Super Craftsman

Chapter 724: International situation (on)

Not as expected by Zhao Wei, when she and Lu Zhiming had a phone call, that night, a military transport plane landed at Gusu Guangfu Airport, transported a container of materials, and then sent it to the studio's warehouse overnight.


nonexistent! This kind of thing, Zhao Wei can not report to the higher level.

Therefore, on the same day, Zhao Wei reported to General Liu, the chief officer of the Northwest Base, and the general of the second person.

On the same night, a military transport plane from the Northwest Military Region also landed at the Guangfu Military Airport. A small group of special warriors flew over and went straight to the studio.

Their task is to return to the Northwest Military Region for testing at the fastest speed after Guo Tailai designed and manufactured the firearms.

The military planes perform their missions, but they still have to pass through the Air Force, and they all need the airport of the local military region.

The Guangfu Military Airport is under the jurisdiction of the Jinling Military Region. Can two transport planes land within one day, but can they not be alarmed?

Especially in this place of Gusu, the Jinling Military Region is responsible for the protection of Mr. T's studio, but still do not know their movements?

So when Guo Tailai was still asleep, a small team of special soldiers in the Jinling Military Region also drove straight to Gusu and went straight to Mr. T's studio.

Their task is that no matter what good things are in the studio, the Jinling Military Region always has to grab one of them.

When the final assembly was sent, things could not be covered.

When other military districts look at this situation, they still use it?

Send someone! Otherwise, some of the latest weapons and equipment will certainly not be detected in the first time in their own military region.

The next morning, when Guo Tailai and Shijie rushed to the studio to work, they faced the final assembly and the six major military regions waiting for his new equipment.

At least six fighters in each family are waiting in the courtyard on the first floor of the studio.

Two of them did not coordinate to the airport. They jumped directly at the airport in the middle of the night. The exaggerated operation allowed Guo Tai to understand the situation and could not help but be speechless.

As for?

"As for!"

The people from the Northwest Military Region were acquainted with Guo Tailai who had drunk the umbrella and took the shell shells. He heard Guo Tailai’s words sigh very seriously.

What can Guo Tailai say?

Only the security personnel can arrange for these soldiers to stay first.

Each of the two guns is a rifle that can be freely combined into a variety of different uses through different barrels and accessories. It is not a day or two.

Moreover, these soldiers are staring at the scene, and it is impossible to give this home to the family first. I am afraid that other families can be anxious first. In order not to let the studio become a corner, Guo Tailai can only finish it all. It is inevitable that it will cost you at least twenty days.

Fortunately, these soldiers live here, Guo Tailai can not worry about security here.

There are more than forty special soldiers with guns in active service. I don’t know which thief or paparazzi are lucky, and sneak in and meet them.

It may be because these soldiers waited on the spot, so the top leaders of several military regions did not directly contact Guo Tailai.

Anyway, everyone knows that there is Zhao Wei, Guo Tailai will definitely spare no effort to work, do not have to urge.

However, when he started working, Guo Tailai had to ask for hardship.

At that time, I was quick to explain the reason for finding a new gun at random. As a result, I was able to put myself in.

There are still six sets of satellite communication module chips on hand, and the "back door" is added to the chip. It is easy to push the things of building the car backwards. Now, I have added a bunch of guns to myself. jobs.

It is impossible for each key to give only one kind of gun. At least three, that is, three sets, the total number is calculated, that is, three seven twenty-one, two kinds of guns, forty-two sets.

Even if Guo Tailai is doing it quickly, it will take 42 days for a normal day.

No way, in order to speed up, Guo Tailai can only work overtime.

Fortunately, nano-robots can fully cope with this precision without replacing synthetic diamonds. Guo Tailai has consciously copied nano-robots since yesterday. The number of nano-robots is large enough and the processing speed can be accelerated.

The core studio is constant temperature and humidity, and there is no large shock. The internal processing area is forbidden from other people except Guo Tailai and Zhao Wei. Guo Tailai does not worry that the sister can see his own processing and can be opened.

However, the sister and sister are now busy with the same pile of things on hand, and they are not able to accompany Guo Tailai for processing. She will not enter the core area to influence Guo Tailai, just let Guo Tailai concentrate on her work.

Guo Tailai’s efficiency is also very high.

With the recovery of the number of nano-robots, when the two trillion figures are full, the processing speed has never been faster.

Two trillions, that is, two trillion nano-robots. Although the length of the nano-robots has become 0.2 micrometers after the upgrade, the total volume of so many nano-robots is only sixteen cubic millimeters. Others will not see it at all. What is wrong.

During this time, Guo Tailai was very hard and worked almost 16 hours a day.

Before the finished firearms, Guo Tailai completed two sets of communication chips and handed them over to the satellite design center through the military.

Anyway, the two sets of chips are enough to make two satellites, which can meet the initial launch mission.

The reason why it is so hard is because the back door Guo Tailai in the chip has to test, the workload is huge, but it has successfully completed the latent.

This made Guo Tailai full of confidence in his future communication network.

Fortunately, before Zhang Zonggao, they came to Guo Tailai to help, Guo Tailai also promised to push the car to go backwards, waiting for the two car research centers to be built, otherwise, it is still a lot more.

For a full month and a half, Guo Tailai completed six sets of chips in his crazy work, and also completed 42 sets of complete firearms and accessories.

Seeing that the soldiers left the boxes that belonged to each family separately, Guo Tailai finally could breathe a sigh of relief.

In fact, when the first set was completed, Guo Tailai had already let the soldiers bring the first batch of firearms back to the military area for testing, and the latter was to complete a batch of one batch, and the last batch was already the third batch. .

A month later, even if Guo Tailai had no synthetic diamonds at all, and he had been replenishing energy when he was working, his body still lost a lot.

Let Zhao, who is always with Guo Tailai, feel distressed and proud.

When all the chips and guns were completed, Zhao Wei took Guotai back and forth to the hotel.

"rest well!"

The sister accompanied Guo Tailai lying on the bed and forced Guo Tailai.

Accompanied by the sister, Guo Tailai did not even see the main news on the TV, and fell into a dream with a pillow.

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