matter who comes over, whoever catches Xiaohei first When the house is closed, it can be said that the besieged water in Montana is now blocked. No, the water can go out.

  Although jungle mountain warfare is not the training strength of Atlas combat troops, it is not a weakness. The hexagonal warrior is a strong warrior created by Fisher, and everything will be a little bit better (Red Panda Fingertip Universe)

In terms of pilots, the Atlas Air Force currently has six more aces. Of course, the promotion of these aces is actually not very happy. In their opinion, their opponent should be some kind of titanium fighter, x Wings, no matter how good they are, have to be star fighters of the same level, rather than ridiculously flying or even crashing modified pesticide aircraft.

Because of the large-scale operation of the farm, there are actually many kinds of double-wing pesticide machines. However, with the intrusion of the bliss cult, farmers have eradicated crops and planted poisonous weeds, and the double-wing machines that spray pesticides have become a demonstration of force. Kind of tools.

  The cultists call these pilots the air knights, but when the fires are actually getting together, these guys who are smashed by drugs often output crazy output at their own people, and it is difficult for them to start the plane.

In the beginning, the mission of Atlas fighter pilots was only to cover the commando, but after seeing the pesticide planes swaying from the woods to the sky, the pilots who felt that the wolves were more and less fleshy left the transport planes behind and started. Go down and use the energy cannon to love these guys well.

The whole air battle didn’t even waste a single missile. Those shaking pesticide machines were swept away. Even during the battle, the jackals passing by at high speed also stalled several pesticide machines and let them plant themselves. The embrace of Mother Earth.

  In the face of such an opponent who pulled his hips, the pilots naturally refused the promotion of the trump card, and even they did not want the ground crew to draw the icon of the pesticide machine under the cockpit.

  However, this idea was naturally criticized by Fisher. Respect your opponent, no matter what weapon the opponent is using, only treat them equally to avoid overturning because of arrogance!

After the Father’s air knights were completely annihilated, the sky above Montana became the Jackal Zone. The huge Jackal fighters have strong endurance and can stay in the air for a long time for cruise. They use sensors to monitor the surface. , As long as you find a sneaky guy, you rush down and ask him to eat his favorite big ear.

But because of the drug problem, these cultists often don’t know what fear is. Waiting in line to shoot at the gun is their favorite thing. Therefore, in less than three days, nearly 80% of the jungle surrender battles were killed. Enemy.

Among them is Pietro. The young man has broken several pairs of mountain combat boots these days. His speed can quickly detect enemy situation and reconnaissance routes, and even traps can be ignored, and it is in Pietro. Thanks to his efforts, the second of the four members of the cult boss’s family was quickly blocked by special forces in a hunter’s cabin.

  Because of his confidence in his abilities, the second child decisively put down his weapons and chose to surrender. When he was taken into the helicopter, he had a confident smile on his mouth.

He didn't start panicking until the helicopter went straight all the way, crossing the coastline one after another, and entering the depths of the ocean. Because of the experience of fighting in the mass effect world and supernatural beings, Atlas now has protective equipment even for military dogs. The trick of the second child is not enough.

  And what made the second child even more alarmed was that after entering the ocean, the soldiers guarding him added a lot of weight to his body, and his hands and feet were also tied to death.

   Is it?

A man in his 30s was frightened and became incontinent. Although he likes to skin other men or pinch women’s **** when he has something to do, he never likes to be thrown from a helicopter. But he had no choice.

   "Don't worry, those family members of yours will come to accompany you, our boss said, the family should be neat and tidy!"

  The second child was thrown into the sea, followed by the third child. The opponent was hit by a bullet in the buttocks in the encounter, and then he reunited with his brother on a stretcher.

  As for the fourth youngest sister, Faith, it was a bit miserable. Pitro happened to see her dancing on the cliff while investigating, and there were a few silly civilians who jumped off the cliff by her flicker.

  Pitro didn't even think about rushing up, who was not angry. Then Faith, who liked to fool others off the cliff, flew out of the cliff himself.

Fisher expressed his condolences for the tragic death of the other's younger sister, and announced that he would hit Pietro and his sister's **** as punishment. Later, the smashed Faith was also put into a big box and sent to see her. Brothers.

   Now the whole of Montana is left with the boss of the cult, a middle-aged man called the Holy Father. Fisher was a little stunned by the choice of the other's hiding place. It was a nuclear bomb silo built in the mountains by the United States in the last century.

   But now that you know the location of the opponent, let's not be polite. Special forces come to make an assault, open the way with bazookas and explosive kits, and wipe out the last diehard cults surrounding the Holy Father one by one.

As for the Holy Father, after seeing his loyal little brother dying, he was completely arrogant in court, but he was also trying to buy off the Atlas soldiers who arrested him, but the latter was completely unmoved. .

  "You are dead, and all your belongings are ours. Now let's enjoy the special package our boss prepared for you. Open the helicopter door!"

  (End of this chapter)

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