Super Cute New To Marvel

Chapter 633: The purpose of laning is to **** off the opponent

   Chapter 633 The purpose of laning is to **** off each other

"Who are you?"

"you guess!"

  Even Leviathan, who had lived for tens of millions of years, was irritated by Fisher's words, completely forgetting that he was only to warn the other party not to disturb him at the beginning.

In fact, it’s not surprising. Although Leviathan is like a Japanese otaku who stays home for ten thousand years, their sources of information are still very sufficient. The reaper’s ability to enlighten comes from them, but they will not change the enlightened person. It's just a machine.

  Of course, this does not mean that those who have been educated will have a good end. If necessary, Leviathan will kill all living things and erase his own traces.

Just like in another timeline, Shepard traced the clues all the way to a mining company’s base in the asteroid belt, where they met an enlightened NPC, and when they were about to catch up with each other, he was detonated. The grenade killed himself and destroyed most of the clues.

Because species and species are different, Leviathan treats other lives differently. They feel how awesome they were at the beginning. Everything is a dog, and only they are the only true god, so they treat the current life race in the same way. Views are just like human beings don’t care about ants. In Leviathan’s eyes, humans are like talking ants.

The powerful cultivating ability is already strong. The body that can fly across the universe can allow Leviathan to run around while the universe is full of eyeliners. Of course, it is not because they like to move, but because they have to face the reaper if they don’t run. Iron fist.

There is no word gratitude in the dictionary of composites, or the gratitude of the reaper is to kill the owner and then use their bodies to make part of themselves, just like the Americans killed the Indians, the real owners of American land. , And then peeled off their scalp to make leather boots (it is said that Lincoln has this kind of shoes), see, the American reaper said!

Moreover, the Leviathan race still has a big problem. Their fertility rate is too low. When they were the overlord of the universe, Leviathan was divided into territories like a large area of ​​stars. The Leviathan of the entire universe. That adds up to that, which is why they kneel, the reaper abruptly flooded the owner by the sea of ​​machinery.

And after tens of millions of years of hunting, there are now a dozen or so Leviathans left, and they don’t dare to arrogant a shrimp occupying a large area, but just like a kindergarten kid taking a nap. , Neatly nestled in the endless abyss under ten thousand meters to sleep, leaving only one responsible for the guard.

So most people don’t understand Leviathan’s story, even those researchers, they only regard Leviathan as a behemoth in the sky, and Fisher’s familiar tone made this Leviathan unstoppable. Mind attack.

   "Huh?" Fisher also felt the pressure from the Leviathan creation, but compared to Fisher, the other's mental attack was just sprinkling water.

Leviathan, who was catering in the sea, only felt that a huge lighthouse appeared in front of him. Under the dazzling light, he seemed to melt, and his soul was stinging. He wanted to get out, but was imprisoned. He sucked it firmly, and then something was forcibly put into his mind by the other party.

   "Who on earth are you?"

   "Look at your unhappy enthusiastic people, ready to ask you to get up and warm up. They have been asleep for so many years. I guess the bones are also stiff. It just happens to be close to the trouble you have caused!"

   "What else do you know?"

  The Leviathan in the deep sea suddenly stunned, and the sea immediately began to groan over the river and the sea, scared that Leviathan hurriedly stopped, and then scanned the atmosphere vigilantly. Well, there was no general passing by the Reaper.

"you guess!"

If Leviathan would be a human, this would have begun to greet Fisher’s family, but as for their race, they would not have any vocabulary that can be aligned with each other. People usually communicate with each other by telepathy, and they don’t say any words. , The kind that knows the meaning of the other party at a glance.

   "Enough, ants, darkness is not something you can taint, go and meet your destiny!"

  "Really, believe it or not, I'll bring you hundreds of harvesters. What is the sea temperature? Does the fish in the sea suit your taste?"

   "Damn reptile! How dare you threaten..."

   "Say one more sentence, the reaper will come to your house immediately. If you don't believe it, look to the sky!"

  So this Leviathan scanned the sky again obediently.

  "Don't want to scare us, there is nothing in the sky!"

   "So you are so obedient, can you kowtow to me?"

   "You little reptile!"

   "You have been beaten by the reaper!"

   "You will eventually be killed by the Reapers!"

   "You have been beaten by a reaper, and the body has been made a reaper!"

   "The final victory must belong to us!"

  "Not only did you lose your position as the boss, you still have to stay in the sea to be the king, because the reapers find that you will pull your tendons and pull out your skins!"

   "Enough, human, stop this topic!"

   "Okay, you have been beaten by a reaper!"

Breaking the defense, breaking the defense, and Leviathan, who was repeatedly exposed by Fisher's scars, simply forcibly withdrew from the spiritual communication, then nestled in the sea and began to shut himself down, completely unaware of what Fisher just stuffed into his mind. thing.

   "It's delicious but mineral water, Alili..."

  A piece of magical music drifted through Leviathan's mind inexplicably.

what is this? This Leviathan couldn't help shaking his head, trying to throw out those inexplicable things, but the more he thought about it, the clearer those songs became, and as he listened, this Leviathan didn't even realize it. After humming, the water gurgled up bubbles, and then he woke up.

   "What the **** am I doing?"

The awakened Leviathan once again kept giving himself psychological hints, hoping to forget those strange things, but how could the things that Fisher quietly engraved in his subconsciousness could be easily eliminated, as the mud and sand rolled, In the ocean, there was again a sound wave that was almost imperceptible to the instrument.

  Fisher pulled up Dr. Bitterly who was paralyzed on the ground. After getting clues from him, he was about to leave.

   "Fee... Mr. Fisher, can you tell me what happened?"

"Doctor, you can make your team withdraw to the Star Alliance. I will leave the job to me. Tell Old Hackett that it is best for his granddaughter to be as beautiful as he said, otherwise he, the admiral, will end up. !"

  (End of this chapter)

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