
"It is detected that the host is insulting the system. The system is hereby giving the host a warning. Please correct it immediately, otherwise the system will make an appropriate counterattack."

Jiangnan: "???"

Speaking of which...

Seeing such a weird score control task.

He was madly complaining about the system in his heart.

As a result...

Was he warned by the system again?

Tsk tsk!

This is a master.

I can't afford to offend him.

Jiangnan immediately put away all his dissatisfaction.

"In that case..."

"Then foreign language teacher, I can only apologize to you!"

"The system let me get 0 points. For those insignificant rewards and points, I can only get 0 points."


"What a painful life!"


Jiangnan sighed helplessly, and had to erase the multiple-choice questions he had done before and write them again.


He did not answer directly on the answer sheet.

Instead, he took out the draft paper for the first time.

I have to add one more sentence here.

For others.

Getting a zero score is the easiest thing.

Just leave it blank.

But for Jiangnan.

It takes a little more effort.

Just because...

He can't leave it blank.

Every time he takes a score control test, there is a prerequisite, that is, he must finish all the questions on the test paper.

For example, if he was asked to control the score to the passing line before, he must ensure that 90 points of questions are correct, and the remaining 60 points of questions must be done, but they must be wrong.

This is why he has participated in hundreds of score control tests, but no one has discovered it.


You say that you always do 90 points of questions, and these 90 points of questions are all correct. Even if you don't do the remaining questions, it is 100% correct according to the correctness rate.

It's okay once or twice.

If you do it a few more times, even a fool will know that there is a problem.

And the current task is to get a score of 0.

That means...

Jiangnan must finish the entire foreign language test paper, but he must make sure that all the answers are wrong, so that he can't get any points.


does take some effort.

It's just like taking a full score.

He must first know all the correct answers.

But when answering,

he must avoid all the correct answers.

Multiple choice questions are fine.

Just choose the wrong answer on purpose.

But you have to be careful with the answers and the composition.

After all...

As long as you write this, even if you write it poorly, the teacher will more or less give you some sympathy points.


It's really not easy to get 0 points.

The difficulty coefficient is still higher than the full score.

Of course!

For Jiangnan,

it just takes a little more effort.

He first wrote all the correct answers on the draft paper, and avoided all of them on the answer sheet.

As for the answers and composition, it's a hassle. As long as you write the foreign language, you can get one or two points in nine out of ten cases.


You must not write a single foreign word.

But you can't not do it.


"Let's change to another language!"

Jiangnan suddenly had an idea, a smile flashed across his lips, and he quickly finished writing the answer essay.


Whether the foreign language teacher can understand it.

That's not what he considered.

It's best if he can't understand it.

Then it's 100% 0 points.

Even if he can understand it.

It's completely irrelevant, still 0 points.

Oh yeah!


In less than ten minutes.

He finished all the questions at the end.


Just wait for the listening test to start.

Since the first and second year of high school also take foreign language tests at the same time.

So it took a lot of time.

While others were still answering questions, Jiangnan dozed off for a while, and then waited until the third year of high school listening test started.


"M: Hi Lucy, this is Pete.

W: Hi, what's up?

M: Listen, l'mafraid I'll be alittle late tonight. Remember I said earlier that I would pick you up at 6:00? Now I'm going..."



Jiangnan listened and translated.

And wrote it all on the draft paper.

Including the correct answer.

The reason for this...

After all, this is the first time that the system has given a control score of 0.

Don't be careless.

Of course...

This time is not long.

As soon as the listening is over.

He finished everything.


Put away the pen and paper, lie down on the table, and fall asleep like the previous exams.

Classmates around: "..."

Invigilator: "..."

The whole exam room: "..."

Here it comes.

Here it comes again.


That kid finished the exam early and went to sleep again.

It's really heartbreaking!

He has already installed 13.

This exam.

The invigilators were not Hu Yifei, Cao Tianyuan, Xie Hongwei and other familiar teachers of Jiangnan.


They didn't care about Jiangnan sleeping.

After all...

They are all school teachers.

Although they didn't know Jiangnan, after two days of exams, they had heard more or less that there was such a weird student in the 304 exam room, who could finish every exam quickly.

No matter if he is really a top student.

Or a poor student.

Anyway, the teachers in front turned a blind eye, and some even closed the windows and put on clothes for him.


could only turn a blind eye.

In this regard.

Other students in the exam room...

Were so sad that they shed tears.

Can you do whatever you want just because you are handsome?

Can you do whatever you want if you have good grades?

Can you do whatever you want if you have a strong background?

It seems...

Damn, it's true.

And Jiangnan is not only handsome, but also a super academic master, and his background is even more unfathomable...

Don't mess with him.

The eyes of the people around him were red with envy, and their dicks were purple with jealousy, but there was no hatred at all.

At the same time.

Li Ming, who was sitting next to Jiangnan, kept biting the tip of his pen, trying his best to control himself from paying attention to Jiangnan.


I don't know why.

He always couldn't help looking in the direction of Jiangnan.

What was he looking at?

Just to see Jiangnan sleeping?

It seems not.

What he wanted to see was Jiangnan's answer sheet.

In mathematics, he was a top student, known as the second in the school, and he was also good in physics, chemistry, biology and other comprehensive sciences.


In foreign language.

His grades can only be said to be average.

That is the so-called partiality.

This monthly exam paper is generally difficult.

And he was not good at foreign languages.

Now he encountered a paper that was more difficult than the previous foreign language exams, and he felt overwhelmed.


I can't do many of them!

Especially the listening part, he didn't understand 80% of it, and he left a lot of blanks.

Although he felt ashamed and shameful for cheating.

But in the comprehensive science test in the morning, he had already peeked at Jiangnan's answers once, and now there was always an impulse deep in his heart, as if a demon was constantly guiding him.

"Look, look!"

"Kid, anyway, it's no big deal to look at it a second time."




This time he peeked for a long time.

He didn't find Jiangnan's answer sheet exposed.


Can't copy it?

Just when he was about to control his desire and give up.


At this moment.

A piece of draft paper fell from Jiangnan's desk and landed right under his feet.

"What is this?"

Li Ming subconsciously looked down.

I saw...

It was filled with... answers?

There were multiple choice questions, cloze test, reading comprehension, listening test, and even the original text of the listening test?


Instantly, Li Ming's eyes widened and he was stunned.


Or not copy?

Waiting online, very urgent.

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