Super Cute New To Marvel

Chapter 623: If you have a mistake, you must admit it, and you must stand at attention when you are

  Chapter 623 If you have a mistake, you must admit it, if you are beaten, you must stand at attention

  In fact, the Cerberus organization, although it does a lot of bad things, still has a lot of talents, and there is a reason, because of the goal of establishing this organization.

  The Phantom Man established Cerberus after he escaped from the imprisonment of Turian. His body was exhausted, but his brain was extremely clear. He realized that if he wanted to protect humans, he had better have a gun in his hand!

  So, as long as this idea still exists in the Star Alliance civilians and even the army and government, there will still be a steady stream of people joining Cerberus because their goals are clear enough.

  Make mankind great again! .jpg

Therefore, in order to achieve this goal, the Phantom Man is unscrupulous. He can let the zero-element transport ship leak in the atmosphere in order to increase the observation objects of the experiment, or he can conduct human experiments without hesitation, because the final goal is extremely clear and clear. , It can be said that he is a determined person to move forward, but in the end he went to extremes.

  It is precisely for this reason that the internal structure of Cerberus is actually not connected, the connections between members are not so close, and the natural loyalty is not so high.

   "I hope the lives of all my soldiers are guaranteed!"

  The straightness of the Petrovs base station does not look like the losing side at all.

   "This is natural, although we are not bad people, nor good people, as long as we obey our arrangements, then your lives can be guaranteed, but the premise is that they have no war crimes!"

At present, more than a quarter of Atlas' combat personnel are from Hydra. These people will go through screening, re-education, thinking stamping, and several processes before becoming official soldiers of Atlas, provided that they are not involved. What bad things have happened? For war crimes, Atlas stipulates similar international laws, but the review is very strict. If there is a problem and there is no report trying to cross the sea, the shooting is already a pity for him, Fisher You don't require his army to be like a child soldier, but at least, he must be an upright person, the strong draws his sword to the stronger, and the weak will only bully the weaker than himself.

As long as the prisoners involved in crimes, the Atlas Military Law Department will pronounce sentences based on the degree, and disciplinary measures range from death squads to life-long hard labor. For the most heinous people, Fisher will not shoot the other party. Such people should Pull away the asteroid belt and dig the stones to death.

"Ah, this!" Petrovsky was a little surprised when he heard such a request. The Star Alliance Navy had actually conducted several civil wars before. After all, the Milky Way was not covered and wanted to run to other independent gods. There are still some, so this kind of moment requires the navy to strike out, and then only the mastermind will be sentenced. The rest of the personnel will be amnested and will be issued relief funds. Like Atlas, all have to be reviewed. He is still the first See you once.

  "You do not have the right to refuse. In addition, we will accept all your assets. If there are traces of intentional destruction and destruction, we will also make a corresponding trial!"

   "We will not accept such harsh conditions!"

  "Then we can accompany you to continue fighting until you can accept it!" John's expression is very disdainful. At this moment, he is still thinking about conditions. Do you think you are a Japan where you live a good life? Being an emperor can you continue to show off your power?

  John has heard Fisher's mockery of Mikear more than once.

   "I see!" Colonel Petrovsky nodded, and walked away.

Half an hour later, Atlas’ black and red triangle flag began to fly over Cerberus’s base. All Cerberus soldiers were detained according to their shifts, and technicians were censored individually. Miranda and other supernatural players were all arranged to be guarded by special personnel.

At the beginning, these abilities were not used to this treatment. Several elemental abilities still wanted to practice with the Nano Commando. As a result, they hadn’t come up with any moves yet, and the bright plasma swords were already on them. At that moment, Miranda knew that after cutting his head, the plasma thing would still bleed.

However, Atlas also fulfilled their promise. All the prisoners were not beaten, scolded or abused, the wounded were treated, and the dead were properly handled. Even the Atlas officer handling this matter carefully counted all the dead. After receiving all the assets of Cerberus, he prepared to send a condolence money to the other party’s home.

  And Petrovsky and several other senior officials were brought to Fisher.

  "Do you know the hiding place of the Phantom Man?"

Looking at the man sitting in the shadows, several executives swallowed a mouthful of saliva, and then shook their heads. They usually only want to see the Phantom Man in the space station of the red giant star. As for other places, they don’t know. .

"Well, I guess you don’t even know, not even the boss’s hiding place, you are too shameful to be the horses of others! Fuck off, don’t let me see you again!" Fisher waved his hand, this A few guys were okay, he had already stamped each other's minds one by one when they met just now, and then let them continue to manage Cerberus's assets, of course, the name had to be changed to Atlas.

"This guy is like a chicken thief!" Fisher stretched out and stood up and looked at the planet under his feet. At the same time Atlas launched an offensive, he had already sent special forces to arrest people, but he didn't expect The opponent ran faster than the rabbit. On the space station, the special forces captured more than a hundred people, all of which were the logistics team of the Phantom Man. There were only eighteen people in the light cook. However, these people were more or less appearing by nanomachines. The traces of infection, so they were all taken for medical treatment afterwards. Olivia has a hundred ways to fix nanomachines, and the transformation of the reaper is not enough.

  Of course, the main reason is that the time of being assimilated is not too long. If you are turned into a corpse puppet, then reopen. Be careful in your next life. Just don't come to this dangerous universe.

As for the Phantom Man, who has not yet been brought back to justice, Fisher did not look for it again. Cerberus was able to build the Normandy sr2, a spaceship that is more concealed than the former, which shows that the Phantom Man is the trick to hiding. Very proficient, instead of digging three feet, it is better to cut off the other side's escape route.

   "Let the engineering ship come over and drag the repeater back to Lao Tzu!"

  Want to run, right? I will dig the road and subgrade directly for you!

  (End of this chapter)

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