Super Craftsman

Chapter 561: What are you waiting for?

When I heard Guo Tailai say this, Zhao Xiangbei and others were relieved.

If you are sure to go on, according to Guo Tailai's talent in mechanics, the possibility of trying to come up with a problem is extremely small.

"Why do you still have to go to the United States to recruit?

Is there no submarine expert in China? ”

After Zhao Xiangbei was worried, he couldn't help but talk about the submarine expert's business: "You go to the design expert of the nuclear submarine, the Americans still don't blow up the nest?"

"We didn't take the initiative to find it!"

Guo Tailai looked at her face: "I just sent a recruitment message, but it was only half a day. The nuclear submarine expert just expressed interest. It is not that I will definitely apply for it. Maybe it is to be famous, and we will use our hype.

Besides, I am not looking for a designer abroad. If I am actively recruiting in China, the leaders of several research institutes in the Navy will not tear me up?

Or, a few uncles, experts from your group company, support me? ”

This is true. Guo Tailai’s company has a high R&D environment. Apart from the lack of administrative level and professional titles, everything else exceeds the domestic research institute. It’s really necessary for Guo Tailai to let go and dig people. I dare not say it, but the elite of the middle and young ages will definitely be dug by him.

They are certainly experts in these group companies, but there is no way to compare them with Justice Square Technology.

Listening to Guo Tailai asked, no one dared to answer the words easily, but also looked at Guo Tailai and Mi Feifei with vigilance.

Next to Mi Fei Fei Mi always heard this topic, it seems to have been glaring at the big eyes with excitement and ready to start.

Really let them move, is this still enough?

"Don't you come!"

Zhao Xiangbei has not spoken yet, and Cui Dong and Li Dong have been shocked. Liu always directly rushed Guo Tailai to warn: "It is not easy for us to train a few people!"

"Look, even some of your elders are thinking this way, and other research institutions still don't eat me?"

Guo Tailai said with a pair of hands, helplessly said: "I am not looking for someone to go abroad to find?"

"You must be careful when recruiting from abroad. Don't accidentally touch the red line of some countries."

Zhao Xiangbei reminded: "The submarine is a sensitive thing, and there are too many people staring at it.

The technical content of this is far from what you can imagine when building a car. It is not good. You might as well pay for renting submarines that can be rented, which is safer. ”

"I will pay attention, Uncle Zhao!"

Guo Tailai nodded and gave Zhao Xiangbei a smile.

"There is still a way."

Bao Li Liu intervened: "Fatty, you can entrust some research institutes of the Navy to develop some technology for you! You don't have to dig people, you can also fulfill your needs, and you can research all the funds to improve research and development. Ability, three things in one fell swoop!"


Li Dongyi shot his thigh: "Is this not solved?"

"Let our military research institute do research and development for the fat man, can the fat man go abroad afterwards?"

Zhao Xiangbei directly shook his head, but he knew that Guo Tailai must run around at home and abroad. Not to mention the other, the British have to go?

Is it really because this caused the United States and NATO to block the fat man, is it not worth the loss?

"I first asked their military company to give me research. If they are not willing or don't sell technology, then you can't blame me for finding people in China."

Guo Tailai said with a smile: "In any case, I want to play extreme diving. Everyone in the world knows that it can never be used for military purposes.

They must block themselves, then you can't blame me. ”

"That is also careful."

Cui Dong reminded me.

Basically this topic ends here.

"What is the main topic of today's meeting?"

Back in the business, everyone began to ask Mi Feifei, Liu always asked: "I heard that there is a big investment?

And may not pay dividends in the next few years? ”

“Investment first, there is a company executive stock incentive plan.”

Guo Tailai replied to Mi Feifei: "The one I mentioned before, I allocated some of my shares as an incentive for the company's executives.

In the past two years, they have done a good job. I want to implement this incentive plan. ”

This was originally Guo Tailai said when they bought shares, and it was also allocated from Guo Tailai's shares. Of course, everyone did not have opinions.

Mi Feifei distributed the initial proposed share award plan, and everyone just looked at it with a sloppy look. In line with what Guo Tailai said before, he allocated 2% of the shares and rewarded several executives. The second dividend is rewarded to employees, and Guo Tailai still holds a majority share of 53%.

Mi Feifei will receive 1% of the shares, and the remaining executives will divide the remaining one percent by contribution.

These shares will be maintained by the executives and will remain in office for the job, but when they leave, they will be recovered by Guo Tailai in accordance with the agreed cash.

Employees are only bonuses and will not reward shareholdings.

There was no twists and turns at all, and the share award scheme was passed.

The performance of Zhengfangfang Technology has been well-received in recent years. A group of young and enterprising executives headed by Mr. Mi also did very well.

If they didn't feel that they were fighting Guo Tailai in terms of treatment and human feelings, the four CEOs here all had the heart to dig rice.

“The next investment plan for this project is my initial draft, and some aspects of the investment estimate may not be accurate.”

Mi Feifei took a few documents and explained the sentence before he sent it: "In addition, these projects were mentioned by Guo Zong yesterday. They are sensitive, so I can only know by a few of you, don't spread."

The more cautious Mi Mifei said, the higher the interest of everyone, and the more curious.

What investment plan is it that needs to be so cautious?

"Five years and two billion?"

As Mi Feifei sent the information, everyone turned it over and saw the investment in the plan at first sight.

Seeing this number, I couldn’t help but burst into shock: "Is probably not enough?"

Now, it’s not a decade or so after a company’s one-year R&D expenditure is hundreds of billions of yuan, and it’s not the same time that a company is moving or tens of thousands of people. Five hundred people, the annual per capita research and development costs close to 10 million?

How many research institutes have to pay for a year?

Does a person spend the cost of a research institute?

This is in research and development! It is clear that it is burning money.

After being surprised, everyone turned down and saw the specific project.

Looking at the target parameters written by Guo Tailai on those materials, everyone is not surprised, but scared.

"Fat, these data indicators, is it possible?"

Cui Dong couldn't wait to ask Guo Tailai.

"It is entirely possible!"

Guo Tailai replied without hesitation.

"you sure?"

Li Dong still does not dare to believe completely, ask again.

“Several projects in our company that had many people waiting to see jokes, including submarine anechoic tiles and soundproofing materials, and aircraft carrier hull steel, are nearing completion.”

Guo Tailai said calmly: "The laboratory products have been completed, and only the final process is still a little bit worse.

All indicators have met expectations. ”

"What are you waiting for?"

Zhao Xiangbei was furious, and he almost jumped up in a hurry. He yelled at Guo Tailai loudly: "Don't hurry to report to the superiors?"

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