There is actually no rush for Kaname Madoka's situation.

The Witch Night was just because the witches were too powerful and the magical girls couldn't handle it.

The building-level magical girls couldn't handle the Witch Night of the block or the city, so Akemi Homura would go back in time again and again.

But what does this have to do with the hexagonal average continental level, and the full release of herself to the surface level?

It's just a Witch Night. I guess I don't even need special abilities, just physical strength, to break all the laws.

Hmm...So should Witch Night be killed or evolved?

Forget it, just kill her.

After Madoka becomes a god, the cause of the witch's appearance will be solved from a conceptual point of view, and naturally the subsequent consequences will not appear.

" do I...sleep..."Huh?"

Slowly opening her eyes, Homura Akemi found herself lying in someone's arms, and woke up instantly.

She stood up, then took out her gun and pointed it at the center of Zhiyang's forehead.


"Woohoo~, I was so kind to let you have a good night's sleep, and you just pointed a gun at me? I'm so sad~!"


Feeling as if a chill was creeping up her back, Homura Akemi immediately put away her gun, grabbed her right arm with her left hand, and kept rubbing it.

This was so disgusting that she had goose bumps....

"Hey! Okay, don't be so nervous. You got here by yourself. Think about it carefully."

"How is that possible?..."


At this moment, Homura Akemi recalled the fear of being dominated by sadness.

Her face flushed instantly. Yes, it really flushed instantly, and you could even hear the sound.

It seems that even if Homura Akemi has grown up in character after going back countless times, she is still a little girl after all.

However...It's mainly because of his physique, tsk tsk!

Na Zhiyang doesn't believe that his personal charm is that great, it's definitely because of his physique

"Feel sorry...What are you going to do?"

"Of course, I plan to invite her to join the group first, and then talk about other things. However, there are conditions for inviting her to join the group. She can only be invited if the conditions are met."

While speaking, Na Zhiyang showed the invitation conditions to Akemi Homura.

"this...You bt! Loli control!"

"What are you thinking? 90% favorability doesn't mean it has to be love, it's just a favorability, girl, your thinking is very unhealthy."

Being stared at by Najiyo's somewhat playful eyes, Akemi Homura unconsciously turned her eyes away, looked away, and finally turned away.

"Okay, okay, I won’t chat with you anymore. I’m going to go on a date with Xiaoyuan!"

"Varied...Wait a minute!"

Suddenly saying this, Homura Akemi turned around in fear.

But there was nothing behind her.

At this moment, Homura seemed to realize something, and immediately left home, transformed into a magical girl, paused time and rushed to Kaname Madoka's home....


"You woke up, congratulations, the operation was successful, you are now a boy"


Hearing this, Kaname Madoka suddenly stood up and lifted the quilt to take a look.

After confirming that she had not changed, she breathed a sigh of relief and turned to look at Nazhiyang next to her....

The scene freezes here.

Kaname Madoka is stunned. Najiyo is observing her.

Her medium-length pink hair is scattered on her shoulders, looking a little messy, but it does not affect her beauty.

Her round face with a stunned expression gives people an indescribable feeling.


The weird atmosphere lasted for more than ten seconds. Kaname Madoka finally reacted and grabbed the quilt to wrap herself.


His face gradually turned the same color as his hair, but Kaname Madoka remained silent.

""Okay, okay, I'll turn around, you hurry up and get dressed."

After saying this, Na Zhiyang turned his back to this side.

But after waiting for a while, he sensed that the little girl behind him did not move, so he turned around again.

Kaname Madoka was still the same, staring at him blankly, but the color on her face became darker.

"Put it on quickly...Could it be that you want me to help you?"

"No...No! Huh~...Please turn around."

Turning around again, Kaname Madoka began to dress, and during this time, Najiyo glanced at Akemi Homura.

Hmm....Are you coming soon?

Then change the speed of time in this room.

It can be seen that in this street where time has stopped, Homura Akemi is about to come here.

Na Zhiyang just operated it slightly, and then, from inside the room, Homura Akemi's movements have become extremely slow.

It seems that at least for now, Homura Akemi's time magic is not as good as the time control of the Eight Senses Eirin

"that...Who are you?"

"I am very happy to see you again, my dear little friend Madoka Kaname. After all, the last time we met was last time."

"I don't have any...Why are you in my house?"

Kaname Madoka looked a little nervous and gradually approached the window, as if she was about to jump out if something went wrong.

""Not really, why are you so nervous?"

The voice came from behind, and Lu Muyuan turned around suddenly and found that Zhiyang was very close, blocking the window.

"Just some...I'm scared. What's going on outside?"

It seems that Kaname Madoka's nervous mood is gradually calming down.

"The world is now in a state of time stop, Akemi Homura's time magic."

It's called time stop, but in fact it just stretches the time between one second and the next infinitely.

The real time stop, but even photons will be stopped.

These things are what I learned when I borrowed the world authority before.

"On the basis of stopping time, I will speed up the time in this room again, look there."

Then he pointed out the window, and Kaname Madoka looked in the direction of his finger.


Kaname Madoka easily spotted the only moving object.

However, the speed at which it landed was even faster than a snail.

"You just said...Speeding up time here?"

"That's right. Now, except for the three of us, no one else in the world is moving. We are walking, eating breakfast, and chatting while eating."


Na Zhiyang didn't care what Kaname Madoka said next, but opened the door and walked out.

Seeing this, Kaname Madoka hurried to follow.

When they came to the living room, they saw Kaname Shunko and Kaname Tatsuya sitting at the dining table, and Kaname Chihisa who was cooking.

Everyone stopped.

Na Zhiyang took a step back and came behind Kaname Madoka. With a thought, everything started to run normally and accelerated.

"Xunzi, the meal will be ready soon, go call Xiaoyuan..."Madoka?"

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