The three of them lay together, with Paimon in the middle.

Na Zhiyang studied the monster world for a while, but when he found no more results, he decided to go to sleep.

All he knew was that there were three question marks after his name, and that he couldn't get in.

Since he couldn't figure it out, it would be a waste of time to continue.

Just like studying, if you can't learn something, no matter how hard you try to memorize it, you will eventually forget it.

The three of them slept, but the group members wouldn't be so peaceful.

【(Chu 2) Takanashi Rikka: Uwaaa! What's going on? Is my side starting to merge?】

【(lovelive) Minami Kotori: What's wrong? Are the worlds going to merge again?】

【(One punch) Tornado: Isn’t it said to be a low probability event?】

【(One punch) Tornado: How come we’ve already run into this twice in just a few days since we joined the group?】

【(Anime) Rikka Takanashi: How long have you been in the group?】

【(Gensokyo) Kirisame Marisa: Eh? I joined the group with the group owner.】

【(Gensokyo) Kirisame Marisa: Today should be the tenth day in the group, no, it seems to be the eleventh day?】

【(Chu 2) Takanashi Rikka: Marisa and I joined the group on the same day】

【(Gensokyo) Kasumigaoka Utaha: I am a few hours later than the other two.】

【(One punch) Tornado: Is this what they call a small probability?】

【(lovelive) Minami Kotori: Haha...It happens three times in ten days. Is that really rare?】

【(Gensokyo) Kasumigaoka Utaha: Maybe it’s too little for the big data of ‘world’】

【(Chu 2) Takanashi Rikka: Eh? The fusion is over? Eh? Eh~?!!】

【(One punch) Tornado: This is too fast. Is it always like this?】

【(Gensokyo) Kirisame Marisa: I think so. It was the same with Shiyu that time.】

【(Gensokyo) Kirisame Marisa: I just came to my place and the fusion was completed not long ago】

【(Chu 2) Takanashi Rikka: I won't tell you anymore. I'll go see if there are any changes first.】

【(Comprehensive Anime) Rikka Takanashi: I had a private conversation with the Director of the Countermeasures Bureau today】

【(Comprehensive Anime) Rikka Takanashi: I was so nervous at that time, I was scared to death】

【(One punch) Tornado: Why did Saiki Kusuo want to talk to you alone?】

【(Comprehensive Anime) Rikka Takanashi: Hehehe! We discussed some important things together!】

【(Fantasy Village) Kirisame Marisa:...】

【(Gensokyo) Kirisame Marisa: Judging from the personality of the other Rikka, I don't think it's what you said.】

【(Comprehensive Anime) Rikka Takanashi: Hey hey hey...Exposed so soon?】

【(Gensokyo) Kasumigaoka Utaha: Okay, okay, let’s stop talking about this. What exactly happened?】

【(Comprehensive Animation) Takanashi Rikka: Yeah...Well, actually, at that time...】

Time goes back a little bit. In the world of anime, the main things have been said and everyone slowly dispersed.

Only the Takanashi sisters stayed here because Murasame Reion had just told them.

Saiki K. asked them to wait for a while because he had something to say.

In other words, it was not the two sisters who were waiting, but Takanashi Rikka.

Touka saw that her sister was left behind, so she also wanted to stay here to see what she wanted to do.

"This is a very strange thing. This is the first time I have encountered this. I can read the thoughts of everyone in the world in an instant, except you. Is it because of the chat group?"

When there were only four of them left, Saiki Kusuo said it very bluntly.


Seeing that Rikka Takanashi didn't seem to understand, Saiki K. explained it a little. Touka Takanashi next to her suddenly raised her hands and started to flip them in the air, but she didn't seem to realize it.

"I can control and modify the consciousness and memory of any creature on this planet at will, except you and the other person who came before me, Rikka Takanashi."

"This is a very strange feeling, so I want to talk to you and see if I can get some results that I can't imagine, um...I am deeply sorry for controlling your sister's behavior."

When saying these words, Saiki Kusuo's expression did not fluctuate at all, as if it was the so-called ruthless law of heaven.

"Actually, what I said before was just polite talk. I just felt a little bored because the world has remained the same for a long time, and I wanted to make some changes...."

After saying a lot of things and making Rikka Takanashi feel a little dizzy, Saiki K. finally finished speaking.

"What do you think about this? Ms. Takanashi Rikka"

"Hmm?...Forehead...Just follow your own ideas! Hmm!"

What was Xiaoniao Yulihua thinking at this time?

‘Wow! This is fucked up! This is fucked up! I didn't understand anything....What should I do? What should I do now? The director will definitely laugh at me....’

Many thoughts flashed through her mind, and Rikka Takanashi was ready to face strange looks, but...

Saiki Kusuo actually started to think seriously, and several minutes passed.

"Well, I see. Thank you very much for your answer. It is very helpful to me. Let's stop here today. Mio, please protect them in the future."

Murasame Reine nodded to show that she understood. The next second, all three of them appeared on the first floor of the Countermeasures Bureau.

There was only Kato Megumi who had been waiting for them. There was no one else here.

"How about it?"

"Ha ha...I don't think I understood it at all, but the chief did say that Lingyin should protect us."

"Hmm? But isn't Miss Lingyin an ordinary person?"

Kato Megumi looked at Murasame Lingyin in disbelief, while Touka Kotori seemed to have expected this.

"Alas! Since the Director has said so, I will not hide it from you...."

As she spoke, Murasame Reine's attire changed.

She was dressed in pure white, and her unique spiritual power emanated.

"Lingyin...You've kept this from us for a long time. You're actually an elf like Tohka and the others?"

【(Comprehensive Anime) Rikka Takanashi: That's what happened. Now we live with Reine and the other elves.】

【(Fantasy Village) Kirisame Marisa: Uh...As expected of a comic, there is even a battle date】

【(Gensokyo) Kirisame Marisa: Is Murasame Reine’s name Takamiya Mio?】

【(Comprehensive Anime) Rikka Takanashi: No, her name is just one word, Mio】

【(Comprehensive Anime) Rikka Takanashi: Just call us Reine when we are called】

【(Fantasy Village) Kirisame Marisa: Oh? Is this Mio who has never met Somiya Shinji? 】

(Tsk tsk! Only 60 people sent love messages three times yesterday, but I'll still send them out. If there aren't enough people tomorrow, I won't send more)

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