The protracted war has made the three major forces tired of fighting, so they have also put a lot of effort into this talk. However, it was just when the three major forces were doing some finishing touches.

Not far away, in the occult research society, the remaining kitten and Jasper prepared for battle, as if they were facing a great enemy.

“Kitten-chan, this, what’s out there…”

Jasper, who was holding the game console in his hand, shrunk timidly into the sofa and almost embedded it.

“Jaspa-chan, you hide first.” Putting down the snack in his hand, the kitten stood up, and two fist sleeves appeared in his hand.

The two leaned together and looked inside the research society.

Under the gaze of the two, a bright yellow magic array lit up in the middle of the living room.


After the three major forces were settled, just as they were in the middle of some epilogues, everyone spoke to the two dragons.

As the two dragons that ran in the war of the three forces, it has extraordinary significance.

Asachel scoffed and asked without looking back at Wall-E. behind him.

“Well, Wall-E, tell me what you think about the peace talks.”

After hearing this, Wal-E, who was leaning against the wall and closing his eyes, said something quite a headache under everyone’s gaze.

“I don’t have an opinion, just fight with powerful guys.”

After saying his goal, Wall-E looked around, it seemed that everyone present was his goal in the future, and finally looked at the cold sky.

Among the strong people of his generation, only the cold sky made him put it in his eyes, even if Issei, who was also an old enemy, had not let him treat him as an equal.

Turning his gaze to Issei, Wall-E stared at the Red Dragon Emperor of this generation, wondering what interest his nemesis could give him.

“So, this generation of Red Dragon Emperor, what about you?”

“Huh! Me? ”

Pointing at his own Issei, he was suddenly brought out to speak, which was also the first time for Issei.

Touched the back of his head, looked at Hantian and Lias and the others, and finally glanced at Yudou.

In the eyes of the bigwigs of all parties, they also spoke their hearts.

“Well, to be honest, I still don’t understand something, my head is very confused when I listen to all kinds of questions, in short, if you ask me what I think of the world, I don’t understand much.”

Yicheng with a puzzled look on his own heart said his heart, which also made everyone present understand that this generation of Red Dragon Emperor did not understand his influence in some aspects, and to put it bluntly, he had not yet grown up.

After all, it was also, Lias solved the cold weather there, and did not experience Aisia’s sadness, and was lucky to get the care of Yuto Kiba, and in some ways Issei and lucky grew up this step.

“However, I just want to protect my companions, and then I can have my own dependents and people I care about.”

Suddenly, he clenched his fists, as if he had thought of something, and Issei said his future goals with great interest.

Hearing this, Sazex, Asachel, and Michael also knew, although the Red Dragon Emperor did not have a pattern like WALL-E, at least it would not be belligerent, and it was more than enough than the top, and it was okay.

“Dependents, people who care, it’s really an ideal to see.”

As the governor of the fallen angels, Asachel shook his head and couldn’t help but sigh.

Just when everyone was speechless for Issei’s ideals.

A burst of power came, comparable to the release of the time power of the supreme demon.

At this time, in the conference room, the leaders of all parties also felt it, and together they used their abilities to protect the people around them.

Lias beside Cold Sky looked at the scene outside. Walk slowly to the window.

“This kind of power is Jaspar.”

“Yes, it seems that there is a problem with the research society.” The cold weather also responded.

At this moment-


There was a huge explosion from the outside world.

Jenova, who was holding the huge holy sword, also reacted. “What happened?”

Several people in the conference room looked moved, this important moment of the three-party talks, even if there were opponents in their respective strengths, they would not speak openly. Isn’t it good if something goes wrong?

However, now not only have people been banned by the artifact, but they have also sounded an explosion, which is really smashing.

“In this way, there are really some unexpected accidents.”

The governor of the fallen angel also changed his lazy appearance, took out the momentum of a big man, and walked to the window.

“Well, sure enough, it’s still the case, and the credit level has risen a lot.”

On the side, the cold sky put his hand against his head and admired.

Hearing that this Asachel almost broke the defense, good fellow, is the impression he usually gives people so bad?

“Yes, it was a real accident, it seems that we are surrounded.”

Smiling disdainfully, Sazex and Michael as seats also got up together.

The scene coming from outside the window was also like Asachel said. A group of guys in black robes densely surrounded the Juwang Academy. At the same time, demons, fallen angels, and warriors under the angels also fought one after another, but it seems that they were affected by Jasper’s artifact at the beginning, resulting in the current downfall.

“This group of people looks like magicians!” Everyone walked to the bed and looked at the existing situation.

“This group of people seems to be the group of magicians, the legendary magician Merlin Ambrose, after analyzing the magic power of the devil, formed something similar to magic magic. It seems that judging from the magic power released, each one has the appearance of an intermediate demon level. ”

The Fallen Angel Governor explained with a blank expression, and for this kind of research, everyone present could not compare to a Fallen Angel Governor.

“If you say so, a terrorist attack against the three major forces.”

“Well, forget it, the enchantment of this meeting was created by me and Asachel and Michael. With these points alone, there are very few people in the world who can break it. ”

Although it is a little arrogant, it is indeed the truth, do not underestimate the researchers, even the people who study the artifact are also the governors of the fallen angels.

Lucifer Sazex, the strongest demon king on the demon side, Michael the blazing angel on the celestial side, and Asachel the governor of the fallen angel. When the three join forces, it means that the three forces of the Bible have joined forces. No wonder there will be a terrorist attack, no one wants to have a big guy level on the side of their own forces to appear again.

In the Horse King Academy, the battle between demons, angels, fallen angels and magicians continues to unfold, although the strength is not as good as the three parties, but it can’t hold up many people, the magician’s side is a loss of a batch, not long after, another large number of magicians appear densely in the enchantment.

It’s like locusts, it’s really endless.

Looking at the scene of the anxious battle, the few people who were still observing in the conference room also understood that the mobile troops who could conceal the three forces to transport magicians in batches were definitely having incredible people doing the internal response.

Lias, who figured everything out, also looked at everyone.

“It seems that there must be a betrayer here.”

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