Super Bonus, I Build Show, Squid Game

Chapter 45 Two Consecutive Groups Were Eliminated, 0438 Means Great Pressure

"Fuck! 0882, you can't have an accident at this time! This is the sixth round, and I'm worth all of it!"

"Brother, you are dead, I will meet the other brothers on the rooftop!"

"Outrageous, why, 0882 hold on! I don't want to go to the rooftop, my wife is threatening me! I must live to the end and win the bonus!"


"Work harder, brother, see those thorns down there!"

"We lose, but we will die!"

"You don't have to exert your strength, it's all over!" 0882 blushed and said in a deep voice.

It was obvious that he had even used up all his strength to suckle at the moment!

Moreover, because he was in the front position, everyone saw his wound burst.

"Made, work harder and lie down!" said a contestant.

After listening to his words, all the contestants are working hard.

And the team opposite them, with their suddenly stronger strength, directly pulled half of the red rope over!

The original advantage is completely lost at this moment.

Seeing this, the strong man in front shouted:

"The wound on the opposite side of 0882 burst open, it won't last long!"

"Everyone, work hard! If you lose, you will be pierced by that place!"

Hearing his voice, all the people in their team worked hard, and only one person was still paddling at this time.

That is, the wretched man from before!

He looked at the woman in front of him, recalled the previous insult, and moved his mind.

What a disgraceful thing the public has done!

Strip people's pants!

Because he is in the last position, if he lets go of his hand, the rope will loosen. No one can stop him no matter what he wants to do!


The moment he let go of the rope, he saw that the entire team was pulled by the opposite side again by a quarter.

The entire third group used all their strength to feed.

Desperate shouter.

And that wretched man took off the trousers of the woman who spat on his face right now!


After screaming, the woman let go of her hand directly.

Then, the result was that the one standing at the front, his husband, fell down!

The entire team also collapsed because they lost a point of strength.


With a scream, the wretched man didn't even have time to take advantage of it, and directly followed the team and fell down.

How could 0882 and the others catch so many fallen people and watched the whole team move forward.

At this time, the blade hanging on the rope fell down and cut the rope at once.

The third group of contestants landed directly on those thorns.

Coincidentally, that wretched man's face, on the verge of death, was still firmly pressed against that man's clean buttocks!

"0123, 0346, 1238, eliminated!"

"1415, 1884, 1653, eliminated!"

"0226, 0501, 1508, Tao..."

Seeing this scene, the only female among the contestants was shocked!

And the contestants who failed to win the interstellar fight were beyond shocked:

"Damn it, the wretched man deserves to die!"

"Shut it up, this wretched man, made, is still taking advantage of others when he dies!"

"It's so stupid, I really want to find his family and slaughter his nine clans! How can there be such a scum! It's fine if you die yourself, but you molested women and killed the whole group! Is this the ugly side of human nature? I've learned a lot!! "


And the eleventh group where 0882 was, went down.

Looking at 1122, 0882 resisted the discomfort in his body and mocked:

"Why didn't I meet you?"

"I can't wait, I want to kill you!"

"it's a pity!"

Facing 0882's show of force, 1122 said contemptuously:

"Just your wound, it's cracked again, I guess you won't be able to survive the next game!"

Listening to 1122's retort, 0882 clenched his fists.

Can't do it!

There are red-clothed npcs watching! ?

After sitting down, I saw that the NPC in red shouted again.

"Second group, tenth group!"

"Go forward!"

Hearing the call from the NPC in red, the group of people followed the guidance and walked up the elevators on the left and right respectively.

After getting on the elevator, the women in the second group showed embarrassment.

"We ask, stand at the end of the line!" When the elevator was about to reach the top, a woman asked.

Face his demands.

The men present did not object.

They all nodded in agreement.

After all, if what happened just now happened again, it would be all of them who died.

They are not willing to die like this, and giving up the position behind the ladies is also a way to stabilize people's hearts.

After the agreement was made, it was obvious that the breath that weighed on the hearts of these women was let out.


After the NPC in red helped them fix the handcuffs, soon, the game started again!


The people in the tenth group were only using their strength for the first time, and they even directly pulled the woman behind the second group.

In this game, if one person falls, it will inevitably bring a large group of people down.

In an instant, the defeat of the second group was set.

The entire second group fell towards the underground floor.

And the top knife head also fell down, cutting the rope.


With a burst of screams sounded.

The people in the second group all fell on the thorns.

was stabbed to death.

"1216, 0964, 0765, eliminated!"

"2107, 1881, 0977, eliminated!"

"0457, 0189, 0371, eliminated!"

"0194, 0099, 0074, Tao..."

Again ten contestants were eliminated!

Seeing this scene, the contestants gasped.

And in the interstellar channel, it was even more shocking:

"Is the physical gap between men and women so big?"

"I see, what did those women do? My money! Why did you fall down! Stupid!"

"I'm convinced, women can't stand at the end, why did they fall down when they were dragged?"


Seeing the extraction of the red-clothed NPC, 0438 and the others felt their hearts hang.

The people in the fifth group were also all men!

If you fight against them, you will die without life!

Suddenly, the red-clothed npc on the right drew a lottery, on which was written: 18!

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Immediate recharge (activity time: June 22nd to June 24th)

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