Super Bonus, I Build Show, Squid Game

Chapter 49 Shock! 500 Billion Outside Gambling Table! (Add More! Ask For Flower Evaluation Tickets~)

But what they don't know is that all their contact information has been intercepted by the fleet of Level I civilization!

Looking at the intercepted message, the beautiful captain of the Tier I battleship frowned.

Seemingly seeing the difficulty of the captain, a liaison officer said:

"Our fleet does need energy galaxies."

"However, in the energy galaxy, if there is no planet with a habitable star garden, there is no need to trade!"

"Moreover, all we can give is scientific and technological achievements."

Listening to the liaison officer's analysis, the beautiful captain nodded and said:

"Contact the other two fleet captains, come here, let's discuss it!"

Hearing the beautiful captain's request, the liaison immediately sent a signal.

Contact the other two Starfleet captains.

Fifteen minutes later.

Three beautiful captains sat together!

"You two, look at this intercepted message!" Said Chen Lu, a beautiful captain of a Level I civilization, pointing to the message on the big screen.

After reading this information, Wang Mengxue, the beautiful captain of the G-class fleet, said:

"This energy galaxy must have a planetary garden, otherwise, I think I'll just wait for Master Chen Xiang honestly!"

Hearing the words of Wang Mengxue, the beautiful captain of the G-class fleet, Qing Wansu, the beautiful captain of the H-class fleet, nodded.


Seeing that the two captains thought the same as their liaison officer.

The captain of the Tier I fleet also has confidence in his heart.

At this moment, only one communication channel was connected:

"That, beautiful captain, the controller of our civilized Central State domain, I hope to be able to..."

Before he could finish speaking, Chen Lu, the captain of the I-level civilization, said:

"Needless to say, go ask if that energy galaxy has a garden planet!"

Hearing the words of the I-level civilized captain Chen Lu, the liaison officer of the G-level Explorer was obviously taken aback.

Immediately, the scene over there turned and came to their captain's face.

I saw their captain ask with a flattering smile:

"What, is it a garden planet?"

Facing the question asked by the captain of the G-rank Explorer, both Wang Mengxue and Qing Wansu laughed out loud.

Dimensional Chen Lu, still dignified.

His expression didn't change at all.

I just heard her say in a cold voice:

"It is a planet suitable for human-like civilization to live in!"

"Among them, the oxygen content is about 70%, and the rest of the air elements cannot contain substances that are harmful to human life."

"Such planets are collectively called garden planets!"

Hearing Chen Lu's explanation, the G-level explorer immediately went to ask.

This is a huge step!

You know, once this kind of civilization exchange is successful, he will be a great contributor to the Human Alliance!

It will be recorded in the annals of history, can he not be excited?

Moreover, he really never thought that the captain, whom he had never even met before, turned out to be a beautiful woman!

After Zhongzhou Yu received the reply, he was even more delighted!

Send your fleet to explore now!


Twelve o'clock.

The system prompt sounded in Chen Xiang's ear on time!

"Ding! Congratulations, you have gained popularity: 188 million!"

"Ding! Your current remaining total popularity: 390 million!"

Looking at his remaining popularity, Chen Xiang didn't move in a hurry.

Instead, choose to continue saving.

After all, these popularity points are not enough to buy a fleet higher than Tier I!

Even Chen Xiang started complaining!

The efficiency of my own system is too poor!

How long has it been since the purchase of the G-class fleet!

There is no news about the G-class fleet!

And Tier I Fleet.

I don't even believe it!

It's outrageous!

Complain that the efficiency of the system is slow and the efficiency is slow.

But life must go on.


Chen Xiang is very straightforward.

Wash and sleep!

Early the next morning.

The contestants were called up.

After they walked out of the lounge, they found out.

In the corridor this time, more than a dozen corpses were hanged to death!

It hangs so high in the air!

Look at the scene in front of you.

The contestants were all shocked!

"Why are these red-clothed NPCs hung here?"

"I'll go, kill all my own people? This show is a bit awesome!"

"Ah, the one with the white square printed on it, isn't it the cold NPC we saw every day?"


For a while, the contestants had different opinions.

Finally, an NPC in red with a white square printed on the mask came out and explained:

"These people, organizations, traffic the human organs of the dead."

"Even some of the deceased were not completely dead. They directly judged that the person was dead, and when they were alive, they took all their organs and exchanged them for money."

"It violated our rules of fairness and justice to all contestants, so, it was executed!"

"And, we will use this as an example to strengthen internal investigations and ensure that the games you play are fair and just!"

After listening to the explanation of the NPC in red, the contestants finally understood.

Immediately, a contestant opened his mouth wide and said:

"It can't be, it can't be 0033?"

Listening to the contestant's inquiry, the NPC in red with a white square printed on the mask lowered his head and said:


"We are sorry for this, and we will never let anything like this happen again in the future!"

After all, the NPC in red with a white square printed on the mask left directly.

No more opportunities for contestants to ask questions!

The viewers in the interstellar channel couldn't help sighing:

"This program group, can you still correct it if you know your mistakes?"

"With this attitude, it's fine!"

"It's just a pity that 0033, hey, obviously has a chance to win the championship!"

At this moment, a news that shocked everyone was spread!

That is, the game is open again!

This time, it was different from the previous gamble!

Although it is still led by the Human Federation.

But the content is different!

It turned out to be the person who bet on you, whether he can survive to the eighth round!

From opening to closing.

Only twenty minutes had passed in total!

But the total amount exceeded 500 billion!

This number is unprecedentedly huge!

Even the council of the Human League was shocked.

"Nimma, 500 billion dollars? How many interstellar spaceships do you need to build?"

Dragon Boat Festival reading big discount! Recharge 100 and get 500 VIP coupons!

Immediate recharge (activity time: June 22nd to June 24th)

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