"Chat group...Are you sure it won't be dangerous to you? Rikka."

In the second year world, Touka Takanashi looked at her sister solemnly.

Rikka Takanashi had just performed something special.

That extraordinary power made Touka Takanashi feel relieved, but also more nervous.

"Isn't it safer to have power? This is what Marisa told me."


The two of them suddenly fell into silence, until one moment, Touka Kotori suddenly breathed a sigh of relief.

"Phew! If you want to go to other worlds in the future, you must tell me first, understand?"

"I understand, Holy Coordinator...No, sister!"

"It's been a long time since I heard this name, but since this matter has been decided, we have to talk about another matter now."At this moment, Touka Kotori no longer had the tension she had just faced in the face of the extraordinary event.

Her expression became extremely serious.

""Rikka, Mr. Kujuku Nanase, your homeroom teacher called me earlier and said that you cheated on the quiz and got full marks. What happened?"

Touka Takanashi's gaze was like a sharp sword, piercing Rikka Takanashi.

"I didn't cheat"

"Well, I know you can't cheat, so what's going on?"

The absolute trust from her sister touched Rikka Takanashi.

After arranging her words a little, she began to explain.

"Actually, I sorted out the high school knowledge and uploaded it to the chat group, and then downloaded it. Now I have mastered all the knowledge in high school."


It was impossible for Touka Kotori to not be shocked when she learned about this.

Even if you are the most talented person in the world, you can't guarantee that you have mastered all the knowledge in high school.

Not only high school, but also elementary school, because there will always be some mistakes and omissions.

"Rikka, you now have the top knowledge, so the next focus is on how to behave."What

Touka didn't expect was that after hearing what she said, Rikka Takanashi shook her head.

Then she spoke in a more mature manner.

"You are wrong, sister."

Tōka did not respond, but frowned, waiting for Rikka's next words.

"The focus now is to improve our strength. We have discussed this in the chat group. Strength is the foundation of everything."

"You may not be able to keep your money, you may be assassinated if you have power, and you may be betrayed if you have influence. Only your strength is truly yours."

Hearing her sister's rebellious speech, Touka Kotori's heart, which had just been put down, rose again.

"Rokka...Did someone in the group teach you this? Who told you this? Could it be the group owner?"

"No, it's Kasumigaoka Utaha."

After staring at her sister's eyes for a while, Touka Takanashi asked the next question.

"Do you know what she does?"

"Writer of novels"


I don't know why, but Touka understood what the other person was thinking.

Hmm, what? So you're writing novels, that's fine.

""Rikka, you need to think clearly about the reality. No matter how strong you are, can you resist nuclear weapons?"

Touka said earnestly, but Rikka, who has matured due to her strength, doesn't think so.

"It's not impossible...There are gods in other worlds, and worlds merge and so on...."


"Is this the Seven-Day Statue of the Rock God?"

""Hmm! Ying, touch it quickly! You can use it after it is purified!"

Listening to Paimon's words, Ying placed his right hand on the pillar under the statue.

In an instant, the originally polluted ground veins became unobstructed, and the statue seemed to have some connection with the underground through the ground veins.

The original red light on the statue disappeared, and the cube in his hand turned golden at this moment.

"Great! Now you can quickly travel between Mondstadt and Liyue"

"By the way, when you teleport, will Paimon also teleport with you?"

Ying didn't say anything, just nodded, but looking at her expression, she seemed to be thinking about something.

""Hehe! Of course I'm going with her! Let's go to Liyue Harbor quickly! At the current speed, we'll be there in a little while."

Paimeng took the initiative to fly to Ying's hand, and at this moment, he seemed to suddenly remember something.

"Liyue is a country of contracts, so you must not break the contract, okay? Otherwise, you will be fed stones by the God of Rock."


It's okay. If we combine the two of us, we can beat the Rock God....

As soon as the words came out, the sound of the wind made the two hear the sound of a rapid heartbeat in the distance.

"Hey~~! Why are you fighting?"

"Haha! It's just a joke. Besides, we are here to participate in the ceremony of inviting the immortals. Maybe we can even chat with the Rock God. Let's go!"

The three of them continued to take off in the same way as before.

【(Teyvat) Ying: @Nazhiyang, is there any problem with Paimon?】

【(Group leader) Na Zhiyang: I’m not sure yet, so I’ll just ignore it for now.】

【(Group owner) Na Zhiyang: Anyway, if there is any problem, there is still a chat group.】

【(Fantasy Village) Kasumigaoka Utaha: What happened to you guys? I said Paimon】

【(Group leader) Na Zhiyang: Nothing's wrong now, don't worry about it】

【(Teyvat) Ying: Don’t you want to do anything about the person who just eavesdropped on our conversation?】

【(Teyvat) Ying: And what you said later was specifically for her, right?】

【(Group leader) Na Zhiyang: It doesn’t matter, if she wants to listen, then she can listen.】

【(Group leader) Na Zhiyang: We have nothing to hide, right?】

【(Group leader) Na Zhiyang: And this time the ceremony of inviting the immortals will cause problems, so this can be considered as clearing the suspicion in advance.】

【(Teyvat) Ying: Well, what you said does make sense.】

【(Teyvat) Ying: Wait, do you know something?】

【(Teyvat) Ying: Have you also watched the anime from my world?】

【(Group leader) Na Zhiyang: Hey! I've played the game, and it's not finished yet.】

【(Group leader) Na Zhiyang: How is it? Do you want to plan what to do after you go to Liyue?】

【(Teyvat) Ying: What's the point of planning these? Let's talk about it when we get there.】

【(Chu 2) Rikka Takanashi: Can you tell me when you go?】

【(Chu 2) Takanashi Rikka: I want to take my sister to see that place】

【(Chu 2) Rikka Takanashi: I’ve been hearing you guys talking about how great Liyue is these past two days.】

【(Teyvat) Ying: Okay, Rikka! I'll call you when we get off.

Not long after the three of them took off, a woman with short brown hair and ordinary looks appeared here.

She stared at the direction the three of them left thoughtfully for a long time, then sighed.

"Someone in trouble has come to Liyue..."

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