Super Cute New To Marvel

Chapter 607: Cyperus backs the pot again

  Chapter 607 Cerberus is back

The reason for giving Star Alliance such a discount is that after a period of time, the Star Alliance Navy, which has only completed limited combat readiness, will have to face numerous Reapers like stars. It is a battle of great power disparity and no chance of winning. , But the Star Alliance Navy rushed forward without hesitation, and retained counterattack power for the subsequent guerrilla warfare. In the end, only the fifth fleet of Hackett's five naval fleets remained. The first and third fleets defended the earth. In the battle, the Fourth Fleet was completely wiped out at the Arcturus Space Station (Star Alliance Naval Headquarters), and the Second Fleet took the initiative to assume the post-interruption mission after the Arcturus battle failed. The entire fleet, including the commander, did not One survived.

This army is still young, but what it inherits is the fighting spirit of the entire civilization of mankind, which is worthy of a more handy weapon. The second reason is for the subsequent battle of the gods. Twenty-five sons, Saran Atreus, led Prince Jies into the gate of the fortress, and drove the high castle council to hold his head. The squadron of the fortress of Turui was wiped out before it had time to react. In the end, if not The Star Alliance Navy is rushing to help, I am afraid that the destruction of the entire galaxy has already been staged.

The   Nakata Cruiser naturally has to catch up with this opportunity to show off. This thing is suitable for large-scale riot production. The entire God fort is home to 13.2 million people, and it is the center of the galaxy. There is no better performance stage than this.

Apart from other things, at least Fisher can guarantee that Ashali and Turui will definitely be excited. Although the equipment of the Ashali warships is first-rate, because of the strange aesthetics of the race, the real combat effectiveness of the warships is often compromised. Rui advocates pragmatism, and use whatever is good, just like Star Alliance’s Mako Chariot, Star Alliance has not purchased as many as Turus itself.

But speaking of Turui, I have to mention the progress of Shepard’s current mission. Normandy chased Saron to the home planet of the Klogans, Tuzenka, who was blown into the sand by the nuclear war. Here, they It was discovered that Saron was creating a cloned Klogan army.

  Is this okay? Every Klogan has been fighting since childhood. They have to fight with their brothers when they are born. They have to fight with scarce supplies, harsh living environment, and hostile tribes after they are born. In order to survive, They will do their best to fight, compare with other races. When human children go to school and are busy engaged in the battle of My Youth Story, Klogan children of the same age have learned how to use broadsword shotguns to open scoops to others. .

When it comes to individual combat power alone, the powerfully armed Turius just smiles. If you want to talk about the breaking of the cow, you have to look at K Logan, but a hundred K Logan fought with a hundred Turians, but the Turians won the battle, because Perhaps before the war started, the Krogans were half dead due to internal fighting.

But a Krogan army that is forbidden by orders is tantamount to pinching the two prominent points of the Asari, who claims to be the handle of the universe, making those arrogant blue-skinned girls look like little girls with their throats strangled. Like the hen, she couldn't laugh anymore.

Originally, because Fisher revealed that Cerberus was trying to solve the Krogan’s fertility problem, the Castle of God sent a Celerite team. Now, after learning that Saron is still in trouble, Krogan's home planet became very lively.

In the name of peacekeeping and humanitarian aid, the Fortress of God packed dozens of warships and tens of thousands of Marines here in one breath, and began to search for anyone who dared to touch the red line of Klogan in an all-round way.

The entire Krogan home planet was panicked for a while. Many Krogan chiefs thought that the Castle Council was here to cut the roots and prepared to issue a protest statement, stating that anyone who violated Krogan's sovereignty would be severely punished, and then these chiefs I got the so-called relief supplies provided by the God fort Council.

  Weapons, food, and a lot of stars.

  "Welcome the arrival of the Peacekeeping Forces of the Castle of God, Klogan has been the most loyal old friend of the Castle Council of God since ancient times!"

With the leadership of the Earth Snake, even Shepard himself moved quite smoothly. The coalition forces, with the cooperation of the local warlords, swept the Salon base. All the cloning facilities were completely destroyed, and during this sweeping process In the game, everyone also discovered that Saron had also harboured a Lekner Zerg queen. Well, I thought about arresting Saron for interrogation, but now it’s no longer necessary. Rebellion, colluding with foreign enemies, Lord Tu Rui directly After a slaying order was issued, the heinous traitor Sharon must be killed and dealt with.

  At this moment, several chiefs of Klogan who hadn't made a profit were excited and sold Cerberus who had come here to do research secretly.

In fact, at this time, Cerberus has not yet developed any idea of ​​controlling Krogan by solving Krogan's fertility problem. What the Phantom Man wants is to use this trick to buy a group of Krogan who can fight to take charge of Cyberjaya. Ruth’s combat mission in the Realm of the Gods, because recently, for some unknown reason, the social groups in this area have been extremely hostile to Cerberus, and they opened fire if they didn’t agree with each other, which made Cerberus stretched out. Cerberus, who upholds human supremacy, is naturally even more in short supply. It is naturally less likely that the human forces who are not on hand will be sent there. Isn’t it good for alien dogs to bite dogs?

  However, the fortress who was in the anger would not listen to the sophistry of scientists. Several hundred Cerberus scientists and guards were all handcuffed and sent to squatting.

  Okay, now the result has been processed, but what does the external statement say? The coalition forces of all races, plus a bunch of ghosts gathered together, it is impossible to help the Klogans repair the home planet, so the senior leaders of all races whispered and held a meeting, and decided to hold the black pot in Cerbero first. But correspondingly, Star Alliance must be compensated. The second person in charge is Saron. Of course, he is not the ghost of the castle. This old man has died in the mission not long ago, but some Sarun Atreus, the leader of a Turian extreme terrorist organization, is about the same name and surname as the ghost of the castle.

  For this result, all parties expressed satisfaction. Star Alliance received new technology, new shipbuilding shares, and priority development rights for unexplored galaxies. The Castle Council kept its face and finally reached a win-win outcome.

As for Cerberus, the Phantom Man is also wondering why his big plan has not yet been implemented, and he has become the leader of an illegal organization and is wanted, but he does not matter. Since the establishment of Cerberus, he himself Never returned to the Star Alliance territory, and it doesn't matter if you are wanted.

   "What's more, now..." Looking at his blue eyes in the mirror, the Phantom Man touched his chin, "I feel very good!"

Regarding the accident last night, I just came out of the toilet and put my mobile phone on the wash cabinet, but there was still a glass cleaning cloth. My mobile phone was placed on the side and it was slanted and slid down. I fell into the sink like this. I was still holding the toothbrushing cylinder and toothbrush in my hand, so I couldn’t catch it.



  (End of this chapter)

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