Super Bonus, I Build Show, Squid Game

Chapter 22 Hopeless? Start A Riot? (Fifth Update!)

Listening to 0882's words, some contestants have been shaken.

Going to make the last wave.

After all, there are only two minutes left.

If you are lucky at this time, there is still a chance to collect all 8 Fangpa?

Thinking of this, a contestant was about to reach out to call 0882, but was interrupted by a contestant's speech!

"You fart!"

"You just want to live on your own, let us die early!"

0882 looked back, and saw 1112 standing behind him, looking at him with cold eyes.

"What are you?"

"Don't deceive people here!" 0882 gritted his teeth and said to 1112.

Looking at the number on his chest, 0882 always thinks of 1122 who won his three-chapter square handkerchief.

Thinking of this, his teeth itch with hatred.

"I'm not demagogic!"

"You bastard is just afraid of death!"

"If everyone wants to play, then just go and fight with the same one left!"

"You won't forget it!"

"How many people did this guy kill last night!"

"I stand here and speak, and I do have selfish intentions." Speaking of this, 1112 choked up a bit.

Then went on to say:

"My wife, that is, my wife. She was pressed on the bed by him last night and pierced her throat directly, so he deserves to die!"

Speaking of this, 1122's eyes suddenly became sharp.

This made the eyes of the surrounding contestants with one card left shine bright.


Why do they have to play with the person with seven cards left?

They can play with the same one left!

Thinking of this, as expected.

A lot of players with only one phalanx left started to fight.

This can make 0882 angry.

I saw him holding the seven cards in his hand and shouting angrily:

"Who will gamble with me!"

"I use seven square handkerchiefs, and I bet one!"

"One game, the winner will be determined!"

Seeing the crazy 0882, all the contestants around widened their eyes.

I can't believe it!

Even with seven cards, fight for one!

This is so bold!

While admiring him, there are also people who talk fast.

He said directly:

"I'm coming! I'm coming!"

"I'll bet against you!"

As he said that, the man put his square handkerchief on the ground first.

Seeing this scene, the audience in the interstellar channel all exclaimed awesome!

"This guy is too bold!"

"Yes, yes, as expected of someone I value, you must go to the end!"

"This guy has seen it through. If he doesn't do this, he might be eliminated directly!"

"Have a big picture, give it a go, and turn a bicycle into a motorcycle!"


"Then I won't be polite!" 0882 said with a smile, looking at the Fangpa on the ground.

Afterwards, 0882 imitated the movements of 1122 and others before moving his arms.

Then slam it!

In an instant, that contestant's Fangpa was hit and jumped up.

In the air, Fang Pa turned around!


Looking at the flipped Fangpao 0882, cheers came out!

Ever since he imitated the shooting method of 1122 and others, he has been tried and tested repeatedly!

But this time, Fang Pa flipped twice. Seeing this, the rest of the contestants broke into a cold sweat!

Because, the phalanx is still flipping!

Likely, stopped on the third lap.

Just when Fang Pa won the third lap, the momentum of the reversal continued, and it turned to the fourth lap!

This time, the contestant who bet against 0882 was excited!

He picked up his square handkerchief, looked at 0882's square handkerchief with the back facing up, and couldn't help laughing!

As we all know, square handkerchiefs with the back facing up are more likely to be beaten.


The square handkerchief fell to the ground.

However, the Fangpa of 0882 was not hit.

Seeing this, everyone was stunned!

"You, what the hell are you doing!" 1112 looked at the contestant and roared angrily.

The contestant was so frightened that he slumped on the ground.

However, when he saw the red-clothed NPC, his desire to survive immediately burst out!

I saw him running to the NPC in red, and said, "I, I didn't hit it just now, did I, it doesn't count?"

Facing her inquiry, the NPC in red showed a noticeable pause.

Afterwards, he raised the gun in his hand.

This time.

All the contestants present were terrified.

However, the next scene made everyone breathe a sigh of relief!

The NPC in red with a white triangle printed on the mask took out a communicator and asked over there:

"Question Request:"

"If the phalanx is hit on an open field but not on the opponent's phalanx, is it considered the end of the round?"

Facing his question, Chen Xiang replied directly:


After getting Chen Xiang's answer, the NPC in red nodded and said:


Facing the response of the NPC in red.

That contestant pissed his pants!

In full view.

Peed my pants!

After 0882 won the victory, without any surprise, a burst of news appeared!

"Congratulations to 0882 for clearing the customs!"

At this moment, the contestants looked at the countdown again.

Turns out, there's only one minute left!

And there are nearly seventy players in the field!

These players only have one square handkerchief left in their hands!

"Axi! Accept your fate, you will surely die!"

"Hey, you think you're going to die, why don't you give me Fangpa?"

"Who is willing to give it to you? I want to live even a second longer!!"

"Otherwise, let's riot? Just snatch the weapons from those red-clothed NPCs!"

"good idea!"

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