Super Bonus, I Build Show, Squid Game

Chapter 60 No One Can Sell Bamboo Shoots Better Than The Organizer!

Seeing the anger of 0882, the viewers in the interstellar channel finally couldn't sit still!

The biggest bet is to bet on 0882 and 0438!

the two of them.

As long as one is eliminated.

The federal parliament is making a lot of money!

"It's numb, it's really numb, this time, it's going bankrupt! My wife said that she will divorce me after 0882 dies. What should I do? Wait online, it's urgent!"

"You are just a wife who divorced you. Just now, my wife told me that the child is not mine! I met you directly on the rooftop!"

"Fortunately, fortunately, half of my net worth is on 0438! Exciting!"

"It's okay, I just checked, I don't have a wife, let alone a child! Phew!"

"Hurry up! What are you waiting for!" Looking at the time, the contestants behind shouted at him.

Listen to the urging behind.

0882 looked at the glass plank road in front of him, but he didn't dare to take even a step.

"Hurry up! The flowers waiting for the people behind are all gone!"

"What are you doing? You will die sooner or later, why don't you struggle here?"

"That's right, hurry up and find a wrong one to jump off!"

Those contestants who were bullied by him in the back were even more talking nonsense at this moment.

Now they are not afraid that 0882 will jump over and beat them.

Because, this kind of plank road, if you want to jump over and beat them, you must be prepared to die with them.

Five or six people had to be passed.

During this period, how could it be possible for him to jump into the meeting safely!

And at this time, 0882 also acted like a rascal!

Just listen to 0882 opening the mouth and saying:

"Don't rush!"

"I just don't move forward anyway!"

"Don't want to die?"

"If you don't want to die, then you all go to the front!"

"I'll make room for you!"

After hearing 0882's words, the contestants behind were stunned. 980

Then someone said:

"If you procrastinate like this, everyone will die!"

After hearing that person's transformation, 0882 said proudly:

"If you die, you will die! In the worst case, we will die together!"

"Anyway, you guys will be buried with me!"

Seeing the shamelessness of 0882, those contestants in the interstellar channel who bet on him suddenly became excited!

"Turning! This is the turning point we bet on! Just do it! Let them explore the way, and die! 10882 will definitely survive!"

"This is life in a desperate situation, and nectar in a long drought! It's great!"

"There is still hope, hurry up, don't leave the ink behind! Hurry up and find the way ahead!"

At this moment, those who bet on 0882 seem to have lost their minds, frantically brushing the barrage!

At this moment, they have no moral bottom line.

It completely ignored the fairness of the game.

Gamblers, really scary.

Seeing the disdain on 0882,1452's face.


"Get out of the way!"

Hearing 1452 let himself get out of the way, 0882's eyes suddenly brightened.


"You, are you going to the front?"

"Good good!"

"I'll let you!"

Saying that, 0882 directly stepped aside for 1452,

And 1452 was not in a hurry to move forward.

Instead, he mocked disdainfully:

"You bastard, not only is that thing the same as an earthworm, but in the end, your guts are also the same! The outside and the inside are the same!"

But in the face of 1452's ridicule, 0882 was as if he couldn't hear it.

Still with a smile on his face.

Even, seeing that 1452 was slow to come forward, he even took the initiative to say:


"What you're saying is that I'm just an earthworm, the same as the outside!"

Seeing 0882 belittle himself so much.

1452 was out of breath for a while:

"I'm so blind!"

"Why did you do that kind of thing with a guy like you in the first place!"

"I despise you!"

"Dead earthworm!"

With that said, 1452 stepped forward directly.

Seeing 1452, he prepared to go first for himself.

0882 Don't mention how happy I am.

Will not refute at all.

At this moment, his waist was suddenly hugged tightly by 1452.

Just listen to 1452 say to him:

"Don't you want to live?"

"Then I will die with you!"

As he said that, 0882's face was full of fear!

No matter how hard he tried, he couldn't push 1452 away.

At this moment, 1452's toe pushed "She and 0882 fell towards the next piece of glass together!


Glass shatters!

1452 and 0882 fell together.

Seeing this scene, the gamblers who bet on the interstellar channel went crazy!

"Damn woman, women misuse the country and misuse affairs! This sentence is really true! What a bitch!"

"How could there be such a person? Is she really not afraid of death? Why, why did she die with 0882! I don't understand!"

"Too much! This is really too much!"

At the same time, MPs also sat together to watch the channel.

When they saw 0882 being hugged and fell down together, they all cheered!

That means.

The two largest revenues, one of them, have already entered their pockets!

Can they not be happy!

"Good job! I hope that the last 0438 will not be promoted, so that our profits will be even more!"

"Don't worry, I've done the math."

"Looking at it now, 0438 may not be able to walk out of this glass path alive. Just look at the time, and there are only [the last four minutes left!"

This prompt appears.

MPs smile!

They are dead!

On the 27th, I was shocked!

The two people in front came out one floor.

He's about to die!

At this time, he wanted to look like Xue 0882.

But before he could return to his body, he was knocked out by the person behind him!

This time, he smashed directly on a piece of good glass!


There was a muffled sound.

"I, am I not dead?!"

Looking at his intact body, No. 27 shouted excitedly.

But at this moment, 28 Star shouted fiercely:

"If you don't jump forward (bhfd), I will trample to death right away!"

Hearing the threat from No. 28, No. 27 immediately became excited!

After getting up on a limb, he looked at the glass in front of Erqian.

Jump over!


Good glass again!

Seeing it on the 28th, don't mention how excited it is!

"Ahahaha! It seems that I am the child of destiny!"

While shouting, he made the latest choice.

Another jump!

After jumping over, there was a burst of clicking sound!


The glass shattered.

No. 27 was calling the Son of Destiny just now, and fell straight down.

Seeing this, No. 28 walked up to another piece of glass with disdain.

Seeing No. 28's calm appearance, the viewers in the interstellar channel couldn't help giving a thumbs up!

"Amazing! Awesome! Stay calm in danger!"

"This is the temperament of a big brother. In comparison, 0882 is nothing!"

"Why didn't I bet on number 28!"

I saw that No. 28 jumped ahead!

all of a sudden.

Land safely!

Seeing this, No. 28 let out a sigh of relief.



Immediately, another leap!

This time, the glass under my feet shattered!

The sense of weightlessness came to my mind immediately!


There was a scream, accompanied by a 'pop' sound.

No. 28, who was as calm as a mountain just now, after his death, the expression on his face is full of horror!

Watching number 28 die!

The contestants behind were terrified one by one.

Always struggle when it comes to selling!

Time, only the last two minutes left!

As for the glass, there are six more.

There are only five contestants left!

Looking at the road ahead, I only heard 0438 shouting to the people in front:

"Hey! Hurry up! Don't waste time!"

"Soon, the time is coming! The bomb is about to explode!"

Faced with 0438's urging, No. 36 glanced at 0438 behind him, and said disdainfully:

"Don't make noise! ​​I used to work in a glass factory!"

"I can analyze which piece is tempered glass through the optics on it!"

Listening to No. 36's words, 0438 wanted to say something, but choked up.

Didn't say it!

At this moment, No. 36 jumped ahead!

Land safely!

After seeing that No. 36 landed safely, the audience in the interstellar channel were amazed!

"Wow! Is this guy the hidden boss?"

"Working in the glass factory? Awesome, old worker!"

"I'm going, I'm going to be right again!"

When the audience in the interstellar channel was amazed.

Only 0438 frowned and asked No. 36:

"Since you are an old worker in a glass factory, you can distinguish these tempered glasses."

"Why didn't you tell us when the game started?"

"In this case, don't they have to die?"

Faced with 0438's questioning, No. 36 said disdainfully:

"Me? Why should I tell them!"

"They don't deserve it!"

"Before bullying me in every possible way, now I have the opportunity to let them all die, why should I remind!"

Listening to No. 36's cold and heartless words, 0438 choked up for a moment.

Because, he would think of how miserable this guy was in the lounge before!

Go through that oppression.

It is understandable to want to take revenge on those people.

Just then.

The organizers did one of the worst things!

I only heard Chen Xiang order to a group of NPCs in red with white squares printed on their masks:

"Turn off all the lights on the bridge!"

Facing the order given by Chen Xiang.

Those red-clothed NPCs resolutely executed it!


All light sources are turned off!

As for the glass plank road, there are still four grids of glass that have not passed!


After the lights were turned off, the master craftsman of the glass factory No. 36 had no choice!

The audience in the interstellar channel scolded their mothers directly!

"I fuck! I fuck!"

"This organizer is the devil!"

"It's so devilish! It's okay to turn off the lights! Don't let the contestants survive!"

"Is there anything I can throw away?" No. 36 asked the people behind him.

Hearing No. 36's inquiry, 0438 suddenly touched his pocket.

I took out a glass bead from my pocket!

Seeing the glass bead, he heard that sentence again in a trance, dear friend!

After swallowing a mouthful of saliva, 0438 still held up the glass bead and said:

"I have, I have glass beads here!".

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