The entire ninja world has undergone tremendous changes with the launch of the Moon Eye Project.

At the same time, the most distant past has also seen the greatest changes.

The first is that Kaguya did not meet the human daimyo.

In the original history of this world, Kaguya came down to earth and met the daimyo, pacified the troubled times, was blessed by the people, and became pregnant and gave birth to the Sage of Six Paths.

The daimyo felt cheated and bore a grudge against Kaguya, which led to his subsequent betrayal and strangling of Kaguya.

Kaguya's maid also died as a result.

After the Moon Eye Project, Kaguya did not turn evil because of the betrayal. The maid was still the same maid as before, except that the daimyo was gone. She also pacified the war single-handedly, was blessed by the people, and gave birth to Hamura and Hagoromo.

The maids helped take care of the two children together and lived happily together.

After the Moon Eye Project ended, Kaguya's personality also changed subtly, and her personality became cheerful.


There is another far-reaching history.

Beside a forest stream, a stone was thrown out by a girl from the Uchiha family. It skipped several times on the water and sank to the bottom.

The girl wanted to throw the stone to the other side. Bored, she bent down and picked up another stone.

The hedgehog-headed girl with a somewhat non-mainstream hairstyle had a serious expression,"I must throw it to the other side next time."

At this time, a stone with more powerful force was thrown into the water, skipped several times and was successfully thrown to the other side. The hedgehog-headed girl slowly turned her head away, with a drop of sweat on her face, and her eyes were unhappy.

Behind the girl, a strange girl from the Senju family with a bright smile and flat bangs appeared.

So, history developed in an incredible direction.

The Senju girl smiled and said,"When throwing it out, remember to lift it up a little. This is the trick."

The girl from the Uchiha family looked dissatisfied and turned her head away,"Of course I know this little thing."

"As long as I throw it seriously, I will definitely be able to throw it to the other side."

The hedgehog-haired girl said in a bad tone,"By the way, who are you?"

The girl from the Senju family thought for a moment,"Now, at this moment, I can be considered your opponent in skipping stones."

The girl said childishly with her hands on her hips,"And I have already thrown it to the other side."

This was the first meeting between Senju Hashirama and Uchiha Madara.

The hedgehog-haired girl said fiercely,"Don't change the subject, I'm asking who you are"

"My name is Hashirama, and I cannot tell you my last name for some reason."


Then the hedgehog-headed girl rolled up her sleeves and said with great enthusiasm;"Look carefully, this time it will definitely succeed!"

Looking at the girl's action of throwing stones, the girl from the Senju family was slightly stunned;"This gesture, as I expected, is shurikenjutsu."

One has analyzed that the other party is a ninja, while the other, only regards it as a chance encounter, and the IQ of the two is immediately judged.

However, what is embarrassing is that the hedgehog-headed girl, who threw the stone with full momentum, was just a little farther than before, and still fell into the water.

At this moment, I certainly know that as long as I throw it seriously...

The hedgehog-headed girl sweated profusely, opened her mouth, and was extremely embarrassed.

The girl from the Senju family, her eyes suddenly turned into bean eyes, quite speechless.

The next moment the hedgehog-headed girl forced the blame and pointed at Hashirama angrily;"You bastard, deliberately standing behind me to distract me, right!"

"I'm a very sensitive person. If someone stands behind me, I can't pee."

After saying this, the girl realized that she seemed to have said something very embarrassing, and her face turned red.

However, the girl from the Senju family did not mock her, but was frightened and trembled, then squatted on the ground and fell into a depressed state.

"I'm... sorry."

The Uchiha girl was speechless."I say, there's no need for you to be so depressed!"

Looking at the girl from the Senju family in front of him, who should be younger than himself, and who made her like this, Madara felt embarrassed and could only comfort her.

The girl held her forehead with her hand."I'm sorry, I shouldn't have argued."

The Senju girl was aggrieved."I, I really didn't know that you have such an annoying symptom of self-consciousness."

Social self-consciousness refers to the fact that in interpersonal communication, whether speaking or acting, one can be just right, have a sense of propriety, and not cause trouble to others. The reason why he hates it is, of course, because Madara's self-consciousness is not in place. He first calls people autistic, and then knows self-consciousness.

Uchiha Madara was immediately furious."Don't scold me in a roundabout way!"

"I really don't know whether you are a good person or a bad mouth."

Then Hashirama stood up with a big laugh;"Anyway, I am better at skipping stones than you are, that's clear."

The hedgehog-haired girl pointed at Hashirama and shouted;"Believe it or not, I will skip stones with you!"

Hearing such horrible words, is he really worthy of being Uchiha Madara?

Upon hearing this, Hashirama became depressed again, sat down with his hands on his knees, and his expression was gloomy.

"I didn't mean to make you angry."

"As an apology, I'd better prepare myself to be thrown into the river."

"You throw it.……"

The hedgehog-haired girl was really angry, and she put her hands on her hips."You, do you know how annoying your problem is?"

The girl from the Senju family slowly raised her head."But...……"

Uchiha Madara listened carefully, and Hashirama said lightly;"I hope you can throw it to the other side."

The hedgehog-headed girl had a hot temper, and when she met Hashirama, she was easily irritated;"You are really an eyesore, go away."

The Thousand Hands girl smiled with rosy lips and white teeth;"Then I'm leaving, goodbye!"

But Uchiha Madara didn't let her go, and grabbed the girl's arm and roared;"Don't even think about leaving like this!"

I really don't know whether Hashirama has figured out Uchiha Madara, or something else. He can always make the hedgehog-headed girl angry, but her personality seems to be born like this.

Even the second sister in the family can't stand her personality.

The girl said lightly;"What's the matter, can you think it through first."

The hedgehog-headed girl was speechless;"I... I……"

At this time, a body floated on the river, breaking the peaceful atmosphere between the two.

Hashirama jumped into the water without hesitation.���He just stood on the water, trotted towards the corpse, and checked the situation.

The hedgehog-haired girl also noticed this, and her eyes narrowed;"Are you a ninja?"

"This is going to become a battlefield, let's go back."

If they weren't ninjas, they could have become very good friends.

"Sorry, I have to go, bye bye……"

The spiky-haired girl smiled and said,"My name is Ban."

"It is a ninja rule not to tell strangers your surname."

Hashirama said with a serious expression,"You are indeed a ninja too!"

Although they have very different personalities, at this moment, both of them felt incredible, because they both felt something familiar in each other, like sisters in the same robe.

Moreover, they seemed to understand why the other party would come to the river to wait in the future.

In the normal main plot, Uchiha Madara and Senju Hashirama, both of them looked solemn.

"I said Madara, I have some strange memories in my mind.

Uchiha Madara sweatdropped;"Me too……"(To read exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

"I really want to completely delete those memories from my mind!"

Uchiha Madara agreed very much;"Yeah, how come our genders have changed in our memories?"

Now Hashirama and Madara are still men, but they have some strange memories.

It made the two of them unable to look at each other directly...

The two looked at each other, and then they covered their buttocks with their hands at the same time.[]


When the two girls met next time, the girl from the Senju family, whose younger brother had just died, had already cried loudly.

She came to the creek alone, looking at the clear water with sadness.

The Uchiha girl walked happily on the road [I wonder if I can see her today.]

Walking towards the creek, she saw a familiar figure with long black hair from a distance. Her face lit up with joy and she slowly approached.

Pretending to pass by by chance;"Hey, long time no see."

"That... your name is……"

The Thousand Hands girl's voice was hoarse;"Hashirama……"

"Oh, Hashirama, what's wrong? You look so depressed today."

"Yes, what happened?"

The Thousand Hands girl choked with tears;"Why are you asking this, I'm fine."

The Uchiha girl said loudly;"Stop lying, why don't you tell me?"

"You see, I am one year older than you, so why not treat me as your sister and tell me what you are talking about."

The Thousand Hands girl ignored the other party's behavior of taking advantage of her;"I'm fine……"

Uchiha said impatiently,"Come on, tell me now."

The Thousand Hands girl said in a voice that was about to cry,"No, it's really okay."

""Okay, stop pretending, just say it."

The girl couldn't hold back her tears."Really, it's okay." The girl turned her head and tears were streaming down her cheeks."Nothing happened."

The Uchiha girl pointed at Hashirama with a ferocious expression."Just say it when I told you to." The

Thousand Hands girl looked at Madara, tears streaming down her cheeks, her face full of sadness.

Madara frowned slightly."What happened?"

Hashirama wiped his tears."My brother is dead.""

"The reason I came here is that looking at this river, the entanglements in my heart seem to be washed away."

"So that’s it!"

"Your name is Ban, I guess you may feel the same way."

"Do you have brothers and sisters?"

Uchiha Madara said expressionlessly;"I have five brothers and sisters, in the past." Hashirama looked at Madara in astonishment;"Five?"

Madara was much stronger than Hashirama, she had already faced death;"We are ninjas, we don't know when we will die."

"If there is any way to ensure that we all survive, it is to be honest with the enemy and not hide anything from each other."

"Then, they become sworn brothers and sisters, or sworn brothers."

"But this is impossible"

"Because the human heart is unpredictable, no one can see through the heart of others"

"Maybe, the other party is actually furious, but has a smile on his face."

Hashirama asked back;"Is it really impossible to be honest with each other?"

"Not sure"

"But I have been thinking about it here, hoping to find a way."

Ban threw the stone and successfully threw it to the other side.

"This time, I seem to have finally found the right direction."

"Not only you, I also... threw it ashore."

At this time, Hashirama was staring straight at Madara, looking at the determined and beautiful face of the Uchiha girl.

She was very surprised, because no one had ever understood her ideas, but she understood them, and took the initiative to propose them, and even she had thought about these methods herself.

I am not the only silly kid who wants to change this war-torn era.

Looking at Uchiha Madara, Hashirama thought so.

Madara also noticed Hashirama's staring, facing Hashirama;"Even if I can't see through your heart, I understand that you……"


"Be it your hairstyle or clothes, they are all tacky, I am prettier than you."

The two of them were very similar in their ambitions and other things, so such meetings became more and more ordinary.

Without knowing each other's last names, they practiced with each other, exchanged ninjutsu, and talked about the future.

The girl from the Uchiha family was kicked and fell to the ground in the physical duel.

She sat up and snorted coldly;"You are very good at both ninjutsu and physical skills. You can even tie with me."

Hashirama said lightly;"No, it's not a tie, I'm still standing but you fell down."

However, at this moment, a stone hit the girl's head from above, and Hashirama fell to the ground screaming;"What did you just say, didn't you fall down too?"

Hashirama sighed;"When did you……"

Madara laughed heartily,"I threw it out instantly when you hit me."

Then the two of them discussed how to become stronger. It was useless for the weak to brag.

They had to make the adults listen to them.

The Uchiha girl said lightly,"That is to say, we must overcome the ninjutsu and weaknesses that we are not good at."

After that, she walked towards the grove."But, in this regard, I have no so-called weaknesses."

Hashirama put his hands on his hips,"Wow, that's really amazing!"

Soon, the sound of water flowing came from the grove. The Uchiha girl exhaled and felt refreshed all over.

But the next moment, the sound of water stopped abruptly, and he felt a chill on his back. Hashirama stood behind him with a smirk on his face, and said in disbelief,"I really can't pee anymore!"

The Uchiha girl said angrily,"So I told you, don't stand behind me!".

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