"Ah la la~! You're finally back? It looks like you had a good time yesterday, right?"

"Hehe! Of course, it's the best!"

Nachiyo sent Ibuki Suika back to Gensokyo, and as soon as he appeared, he saw the god sage with a face full of resentment, Modaro Okina

"I'm so sad that you guys went to the other world to play without me. I'm going to make a fuss!"

"You can't blame me for this, Sage Modaro. You weren't there at the time. If I didn't take you with me, that was the problem of the Yokai Sage. It has nothing to do with me."

Motaro Okina obviously knew this, and didn't say much. He left after chatting for a few words, as if he just came here to show his face.

"A new day starts with drinking, gurgle gurgle...hia~!!!"


Seeing Ibuki Suika drinking, Na Zhiyang finally decided not to say anything.

Drinking too much is indeed bad for one's health, but the key is...

Ibuki Suika is not a human, she is a monster, or a demon.

Why should we look at her from a human perspective?



Hearing the voice, Ibuki Suika turned around, her eyes full of confusion.

"Do you really not mind?"

"Why are you still talking about this now? We ghosts worship the strong, but we don't have the rules and regulations that you humans have."

At this point, Ibuki Suika's mouth suddenly turned to the side, and her expression became strange.

"Hey, hey! Yongyi and Huashan are also ghosts. Why don't you suppress them with force now and make them obey, and then we can go together! It will definitely be fun, hahahaha!"

"Hey, don't think of me as a pile driver...."...

Today's Mitakihara Middle School seems to be the same as usual, nothing is different.

People who should be dead are still alive, and people who should not exist are now here.

Kaname Madoka has been in a daze all day, not listening to anything the teacher said.

Next to her, Homura Akemi has been looking at her with a frown.

Homura Akemi has been thinking about the possibility of Madoka becoming like this. After thinking about it, the only thing left in her mind was the face that seemed to be so close.



She slammed her fist on the desk, attracting the attention of everyone in the classroom, including Kaname Madoka next to her and the teacher on the stage.

"Homura Akemi, do you have any questions?"


Excuse me , teacher, I feel a little unwell, can I go to the health room?...Bang!

The sliding door of the classroom opened and closed again. The class continued in the classroom. Kaname Madoka looked at the place where Akemi Homura left. I don't know what she was thinking....

"Xiaoyuan...Madoka! What are you thinking about? The get out of class is over."

"Eh? How come you guys already...Is it this time?"

After being pushed twice by Sakura Anzi, Kaname Madoka finally came to her senses.

When she came to her senses, she found that Tomoe Mami and Miki Sayaka were also there, and there were only four of them in the classroom.

She looked at the time and it was already 3:30 in the afternoon.

"Yes, why are you in a daze today? Is there something on your mind?

Before Kaname Madoka could say anything, Sakura Kyoko leaned forward and looked into Kaname Madoka's eyes.

"Oh, I see. Are you worried about the Witch Night tomorrow? Don't worry! We can definitely succeed."


"You will die."

Just as Sakura Kyoko finished her words, the classroom door suddenly opened and Akemi Homura walked in.

Her words were like a bucket of cold water poured down on her.

"Is that what you're going to say? We won't...Madoka?"

Before Tomoe Mami could finish her words, Kaname Madoka suddenly raised her hand and grabbed her arm to stop her from continuing.

"Stop talking, Mami-sister...Homura Akemi, will you come tomorrow?"

"..."Tsk! I'll go."

Homura Akemi was silent for a moment, then smacked her lips as if she had figured something out, saying she would go and then left.

Facing everyone's puzzled gazes, Kaname opened her mouth slightly, but quickly closed it again.

"Madoka, what happened?"

Mami was very worried about this situation. After all, she and Madoka had just exchanged true feelings two days ago.

Although she was almost beheaded, she was saved by a mysterious man....

There's a magical girl in the house...

"No...Nothing, really nothing"

"Did that guy Akemi Homura threaten you? I'll go find her now...."

"No! Wait, Sayaka! Don't go...."

The impatient Sakura Kyoko raised her leg and stepped on Kaname Maru's table.

"Then hurry up and tell us! Do you want to drive us crazy?"

"Wait, Xingzi, don't be anxious...."

""Huh~? Xiaoyuan has become like this now, and you still want me to not worry?"

Looking at her friends who were arguing for her, Kaname Madoka opened her mouth again, but couldn't say a word for a long time.

Finally, Kaname Madoka took a deep breath, nodded, and stood up, making a firm expression under the gaze of the three people around her.

"I'm very sorry, everyone, I have something to do today, so I'll leave first!"

"Eh? Wait, Madoka?"

Regardless of what others said, Madoka Kaname had already left the classroom.

The remaining three looked at each other and finally made a unanimous decision.

Follow and see!...

After leaving the school gate, Kaname Madoka looked around, not knowing what she was looking for.

After about 20 seconds, she raised her left hand in front of her body and clenched her fist, as if to cheer herself up, and trotted away. She didn't notice at all that there were three people following her.

She was very nervous now, and she kept looking around while walking, as if she had done something wrong and was afraid of being discovered.

When she reached the first intersection, she seemed to see something from a distance, and Kaname Madoka hid directly behind a telephone pole.

After a car drove past normally, Kaname Madoka breathed a sigh of relief, came out from behind the telephone pole, and prepared to cross the road.

On the roof of the building next to her, three magical girls who had already transformed were staring at Kaname Madoka,

"What do you think Xiaoyuan is doing? Why does she feel like a thief?"

"Kyoko, you can't say that. Madoka must have a secret that she doesn't want us to know."

"Ha ha...That being said, didn’t senior Mami catch up as well?"

""Hey! Don't worry about these details, let's catch up."

A few minutes later, a familiar person appeared in front of Madoka Kaname.

The person also stretched out his right hand to Madoka Kaname. Madoka hesitated for a moment and put her hand on it. The two continued to walk hand in hand.

"Eh? That person is not..."

Looking at the two holding hands, Tomoe felt a strange feeling in her heart, and she felt very uncomfortable.

For some reason, Tomoe couldn't tell for a moment.

Was this feeling for Madoka?

Or was it for...What about Zhiyang?

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